Autodocs Libraries: graphics.library AddAnimOb AddBob AddFont AddVSprite AllocBitMap AllocDBufInfo AllocRaster AllocSpriteDataA AndRectRegion AndRegionRegion Animate AreaCircle AreaDraw AreaEllipse AreaEnd AreaMove AskFont AskSoftStyle AttachPalExtra AttemptLockLayerRom BestModeIDA BitMapScale BltBitMap BltBitMapRastPort BltClear BltMaskBitMapRastPort BltPattern BltTemplate CBump CEND CINIT CMOVE CWAIT CalcIVG ChangeExtSpriteA ChangeSprite ChangeVPBitMap ClearEOL ClearRectRegion ClearRegion ClearScreen ClipBlit CloseFont CloseMonitor CoerceMode CopySBitMap DisownBlitter DisposeRegion DoCollision Draw DrawEllipse DrawGList EraseRect ExtendFont FindColor FindDisplayInfo Flood FontExtent FreeBitMap FreeColorMap FreeCopList FreeCprList FreeDBufInfo FreeGBuffers FreeRaster FreeSprite FreeSpriteData FreeVPortCopLists GetAPen GetBPen GetBitMapAttr GetColorMap GetDisplayInfoData GetDrMd GetExtSpriteA GetGBuffers GetOPen GetRGB32 GetRGB4 GetRPAttrA GetSprite GetVPModeID GfxAssociate GfxFree GfxLookUp GfxNew InitArea InitBitMap InitGMasks InitGels InitMasks InitRastPort InitTmpRas InitVPort InitView LoadRGB32 LoadRGB4 LoadView LockLayerRom MakeVPort ModeNotAvailable Move MoveSprite MrgCop NewRegion NextDisplayInfo ObtainBestPenA ObtainPen OpenFont OpenMonitor OrRectRegion OrRegionRegion OwnBlitter PolyDraw QBSBlit QBlit ReadPixel ReadPixelArray8 ReadPixelLine8 RectFill ReleasePen RemBob RemFont RemIBob RemVSprite ScalerDiv ScrollRaster ScrollRasterBF ScrollVPort SetABPenDrMd SetAPen SetBPen SetChipRev SetCollision SetDrMd SetFont SetMaxPen SetOPen SetOutlinePen SetRGB32 SetRGB32CM SetRGB4 SetRGB4CM SetRPAttrA SetRast SetSoftStyle SetWriteMask SortGList StripFont SyncSBitMap Text TextExtent TextFit TextLength UnlockLayerRom VBeamPos VideoControl WaitBOVP WaitBlit WaitTOF WriteChunkyPixels WritePixel WritePixelArray8 WritePixelLine8 XorRectRegion XorRegionRegion Include GuruMeditation | NAMEBestModeIDA -- calculate the best ModeID with given parameters (V39) SYNOPSISID = BestModeIDA(TagItems) FUNCTIONTo determine the best ModeID to fit the parameters set in the TagList. INPUTSTagItems - A pointer to an array of TagItems. TAGSBIDTAG_DIPFMustHave (ULONG) - Mask of DIPF_ flags RESULTID - ID of the best mode to use, or INVALID_ID if a match could NOTESThis function takes into account the Compatability of the Monitor EXAMPLEIFF Display Program with a HAM image, to be displayed in the same SEE ALSO<graphics/modeid.h>, <graphics/displayinfo.h>Comments |
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