Docs » Autodocs » dos.library » AddPart
AddPart -- Appends a file/dir to the end of a path (V36)
success = AddPart( dirname, filename, size ) D0 D1 D2 D3 BOOL AddPart( STRPTR, STRPTR, ULONG )
This function adds a file, directory, or subpath name to a directory path name taking into account any required separator characters. If filename is a fully-qualified path it will totally replace the current value of dirname.
dirname - the path to add a file/directory name to. filename - the filename or directory name to add. May be a relative pathname from the current directory (example: foo/bar). Can deal with leading '/'(s), indicating one directory up per '/', or with a ':', indicating it's relative to the root of the appropriate volume. size - size in bytes of the space allocated for dirname. Must not be 0.
success - non-zero for ok, FALSE if the buffer would have overflowed. If an overflow would have occured, dirname will not be changed.
Doesn't check if a subpath is legal (i.e. doesn't check for ':'s) and doesn't handle leading '/'s in 2.0 through 2.02 (V36). V37 fixes this, allowing filename to be any path, including absolute.
FilePart(), PathPart()