Docs » Autodocs » intuition.library » OpenWorkBench
OpenWorkBench -- Open the Workbench screen.
WBScreen = OpenWorkBench() D0 ULONG OpenWorkBench( VOID );
This routine attempts to reopen the Workbench. The actions taken are: - general good stuff and nice things, and then return a non-null pointer to the Workbench screen. - find that something has gone wrong, and return NULL The return value, if not NULL, is indeed the address of the Workbench screen, although you should not use it as such. This is because the Workbench may be closed by other programs, which can invalidate the address at any time. We suggest that you regard the return value as a ULONG indication that the routine has succeeded, if you pay any attention to it at all.
non-zero if Workbench screen opened successfully, or was already opened zero if anything went wrong and the Workbench screen isn't out there
The name of this routine is spelled wrong: it ought to have been OpenWorkbench().