Autodocs Include classes clib datatypes devices diskfont dos exec gadgets graphics hardware images intuition libraries HDW_CallBackMsgs.h amigaguide.i / .h aml.h asl.i / .h commodities.i / .h configregs.i / .h configvars.i / .h diskfont.i / .h diskfonttag.h dos.i / .h dos_lib.i dosextens.i / .h expansion.i / .h expansionbase.i / .h filehandler.i / .h gadtools.i / .h hdwrench.h iffparse.i / .h locale.i / .h lowlevel.i / .h mathffp.h mathieeedp.h mathieeesp.h mathlibrary.i / .h mathresource.i / .h nonvolatile.i / .h realtime.i / .h resource.h translator.i / .h pragma pragmas prefs proto reaction resources rexx utility workbench GuruMeditation | IFND LIBRARIES_NONVOLATILE_I LIBRARIES_NONVOLATILE_I SET 1 ** ** $VER: nonvolatile.i 40.10 (3.8.1993) ** Includes Release 45.1 ** ** nonvolatile.library interface structures and definitions. ** ** (C) Copyright 1992-2001 Amiga, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved ** ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- IFND EXEC_TYPES_I INCLUDE "exec/types.i" ENDC IFND EXEC_NODES_I INCLUDE "exec/nodes.i" ENDC ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRUCTURE NVInfo,0 ULONG nvi_MaxStorage ULONG nvi_FreeStorage LABEL NVINFO_SIZE ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRUCTURE NVEntry,0 STRUCT nve_Node,MLN_SIZE APTR nve_Name ULONG nve_Size ULONG nve_Protection LABEL NVENTRY_SIZE ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Bit definitions for mask in SetNVProtection(). Also used for ; NVEntry.nve_Protection. BITDEF NVE,DELETE,0 BITDEF NVE,APPNAME,31 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; errors from StoreNV() NVERR_BADNAME equ 1 NVERR_WRITEPROT equ 2 NVERR_FAIL equ 3 NVERR_FATAL equ 4 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; determines the size of data returned by this library SizeNVData MACRO ;DataPtr SizeReg move.l -4(/1),/2 subq.l #4,/2 ENDM ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENDC ; LIBRARIES_NONVOLATILE_I Comments |
$VER: 1.14 Copyright © 2011-2024 Tobias Geijersson support at d0 dot se |