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Docs » Include » libraries » locale.h / .i
**	$VER: locale.h 38.12 (24.2.1993)
**	Includes Release 45.1
**	locale.library interface structures and definitions
**	(C) Copyright 1991-2001 Amiga, Inc.
**	All Rights Reserved


#ifndef EXEC_TYPES_H
#include <exec/types.h>

#ifndef EXEC_NODES_H
#include <exec/nodes.h>

#ifndef EXEC_LISTS_H
#include <exec/lists.h>

#include <exec/libraries.h>

#include <utility/tagitem.h>


/* constants for GetLocaleStr() */
#define DAY_1		1	/* Sunday    */
#define DAY_2		2	/* Monday    */
#define DAY_3		3	/* Tuesday   */
#define DAY_4		4	/* Wednesday */
#define DAY_5		5	/* Thursday  */
#define DAY_6		6	/* Friday    */
#define DAY_7		7	/* Saturday  */

#define ABDAY_1	8	/* Sun */
#define ABDAY_2	9	/* Mon */
#define ABDAY_3	10	/* Tue */
#define ABDAY_4	11	/* Wed */
#define ABDAY_5	12	/* Thu */
#define ABDAY_6	13	/* Fri */
#define ABDAY_7	14	/* Sat */

#define MON_1		15	/* January   */
#define MON_2		16	/* February  */
#define MON_3		17	/* March     */
#define MON_4		18	/* April     */
#define MON_5		19	/* May	     */
#define MON_6		20	/* June      */
#define MON_7		21	/* July      */
#define MON_8		22	/* August    */
#define MON_9		23	/* September */
#define MON_10		24	/* October   */
#define MON_11		25	/* November  */
#define MON_12		26	/* December  */

#define ABMON_1	27	/* Jan */
#define ABMON_2	28	/* Feb */
#define ABMON_3	29	/* Mar */
#define ABMON_4	30	/* Apr */
#define ABMON_5	31	/* May */
#define ABMON_6	32	/* Jun */
#define ABMON_7	33	/* Jul */
#define ABMON_8	34	/* Aug */
#define ABMON_9	35	/* Sep */
#define ABMON_10	36	/* Oct */
#define ABMON_11	37	/* Nov */
#define ABMON_12	38	/* Dec */

#define YESSTR		39	/* affirmative response for yes/no queries */
#define NOSTR		40	/* negative response for yes/no queries    */

#define AM_STR		41	/* AM */
#define PM_STR		42	/* PM */

#define SOFTHYPHEN	43	/* soft hyphenation */
#define HARDHYPHEN	44	/* hard hyphenation */

#define OPENQUOTE	45	/* start of quoted block */
#define CLOSEQUOTE	46	/* end of quoted block	 */

#define YESTERDAYSTR	47	/* Yesterday */
#define TODAYSTR	48	/* Today     */
#define TOMORROWSTR	49	/* Tomorrow  */
#define FUTURESTR	50	/* Future    */

#define MAXSTRMSG	51	/* current number of defined strings */


/* OpenLibrary("locale.library",0) returns a pointer to this structure */
struct LocaleBase
    struct Library lb_LibNode;
    BOOL	   lb_SysPatches;   /* TRUE if locale installed its patches */


/* This structure must only be allocated by locale.library and is READ-ONLY! */
struct Locale
    STRPTR  loc_LocaleName;	      /* locale's name		     */
    STRPTR  loc_LanguageName;	      /* language of this locale     */
    STRPTR  loc_PrefLanguages[10];    /* preferred languages	     */
    ULONG   loc_Flags;		      /* always 0 for now	     */

    ULONG   loc_CodeSet;	      /* always 0 for now	     */
    ULONG   loc_CountryCode;	      /* user's country code	     */
    ULONG   loc_TelephoneCode;	      /* country's telephone code    */
    LONG    loc_GMTOffset;	      /* minutes from GMT	     */
    UBYTE   loc_MeasuringSystem;      /* what measuring system?      */
    UBYTE   loc_CalendarType;	      /* what calendar type?	     */
    UBYTE   loc_Reserved0[2];

    STRPTR  loc_DateTimeFormat;       /* regular date & time format  */
    STRPTR  loc_DateFormat;	      /* date format by itself	     */
    STRPTR  loc_TimeFormat;	      /* time format by itself	     */

    STRPTR  loc_ShortDateTimeFormat;  /* short date & time format    */
    STRPTR  loc_ShortDateFormat;      /* short date format by itself */
    STRPTR  loc_ShortTimeFormat;      /* short time format by itself */

    /* for numeric values */
    STRPTR  loc_DecimalPoint;	      /* character before the decimals */
    STRPTR  loc_GroupSeparator;       /* separates groups of digits    */
    STRPTR  loc_FracGroupSeparator;   /* separates groups of digits    */
    UBYTE  *loc_Grouping;	      /* size of each group	       */
    UBYTE  *loc_FracGrouping;	      /* size of each group	       */

    /* for monetary values */
    STRPTR  loc_MonDecimalPoint;
    STRPTR  loc_MonGroupSeparator;
    STRPTR  loc_MonFracGroupSeparator;
    UBYTE  *loc_MonGrouping;
    UBYTE  *loc_MonFracGrouping;
    UBYTE   loc_MonFracDigits;	      /* digits after the decimal point   */
    UBYTE   loc_MonIntFracDigits;     /* for international representation */
    UBYTE   loc_Reserved1[2];

    /* for currency symbols */
    STRPTR  loc_MonCS;		      /* currency symbol	      */
    STRPTR  loc_MonSmallCS;	      /* symbol for small amounts     */
    STRPTR  loc_MonIntCS;	      /* internationl (ISO 4217) code */

    /* for positive monetary values */
    STRPTR  loc_MonPositiveSign;      /* indicate positive money value	 */
    UBYTE   loc_MonPositiveSpaceSep;  /* determine if separated by space */
    UBYTE   loc_MonPositiveSignPos;   /* position of positive sign	 */
    UBYTE   loc_MonPositiveCSPos;     /* position of currency symbol	 */
    UBYTE   loc_Reserved2;

    /* for negative monetary values */
    STRPTR  loc_MonNegativeSign;      /* indicate negative money value	 */
    UBYTE   loc_MonNegativeSpaceSep;  /* determine if separated by space */
    UBYTE   loc_MonNegativeSignPos;   /* position of negative sign	 */
    UBYTE   loc_MonNegativeCSPos;     /* position of currency symbol	 */
    UBYTE   loc_Reserved3;

/* constants for Locale.loc_MeasuringSystem */
#define MS_ISO		0	/* international metric system */
#define MS_AMERICAN	1	/* american system	       */
#define MS_IMPERIAL	2	/* imperial system	       */
#define MS_BRITISH	3	/* british system	       */

/* constants for Locale.loc_CalendarType */
#define CT_7SUN 0   /* 7 days a week, Sunday is the first day	 */
#define CT_7MON 1   /* 7 days a week, Monday is the first day	 */
#define CT_7TUE 2   /* 7 days a week, Tuesday is the first day	 */
#define CT_7WED 3   /* 7 days a week, Wednesday is the first day */
#define CT_7THU 4   /* 7 days a week, Thursday is the first day  */
#define CT_7FRI 5   /* 7 days a week, Friday is the first day	 */
#define CT_7SAT 6   /* 7 days a week, Saturday is the first day  */

/* constants for Locale.loc_MonPositiveSpaceSep and Locale.loc_MonNegativeSpaceSep */
#define SS_NOSPACE 0  /* cur. symbol is NOT separated from value with a space */
#define SS_SPACE   1  /* cur. symbol IS separated from value with a space     */

/* constants for Locale.loc_MonPositiveSignPos and Locale.loc_MonNegativeSignPos */
#define SP_PARENS    0	/* () surround the quantity and currency_symbol   */
#define SP_PREC_ALL  1	/* sign string comes before amount and symbol	  */
#define SP_SUCC_ALL  2	/* sign string comes after amount and symbol	  */
#define SP_PREC_CURR 3	/* sign string comes right before currency symbol */
#define SP_SUCC_CURR 4	/* sign string comes right after currency symbol  */

/* constants for Locale.loc_MonPositiveCSPos and Locale.loc_MonNegativeCSPos */
#define CSP_PRECEDES 0	/* currency symbol comes before value */
#define CSP_SUCCEEDS 1	/* currency symbol comes after value  */

/* elements of the byte arrays pointed to by:
 *   Locale.loc_Grouping
 *   Locale.loc_FracGrouping
 *   Locale.loc_MonGrouping
 *   Locale.loc_MonFracGrouping
 * are interpreted as follows:
 *    255     indicates that no further grouping is to be performed
 *    0       indicates that the previous element is to be repeatedly used
 *	      for the remainder of the digits
 *    <other> the number of digits that comprises the current group


/* Tags for OpenCatalog() */
#define OC_TagBase	   (TAG_USER + 0x90000)
#define OC_BuiltInLanguage OC_TagBase+1   /* language of built-in strings    */
#define OC_BuiltInCodeSet  OC_TagBase+2   /* code set of built-in strings    */
#define OC_Version	   OC_TagBase+3   /* catalog version number required */
#define OC_Language	   OC_TagBase+4   /* preferred language of catalog   */


/* Comparison types for StrnCmp() */
#define SC_ASCII    0
#define SC_COLLATE1 1
#define SC_COLLATE2 2


/* This structure must only be allocated by locale.library and is READ-ONLY! */
struct Catalog
    struct Node cat_Link;	/* for internal linkage    */
    UWORD	cat_Pad;	/* to longword align	   */
    STRPTR	cat_Language;	/* language of the catalog */
    ULONG	cat_CodeSet;	/* currently always 0	   */
    UWORD	cat_Version;	/* version of the catalog  */
    UWORD	cat_Revision;	/* revision of the catalog */




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