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![]() Autodocs Include classes clib datatypes devices diskfont dos exec gadgets graphics hardware images intuition libraries HDW_CallBackMsgs.h amigaguide.i / .h aml.h asl.i / .h commodities.i / .h configregs.i / .h configvars.i / .h diskfont.i / .h diskfonttag.h dos.i / .h dos_lib.i dosextens.i / .h expansion.i / .h expansionbase.i / .h filehandler.i / .h gadtools.i / .h hdwrench.h iffparse.i / .h locale.i / .h lowlevel.i / .h mathffp.h mathieeedp.h mathieeesp.h mathlibrary.i / .h mathresource.i / .h nonvolatile.i / .h realtime.i / .h resource.h translator.i / .h pragma pragmas prefs proto reaction resources rexx utility workbench GuruMeditation | IFND LIBRARIES_ASL_I LIBRARIES_ASL_I SET 1 ** ** $VER: asl.i 45.2 (18.11.2000) ** Includes Release 45.1 ** ** ASL library structures and constants ** ** Copyright © 1989-2001 Amiga, Inc. ** Copyright © 1989-1990 Charlie Heath ** All Rights Reserved ** ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- IFND EXEC_TYPES_I INCLUDE "exec/types.i" ENDC IFND EXEC_NODES_I INCLUDE "exec/nodes.i" ENDC IFND EXEC_SEMAPHORES_I INCLUDE "exec/semaphores.i" ENDC IFND GRAPHICS_TEXT_I INCLUDE "graphics/text.i" ENDC IFND GRAPHICS_DISPLAYINFO_I INCLUDE "graphics/displayinfo.i" ENDC ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- AslName MACRO DC.B 'asl.library',0 ENDM ASL_TB equ (TAG_USER+$80000) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Types of requesters known to ASL, used as arguments to AllocAslRequest() ASL_FileRequest equ 0 ASL_FontRequest equ 1 ASL_ScreenModeRequest equ 2 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;* ;* ASL File Requester data structures and constants ;* ;* This structure must only be allocated by asl.library amd is READ-ONLY! ;* Control of the various fields is provided via tags when the requester ;* is created with AllocAslRequest() and when it is displayed via ;* AslRequest() ;* STRUCTURE FileRequester,4 APTR fr_File ; Contents of File gadget on exit APTR fr_Drawer ; Contents of Drawer gadget on exit STRUCT fr_Reserved1,10 WORD fr_LeftEdge ; Coordinates of requester on exit WORD fr_TopEdge WORD fr_Width WORD fr_Height STRUCT fr_Reserved2,2 LONG fr_NumArgs ; Number of files selected APTR fr_ArgList ; List of files selected APTR fr_UserData ; You can store your own data here STRUCT fr_Reserved3,8 APTR fr_Pattern ; Contents of Pattern gadget on exit ; File requester tag values, used by AllocAslRequest() and AslRequest() ; Window control ASLFR_Window equ ASL_TB+2 ; Parent window ASLFR_Screen equ ASL_TB+40 ; Screen to open on if no window ASLFR_PubScreenName equ ASL_TB+41 ; Name of public screen ASLFR_PrivateIDCMP equ ASL_TB+42 ; Allocate private IDCMP? ASLFR_IntuiMsgFunc equ ASL_TB+70 ; Function to handle IntuiMessages ASLFR_SleepWindow equ ASL_TB+43 ; Block input in ASLFR_Window? ASLFR_UserData equ ASL_TB+52 ; What to put in fr_UserData ASLFR_PopToFront equ ASL_TB+131 ; Make the requester window visible ; when it opens (V44) ASLFR_Activate equ ASL_TB+132 ; Activate the requester window when ; it opens (V45). ; Text display ASLFR_TextAttr equ ASL_TB+51 ; Text font to use for gadget text ASLFR_Locale equ ASL_TB+50 ; Locale ASL should use for text ASLFR_TitleText equ ASL_TB+1 ; Title of requester ASLFR_PositiveText equ ASL_TB+18 ; Positive gadget text ASLFR_NegativeText equ ASL_TB+19 ; Negative gadget text ; Initial settings ASLFR_InitialLeftEdge equ ASL_TB+3 ; Initial requester coordinates ASLFR_InitialTopEdge equ ASL_TB+4 ASLFR_InitialWidth equ ASL_TB+5 ; Initial requester dimensions ASLFR_InitialHeight equ ASL_TB+6 ASLFR_InitialFile equ ASL_TB+8 ; Initial contents of File gadget ASLFR_InitialDrawer equ ASL_TB+9 ; Initial contents of Drawer gadget ASLFR_InitialPattern equ ASL_TB+10 ; Initial contents of Pattern gadget ASLFR_InitialShowVolumes equ ASL_TB+130 ; Initially, show the volume list ; Options ASLFR_Flags1 equ ASL_TB+20 ; Option flags ASLFR_Flags2 equ ASL_TB+22 ; Additional option flags ASLFR_DoSaveMode equ ASL_TB+44 ; Being used for saving? ASLFR_DoMultiSelect equ ASL_TB+45 ; Do multi-select? ASLFR_DoPatterns equ ASL_TB+46 ; Display a Pattern gadget? ; Filtering ASLFR_DrawersOnly equ ASL_TB+47 ; Don't display files? ASLFR_FilterFunc equ ASL_TB+49 ; Function to filter files ASLFR_RejectIcons equ ASL_TB+60 ; Display .info files? ASLFR_RejectPattern equ ASL_TB+61 ; Don't display files matching pattern ASLFR_AcceptPattern equ ASL_TB+62 ; Accept only files matching pattern ASLFR_FilterDrawers equ ASL_TB+63 ; Also filter drawers with patterns ASLFR_HookFunc equ ASL_TB+7 ; Combined callback function ; Sorting ASLFR_SetSortBy equ ASL_TB+124 ; Sort criteria (name, date, size) ASLFR_GetSortBy equ ASL_TB+125 ASLFR_SetSortDrawers equ ASL_TB+126 ; Placement of drawers in the list ASLFR_GetSortDrawers equ ASL_TB+127 ASLFR_SetSortOrder equ ASL_TB+128 ; Order (ascending or descending) ASLFR_GetSortOrder equ ASL_TB+129 ; Flag bits for the ASLFR_Flags1 tag BITDEF FR,DOWILDFUNC,7 BITDEF FR,DOMSGFUNC,6 BITDEF FR,DOSAVEMODE,5 BITDEF FR,PRIVATEIDCMP,4 BITDEF FR,DOMULTISELECT,3 BITDEF FR,DOPATTERNS,0 ; Flag bits for the ASLFR_Flags2 tag BITDEF FR,DRAWERSONLY,0 BITDEF FR,FILTERDRAWERS,1 BITDEF FR,REJECTICONS,2 ; Sort criteria for the ASLFR_SetSortBy/ASLFR_GetSortBy tags ASLFRSORTBY_Name equ 0 ASLFRSORTBY_Date equ 1 ASLFRSORTBY_Size equ 2 ; Drawer placement for the ASLFR_SetSortDrawers/ASLFR_GetSortDrawers tags ASLFRSORTDRAWERS_First equ 0 ASLFRSORTDRAWERS_Mix equ 1 ASLFRSORTDRAWERS_Last equ 2 ; Sort order for the ASLFR_SetSortOrder/ASLFR_GetSortOrder tags ASLFRSORTORDER_Ascend equ 0 ASLFRSORTORDER_Descend equ 1 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;* ;* ASL Font Requester data structures and constants ;* ;* This structure must only be allocated by asl.library amd is READ-ONLY! ;* Control of the various fields is provided via tags when the requester ;* is created with AllocAslRequest() and when it is displayed via ;* AslRequest() ;* STRUCTURE FontRequester,8 STRUCT fo_Attr,ta_SIZEOF ; Returned TextAttr UBYTE fo_FrontPen ; Returned front pen UBYTE fo_BackPen ; Returned back pen UBYTE fo_DrawMode ; Returned drawing mode UBYTE fo_Reserved1 APTR fo_UserData ; You can store your own data here WORD fo_LeftEdge ; Coordinates of requester on exit WORD fo_TopEdge WORD fo_Width WORD fo_Height STRUCT fo_TAttr,tta_SIZEOF ; Returned TTextAttr ; Font requester tag values, used by AllocAslRequest() and AslRequest() ; Window control ASLFO_Window equ ASL_TB+2 ; Parent window ASLFO_Screen equ ASL_TB+40 ; Screen to open on if no window ASLFO_PubScreenName equ ASL_TB+41 ; Name of public screen ASLFO_PrivateIDCMP equ ASL_TB+42 ; Allocate private IDCMP? ASLFO_IntuiMsgFunc equ ASL_TB+70 ; Function to handle IntuiMessages ASLFO_SleepWindow equ ASL_TB+43 ; Block input in ASLFO_Window? ASLFO_UserData equ ASL_TB+52 ; What to put in fo_UserData ASLFO_PopToFront equ ASL_TB+131 ; Make the requester window visible ; when it opens (V44) ASLFO_Activate equ ASL_TB+132 ; Activate the requester window when ; it opens (V45). ; Text display ASLFO_TextAttr equ ASL_TB+51 ; Text font to use for gadget text ASLFO_Locale equ ASL_TB+50 ; Locale ASL should use for text ASLFO_TitleText equ ASL_TB+1 ; Title of requester ASLFO_PositiveText equ ASL_TB+18 ; Positive gadget text ASLFO_NegativeText equ ASL_TB+19 ; Negative gadget text ; Initial settings ASLFO_InitialLeftEdge equ ASL_TB+3 ; Initial requester coordinates ASLFO_InitialTopEdge equ ASL_TB+4 ASLFO_InitialWidth equ ASL_TB+5 ; Initial requester dimensions ASLFO_InitialHeight equ ASL_TB+6 ASLFO_InitialName equ ASL_TB+10 ; Initial contents of Name gadget ASLFO_InitialSize equ ASL_TB+11 ; Initial contents of Size gadget ASLFO_InitialStyle equ ASL_TB+12 ; Initial font style ASLFO_InitialFlags equ ASL_TB+13 ; Initial font flags for TextAttr ASLFO_InitialFrontPen equ ASL_TB+14 ; Initial front pen ASLFO_InitialBackPen equ ASL_TB+15 ; Initial back pen ASLFO_InitialDrawMode equ ASL_TB+59 ; Initial draw mode ; Options ASLFO_Flags equ ASL_TB+20 ; Option flags ASLFO_DoFrontPen equ ASL_TB+44 ; Display Front color selector? ASLFO_DoBackPen equ ASL_TB+45 ; Display Back color selector? ASLFO_DoStyle equ ASL_TB+46 ; Display Style checkboxes? ASLFO_DoDrawMode equ ASL_TB+47 ; Display DrawMode cycle gadget? ASLFO_SampleText equ ASL_TB+133 ; Text to display in font sample area (V45) ; Filtering ASLFO_FixedWidthOnly equ ASL_TB+48 ; Only allow fixed-width fonts? ASLFO_MinHeight equ ASL_TB+16 ; Minimum font height to display ASLFO_MaxHeight equ ASL_TB+17 ; Maximum font height to display ASLFO_FilterFunc equ ASL_TB+49 ; Function to filter fonts ASLFO_HookFunc equ ASL_TB+7 ; Combined callback function ASLFO_MaxFrontPen equ ASL_TB+66 ; Max # of colors in front palette ASLFO_MaxBackPen equ ASL_TB+67 ; Max # of colors in back palette ; Custom additions ASLFO_ModeList equ ASL_TB+21 ; Substitute list for drawmodes ASLFO_FrontColors equ ASL_TB+64 ; Color table for front pen palette ASLFO_BackColors equ ASL_TB+65 ; Color table for back pen palette ; Flag bits for ASLFO_Flags tag BITDEF FO,DOFRONTPEN,0 BITDEF FO,DOBACKPEN,1 BITDEF FO,DOFONTSTYLE,2 BITDEF FO,DODRAWMODE,3 BITDEF FO,FIXEDWIDTHONLY,4 BITDEF FO,PRIVATE,5 BITDEF FO,DOMSGFUNC,6 BITDEF FO,DOWILDFUNC,7 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;* ;* ASL ScreenMode Requester data structures and constants ;* ;* This structure must only be allocated by asl.library and is READ-ONLY! ;* Control of the various fields is provided via tags when the requester ;* is created with AllocAslRequest() and when it is displayed via ;* AslRequest() ;* STRUCTURE ScreenModeRequester,0 ULONG sm_DisplayID ; Display mode ID ULONG sm_DisplayWidth ; Width of display in pixels ULONG sm_DisplayHeight ; Height of display in pixels UWORD sm_DisplayDepth ; Number of bit-planes of display UWORD sm_OverscanType ; Type of overscan of display UWORD sm_AutoScroll ; Display should auto-scroll? ULONG sm_BitMapWidth ; Used to create your own BitMap ULONG sm_BitMapHeight WORD sm_LeftEdge ; Coordinates of requester on exit WORD sm_TopEdge WORD sm_Width WORD sm_Height BOOL sm_InfoOpened ; Info window opened on exit? WORD sm_InfoLeftEdge ; Last coordinates of Info window WORD sm_InfoTopEdge WORD sm_InfoWidth WORD sm_InfoHeight APTR sm_UserData ; You can store your own data here ;* An Exec list of custom modes can be added to the list of available modes. ;* The DimensionInfo structure must be completely initialized, including the ;* Header. See <graphics/displayinfo.h>. Custom mode ID's must be in the range ;* 0xFFFF0000..0xFFFFFFFF. Regular properties which apply to your custom modes ;* can be added in the dn_PropertyFlags field. Custom properties are not ;* allowed. ;* STRUCTURE DisplayMode,LN_SIZE ; see ln_Name STRUCT dm_DimensionInfo,dim_SIZEOF ; mode description ULONG dm_PropertyFlags ; applicable properties LABEL DisplayMode_SIZEOF ; ScreenMode requester tag values, used by AllocAslRequest() and AslRequest() ; Window control ASLSM_Window equ ASL_TB+2 ; Parent window ASLSM_Screen equ ASL_TB+40 ; Screen to open on if no window ASLSM_PubScreenName equ ASL_TB+41 ; Name of public screen ASLSM_PrivateIDCMP equ ASL_TB+42 ; Allocate private IDCMP? ASLSM_IntuiMsgFunc equ ASL_TB+70 ; Function to handle IntuiMessages ASLSM_SleepWindow equ ASL_TB+43 ; Block input in ASLSM_Window? ASLSM_UserData equ ASL_TB+52 ; What to put in sm_UserData ASLSM_PopToFront equ ASL_TB+131 ; Make the requester window visible ; when it opens (V44) ASLSM_Activate equ ASL_TB+132 ; Activate the requester window when ; it opens (V45). ; Text display ASLSM_TextAttr equ ASL_TB+51 ; Text font to use for gadget text ASLSM_Locale equ ASL_TB+50 ; Locale ASL should use for text ASLSM_TitleText equ ASL_TB+1 ; Title of requester ASLSM_PositiveText equ ASL_TB+18 ; Positive gadget text ASLSM_NegativeText equ ASL_TB+19 ; Negative gadget text ; Initial settings ASLSM_InitialLeftEdge equ ASL_TB+3 ; Initial requester coordinates ASLSM_InitialTopEdge equ ASL_TB+4 ASLSM_InitialWidth equ ASL_TB+5 ; Initial requester dimensions ASLSM_InitialHeight equ ASL_TB+6 ASLSM_InitialDisplayID equ ASL_TB+100 ; Initial display mode id ASLSM_InitialDisplayWidth equ ASL_TB+101 ; Initial display width ASLSM_InitialDisplayHeight equ ASL_TB+102 ; Initial display height ASLSM_InitialDisplayDepth equ ASL_TB+103 ; Initial display depth ASLSM_InitialOverscanType equ ASL_TB+104 ; Initial type of overscan ASLSM_InitialAutoScroll equ ASL_TB+105 ; Initial autoscroll setting ASLSM_InitialInfoOpened equ ASL_TB+106 ; Info wndw initially opened? ASLSM_InitialInfoLeftEdge equ ASL_TB+107 ; Initial Info window coords. ASLSM_InitialInfoTopEdge equ ASL_TB+108 ; Options ASLSM_DoWidth equ ASL_TB+109 ; Display Width gadget? ASLSM_DoHeight equ ASL_TB+110 ; Display Height gadget? ASLSM_DoDepth equ ASL_TB+111 ; Display Depth gadget? ASLSM_DoOverscanType equ ASL_TB+112 ; Display Overscan Type gadget? ASLSM_DoAutoScroll equ ASL_TB+113 ; Display AutoScroll gadget? ; Filtering ASLSM_PropertyFlags equ ASL_TB+114 ; Must have these Property flags ASLSM_PropertyMask equ ASL_TB+115 ; Only these should be looked at ASLSM_MinWidth equ ASL_TB+116 ; Minimum display width to allow ASLSM_MaxWidth equ ASL_TB+117 ; Maximum display width to allow ASLSM_MinHeight equ ASL_TB+118 ; Minimum display height to allow ASLSM_MaxHeight equ ASL_TB+119 ; Maximum display height to allow ASLSM_MinDepth equ ASL_TB+120 ; Minimum display depth ASLSM_MaxDepth equ ASL_TB+121 ; Maximum display depth ASLSM_FilterFunc equ ASL_TB+122 ; Function to filter mode id's ; Custom additions ASLSM_CustomSMList equ ASL_TB+123 ; Exec list of struct DisplayMode ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; This defines the rendezvous data for setting and querying asl.library's ; defaults for the window size and the file requester sort order. The name ; of the semaphore is given below; it exists only with asl.library V45 and ; IPrefs V45 and beyond. ASL_SEMAPHORE_NAME macro DC.B 'asl.library',0 ENDM STRUCTURE AslSemaphore STRUCT as_Semaphore,SS_SIZE UWORD as_Version ; Must be >= 45 ULONG as_Size ; Size of this data structure. UBYTE as_SortBy ; File requester defaults; name, date or size UBYTE as_SortDrawers ; File requester defaults; first, mix or last UBYTE as_SortOrder ; File requester defaults; ascending or descending UBYTE as_SizePosition ; See below WORD as_RelativeLeft ; Window position offset WORD as_RelativeTop UBYTE as_RelativeWidth ; Window size factor; this is ; a percentage of the parent ; window/screen width. UBYTE as_RelativeHeight LABEL AslSemaphore_SIZEOF ; Default position of the ASL window ASLPOS_DefaultPosition EQU 0 ; Position is calculated according to the builtin rules. ASLPOS_CenterWindow EQU 1 ; Centred within the bounds of the parent window. ASLPOS_CenterScreen EQU 2 ; Centred within the bounds of the parent screen. ASLPOS_WindowPosition EQU 3 ; Relative to the top left corner of the parent window, ; using the offset values provided in the ; as_RelativeLeft/as_RelativeTop members. ASLPOS_ScreenPosition EQU 4 ; Relative to the top left corner of the parent screen, ; using the offset values provided in the ; as_RelativeLeft/as_RelativeTop members. ASLPOS_CenterMouse EQU 5 ; Directly below the mouse pointer. ASLPOS_MASK EQU $0F ; Default size of the ASL window. ASLSIZE_DefaultSize EQU $00 ; Size is calculated according to the builtin rules. ASLSIZE_RelativeSize EQU $10 ; Size is relative to the size of the parent ; window or screen, using the values provided in ; the as_RelativeWidth/as_RelativeHeight members. ; The as_RelativeWidth/as_RelativeHeight values are ; taken as percentage, i.e. a value of "50" stands for ; 50% of the width/height of the parent window/screen. ASLSIZE_MASK EQU $30 ; Other options. ASLOPTION_ASLOverrides EQU $40 ; ASL determines placement and size of requester ; windows; application's choice is ignored. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Obsolete ASL definitions, here for source code compatibility only. ; Please do NOT use in new code. ; ; Set ASL_V38_NAMES_ONLY to remove these older names ; IFND ASL_V38_NAMES_ONLY rf_File equ fr_File rf_Dir equ fr_Drawer rf_LeftEdge equ fr_LeftEdge rf_TopEdge equ fr_TopEdge rf_Width equ fr_Width rf_Height equ fr_Height rf_NumArgs equ fr_NumArgs rf_ArgList equ fr_ArgList rf_UserData equ fr_UserData rf_Pat equ fr_Pattern ASL_Dummy equ TAG_USER+$80000 ASL_Hail equ ASL_Dummy+1 ASL_Window equ ASL_Dummy+2 ASL_LeftEdge equ ASL_Dummy+3 ASL_TopEdge equ ASL_Dummy+4 ASL_Width equ ASL_Dummy+5 ASL_Height equ ASL_Dummy+6 ASL_HookFunc equ ASL_Dummy+7 ASL_File equ ASL_Dummy+8 ASL_Dir equ ASL_Dummy+9 ASL_Pattern equ ASL_Dummy+10 ASL_FontName equ ASL_Dummy+10 ASL_FontHeight equ ASL_Dummy+11 ASL_FontStyles equ ASL_Dummy+12 ASL_FontFlags equ ASL_Dummy+13 ASL_FrontPen equ ASL_Dummy+14 ASL_BackPen equ ASL_Dummy+15 ASL_MinHeight equ ASL_Dummy+16 ASL_MaxHeight equ ASL_Dummy+17 ASL_OKText equ ASL_Dummy+18 ASL_CancelText equ ASL_Dummy+19 ASL_FuncFlags equ ASL_Dummy+20 ASL_ModeList equ ASL_Dummy+21 ASL_ExtFlags1 equ ASL_Dummy+22 ; remember what I said up there? Do not use these anymore! BITDEF FIL,PATGAD,0 BITDEF FIL,MULTISELECT,3 BITDEF FIL,NEWIDCMP,4 BITDEF FIL,SAVE,5 BITDEF FIL,DOMSGFUNC,6 BITDEF FIL,DOWILDFUNC,7 BITDEF FIL1,NOFILES,0 BITDEF FIL1,MATCHDIRS,1 BITDEF RF,DOWILDFUNC,7 BITDEF RF,DOMSGFUNC,6 BITDEF RF,DOCOLOR,5 BITDEF RF,NEWIDCMP,4 BITDEF RF,MULTISELECT,3 BITDEF RF,PATGAD,0 BITDEF FON,FRONTCOLOR,0 BITDEF FON,BACKCOLOR,1 BITDEF FON,STYLES,2 BITDEF FON,DRAWMODE,3 BITDEF FON,FIXEDWIDTH,4 BITDEF FON,NEWIDCMP,5 BITDEF FON,DOMSGFUNC,6 BITDEF FON,DOWILDFUNC,7 ENDC ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENDC ; LIBRARIES_ASL_I Comments |
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$VER: d0.se 1.14 Copyright © 2011-2025 Tobias Geijersson support at d0 dot se |
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