Autodocs Include classes clib datatypes devices diskfont dos exec gadgets button.h checkbox.h chooser.h clicktab.h colorwheel.i / .h datebrowser.h fuelgauge.h getfile.h getfont.h getscreenmode.h gradientslider.i / .h integer.h layout.h listbrowser.h page.h palette.h radiobutton.h scroller.h slider.h space.h speedbar.h string.h tapedeck.i / .h texteditor.h virtual.h graphics hardware images intuition libraries pragma pragmas prefs proto reaction resources rexx utility workbench GuruMeditation | IFND GADGETS_TAPEDECK_I GADGETS_TAPEDECK_I SET 1 ** ** $VER: tapedeck.i 40.1 (12.3.1993) ** Includes Release 45.1 ** ** Definitions for the gradientslider BOOPSI class ** ** (C) Copyright 1992-2001 Amiga, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved ** ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- IFND UTILITY_TAGITEM_I INCLUDE "utility/tagitem.i" ENDC ;***************************************************************************** TDECK_Dummy equ (TAG_USER+$05000000) TDECK_Mode equ (TDECK_Dummy+1) TDECK_Paused equ (TDECK_Dummy+2) TDECK_Tape equ (TDECK_Dummy+3) ; (BOOL) Indicate whether tapedeck or animation controls. Defaults ; to FALSE. TDECK_Frames equ (TDECK_Dummy+11) ; (LONG) Number of frames in animation. Only valid when using ; animation controls. TDECK_CurrentFrame equ (TDECK_Dummy+12) ; (LONG) Current frame. Only valid when using animation controls. ;***************************************************************************** ;* Possible values for TDECK_Mode BUT_REWIND equ 0 BUT_PLAY equ 1 BUT_FORWARD equ 2 BUT_STOP equ 3 BUT_PAUSE equ 4 BUT_BEGIN equ 5 BUT_FRAME equ 6 BUT_END equ 7 ;***************************************************************************** ENDC ; GADGETS_TAPEDECK_I Comments |
$VER: 1.14 Copyright © 2011-2024 Tobias Geijersson support at d0 dot se |