Autodocs Include classes clib datatypes devices diskfont dos exec gadgets button.h checkbox.h chooser.h clicktab.h colorwheel.h / .i datebrowser.h fuelgauge.h getfile.h getfont.h getscreenmode.h gradientslider.h / .i integer.h layout.h listbrowser.h page.h palette.h radiobutton.h scroller.h slider.h space.h speedbar.h string.h tapedeck.h / .i texteditor.h virtual.h graphics hardware images intuition libraries pragma pragmas prefs proto reaction resources rexx utility workbench GuruMeditation | #ifndef GADGETS_FUELGAUGE_H #define GADGETS_FUELGAUGE_H /* ** $VER: fuelgauge.h 44.1 (19.10.1999) ** Includes Release 45.1 ** ** Definitions for the fuelgauge.gadget BOOPSI class ** ** (C) Copyright 1987-2001 Amiga, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved */ /*****************************************************************************/ #ifndef REACTION_REACTION_H #include <reaction/reaction.h> #endif #ifndef INTUITION_GADGETCLASS_H #include <intuition/gadgetclass.h> #endif /*****************************************************************************/ #define FUELGAUGE_Dummy (REACTION_Dummy + 0x12000) #define FUELGAUGE_Min (FUELGAUGE_Dummy + 1) /* (LONG) fuelgauge minimum value. */ #define FUELGAUGE_Max (FUELGAUGE_Dummy + 2) /* (LONG) fuelgauge maximum value. */ #define FUELGAUGE_Level (FUELGAUGE_Dummy + 3) /* (LONG) fuelgauge level (value between min and max). */ #define FUELGAUGE_Orientation (FUELGAUGE_Dummy + 4) /* (WORD) orientation mode. */ #define FUELGAUGE_Percent (FUELGAUGE_Dummy + 5) /* (BOOL) render numeric percentage display. */ #define FUELGAUGE_Ticks (FUELGAUGE_Dummy + 6) /* (WORD) enable tick marks if number of ticks set is not 0. */ #define FUELGAUGE_ShortTicks (FUELGAUGE_Dummy + 7) /* (WORD) enable small intermediate tick marks. */ #define FUELGAUGE_TickSize (FUELGAUGE_Dummy + 8) /* (WORD) height of large tick makrs. */ #define FUELGAUGE_TickPen (FUELGAUGE_Dummy + 9) /* (WORD) tickmark pen. */ #define FUELGAUGE_PercentPen (FUELGAUGE_Dummy + 10) /* (WORD) pen number to use for inner gauge percange rendering. */ #define FUELGAUGE_FillPen (FUELGAUGE_Dummy + 11) /* (WORD) pen number to use for the fuelbar. */ #define FUELGAUGE_EmptyPen (FUELGAUGE_Dummy + 12) /* (WORD) fuelgauge background/empty pen number. */ #define FUELGAUGE_VarArgs (FUELGAUGE_Dummy + 13) /* argument array for GA_Text varargs string */ #define FUELGAUGE_Justification (FUELGAUGE_Dummy + 14) /* GA_Text justification mode */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* FUELGAUGE_Orientation modes */ #define FGORIENT_HORIZ 0 #define FGORIENT_VERT 1 /* FUELGAUGE_Justification modes */ #define FGJ_LEFT 0 // default #define FGJ_CENTER 1 #define FGJ_CENTRE FGJ_CENTER // english/canadian spellings /* Obsolete, DO NOT USE! */ #define FUELGAUGE_HORIZONTAL FGORIENT_HORIZ #define FUELGAUGE_VERTICAL FGORIENT_VERT #endif /* GADGETS_FUELGAUGE_H */ Comments |
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