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**	$VER: utility_pragmas.h 40.1 (17.5.1996)
**	Direct ROM interface (pragma) definitions.
**	Copyright © 2001 Amiga, Inc.
**	    All Rights Reserved

#if defined(LATTICE) || defined(__SASC) || defined(_DCC)
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
#else /* __MAXON__, __STORM__ or AZTEC_C */
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_AMICALL */
#endif /* */

#if defined(__SASC) || defined(__STORM__)
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_TAGCALL */
#endif /* __MAXON__, __STORM__ or AZTEC_C */

#include <clib/utility_protos.h>

/*--- functions in V36 or higher (Release 2.0) ---*/

/* Tag item functions */

 #pragma libcall UtilityBase FindTagItem 1e 8002
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
 #pragma libcall UtilityBase GetTagData 24 81003
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
 #pragma libcall UtilityBase PackBoolTags 2a 98003
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
 #pragma libcall UtilityBase NextTagItem 30 801
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
 #pragma libcall UtilityBase FilterTagChanges 36 09803
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
 #pragma libcall UtilityBase MapTags 3c 09803
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
 #pragma libcall UtilityBase AllocateTagItems 42 001
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
 #pragma libcall UtilityBase CloneTagItems 48 801
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
 #pragma libcall UtilityBase FreeTagItems 4e 801
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
 #pragma libcall UtilityBase RefreshTagItemClones 54 9802
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
 #pragma libcall UtilityBase TagInArray 5a 8002
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
 #pragma libcall UtilityBase FilterTagItems 60 09803
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */

/* Hook functions */

 #pragma libcall UtilityBase CallHookPkt 66 9A803
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
/*--- (1 function slot reserved here) ---*/

/* Date functions */

/*--- (1 function slot reserved here) ---*/
 #pragma libcall UtilityBase Amiga2Date 78 8002
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
 #pragma libcall UtilityBase Date2Amiga 7e 801
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
 #pragma libcall UtilityBase CheckDate 84 801
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */

/* 32 bit integer muliply functions */

 #pragma libcall UtilityBase SMult32 8a 1002
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
 #pragma libcall UtilityBase UMult32 90 1002
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */

/* 32 bit integer division funtions. The quotient and the remainder are */
/* returned respectively in d0 and d1 */

 #pragma libcall UtilityBase SDivMod32 96 1002
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
 #pragma libcall UtilityBase UDivMod32 9c 1002
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
/*--- functions in V37 or higher (Release 2.04) ---*/

/* International string routines */

 #pragma libcall UtilityBase Stricmp a2 9802
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
 #pragma libcall UtilityBase Strnicmp a8 09803
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
 #pragma libcall UtilityBase ToUpper ae 001
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
 #pragma libcall UtilityBase ToLower b4 001
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
/*--- functions in V39 or higher (Release 3) ---*/

/* More tag Item functions */

 #pragma libcall UtilityBase ApplyTagChanges ba 9802
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
/*--- (1 function slot reserved here) ---*/

/* 64 bit integer muliply functions. The results are 64 bit quantities */
/* returned in D0 and D1 */

 #pragma libcall UtilityBase SMult64 c6 1002
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
 #pragma libcall UtilityBase UMult64 cc 1002
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */

/* Structure to Tag and Tag to Structure support routines */

 #pragma libcall UtilityBase PackStructureTags d2 A9803
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
 #pragma libcall UtilityBase UnpackStructureTags d8 A9803
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */

/* New, object-oriented NameSpaces */

 #pragma libcall UtilityBase AddNamedObject de 9802
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
 #pragma libcall UtilityBase AllocNamedObjectA e4 9802
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
  #pragma tagcall UtilityBase AllocNamedObject e4 9802
 #endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_TAGCALL */
 #pragma libcall UtilityBase AttemptRemNamedObject ea 801
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
 #pragma libcall UtilityBase FindNamedObject f0 A9803
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
 #pragma libcall UtilityBase FreeNamedObject f6 801
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
 #pragma libcall UtilityBase NamedObjectName fc 801
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
 #pragma libcall UtilityBase ReleaseNamedObject 102 801
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */
 #pragma libcall UtilityBase RemNamedObject 108 9802
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */

/* Unique ID generator */

 #pragma libcall UtilityBase GetUniqueID 10e 00
#endif /* __CLIB_PRAGMA_LIBCALL */

/*--- (4 function slots reserved here) ---*/



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