Autodocs Libraries: dos.library AbortPkt AddBuffers AddDosEntry AddPart AddSegment AllocDosObject AssignAdd AssignLate AssignLock AssignPath AttemptLockDosList ChangeMode CheckSignal Cli CliInitNewcli CliInitRun Close CompareDates CreateDir CreateNewProc CreateProc CurrentDir DateStamp DateToStr Delay DeleteFile DeleteVar DeviceProc DoPkt DupLock DupLockFromFH EndNotify ErrorReport ExAll ExAllEnd ExNext Examine ExamineFH Execute Exit FGetC FGets FPutC FPuts FRead FWrite Fault FilePart FindArg FindCliProc FindDosEntry FindSegment FindVar Flush Format FreeArgs FreeDeviceProc FreeDosEntry FreeDosObject GetArgStr GetConsoleTask GetCurrentDirName GetDeviceProc GetFileSysTask GetProgramDir GetProgramName GetPrompt GetVar Info Inhibit Input InternalLoadSeg InternalUnLoadSeg IoErr IsFileSystem IsInteractive LoadSeg Lock LockDosList LockRecord LockRecords MakeDosEntry MakeLink MatchEnd MatchFirst MatchNext MatchPattern MatchPatternNoCase MaxCli NameFromFH NameFromLock NewLoadSeg NextDosEntry Open OpenFromLock Output ParentDir ParentOfFH ParsePattern ParsePatternNoCase PathPart PrintFault PutStr Read ReadArgs ReadItem ReadLink Relabel RemAssignList RemDosEntry RemSegment Rename ReplyPkt RunCommand SameDevice SameLock Seek SelectInput SelectOutput SendPkt SetArgStr SetComment SetConsoleTask SetCurrentDirName SetFileDate SetFileSize SetFileSysTask SetIoErr SetMode SetOwner SetProgramDir SetProgramName SetPrompt SetProtection SetVBuf SetVar SplitName StartNotify StrToDate StrToLong SystemTagList UnGetC UnLoadSeg UnLock UnLockDosList UnLockRecord UnLockRecords VFPrintf VFWritef VPrintf WaitForChar WaitPkt Write WriteChars Include GuruMeditation | NAMESetFileSize -- Sets the size of a file (V36) SYNOPSISnewsize = SetFileSize(fh, offset, mode) FUNCTIONChanges the file size, truncating or extending as needed. Not all INPUTSfh - File to be truncated/extended. RESULTnewsize - position of new end-of-file or -1 for error. BUGSThe RAM: filesystem and the normal Amiga filesystem act differently SEE ALSOSeek()Comments |
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