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	ModifyIDCMP -- Modify the state of a window's IDCMPFlags.


	Success = ModifyIDCMP( Window, IDCMPFlags )
D0 (V37) A0 D0
BOOL ModifyIDCMP( struct Window *, ULONG );
/* returns BOOL in V37 and greater */


	This routine modifies the state of your window's IDCMP (Intuition
Direct Communication Message Port). The state is modified to reflect
your desires as described by the flag bits in the value IDCMPFlags.
The four actions that might be taken are:
- if there is currently no IDCMP in the given window, and IDCMPFlags
is zero, nothing happens
- if there is currently no IDCMP in the given window, and any of the
IDCMPFlags is selected (set), then the IDCMP of the window is
created, including allocating and initializing the message ports
and allocating a signal bit for your port. See the "Input and
Output Methods" chapter of the Intuition Reference Manual for full
- if the IDCMP for the given window exists, and the
IDCMPFlags argument is zero, this says that you want
Intuition to close the ports, free the buffers and free
your signal bit. You MUST be the same task that was active
when this signal bit was allocated (either by ModifyIDCMP()
or OpenWindow() ).
- if the IDCMP for the given window is opened, and the IDCMPFlags
argument is not zero, this means that you want to change the
state of which events will be broadcast to you through the IDCMP
NOTE: You can set up the Window->UserPort to any port of your own
before you call ModifyIDCMP(). If IDCMPFlags is non-null but
your UserPort is already initialized, Intuition will assume that
it's a valid port with task and signal data preset and Intuition
won't disturb your set-up at all, Intuition will just allocate
the Intuition message port half of it. The converse is true
as well: if UserPort is NULL when you call here with
IDCMPFlags == NULL, Intuition will deallocate only the Intuition
side of the port.
This allows you to use a port that you already have allocated:
- OpenWindow() with IDCMPFlags equal to NULL (open no ports)
- set the UserPort variable of your window to any valid port of your
own choosing
- call ModifyIDCMP with IDCMPFlags set to what you want
- then, to clean up later, set UserPort equal to NULL before calling
CloseWindow() (leave IDCMPFlags alone) BUT FIRST: you must make
sure that no messages sent your window are queued at the port,
since they will be returned to the memory free pool.
For an example of how to close a window with a shared IDCMP,
see the description for CloseWindow().


	Window = pointer to the Window structure containing the IDCMP ports
IDCMPFlags = the flag bits describing the new desired state of
the IDCMP. The flags are:
- IDCMP_REQVERIFY is the flag which, like IDCMP_SIZEVERIFY and ...
- IDCMP_MENUVERIFY (see immediately below), specifies that you
want to make sure that your graphical state is quiescent
before something extraordinary happens. In this case, the
extraordinary event is that a rectangle of graphical data is
about to be blasted into your Window. If you're drawing
directly into its screen, you probably will wish to make sure
that you've ceased drawing before the user is allowed to bring
up the DMRequest you've set up, and the same for when system
has a request for the user. Set this flag to ask for that
verification step.
- IDCMP_REQCLEAR is the flag you set to hear a message whenever
a requester is cleared from your window. If you are using
IDCMP_REQVERIFY to arbitrate access to your screen's bitmap, it
is safe to start your output once you have heard an
- IDCMP_REQSET is a flag that you set to receive a broadcast
for each requester that is opened in your window. Compare
this with IDCMP_REQCLEAR above. This function is distinct
from IDCMP_REQVERIFY. This functions merely tells you that a
requester has opened, whereas IDCMP_REQVERIFY requires you to
respond before the requester is opened.
- IDCMP_MENUVERIFY is the flag you set to have Intuition stop
and wait for you to finish all graphical output to your
window before rendering the menus. Menus are currently
rendered in the most memory-efficient way, which involves
interrupting output to all windows in the screen before the
menus are drawn. If you need to finish your graphical
output before this happens, you can set this flag to make
sure that you do.
- IDCMP_SIZEVERIFY means that you will be doing output to your
window which depends on a knowledge of the current size of the
window. If the user wants to resize the window, you may want
to make sure that any queued output completes before the sizing
takes place (critical text, for instance). If this is the
case, set this flag. Then, when the user wants to size,
Intuition will send you the IDCMP_SIZEVERIFY message and Wait()
until you reply that it's OK to proceed with the sizing. NOTE:
when we say that Intuition will Wait() until you reply, what
we're really saying is that user will WAIT until you reply, which
suffers the great negative potential of User-Unfriendliness.
So remember: use this flag sparingly, and, as always with any
IDCMP Message you receive, reply to it promptly! Then, after
user has sized the window, you can find out about it using
With all the "VERIFY" functions, it is not save to leave them
enabled at any time when your task may not be able to respond
for a long period.
It is NEVER safe to call AmigaDOS, directly or indirectly, when
a "VERIFY" function is active. If AmigaDOS needs to put up a
disk requester for you, your task might end up waiting for the
requester to be satisfied, at the same time as Intuition is
waiting for your response. The result is a complete machine
BEFORE CALLING dos.library!!
For V36: If you do not respond to the verification IntuiMessages
within the user specified timeout duration, Intuition will abort
the operation. This eliminates the threat of these easy
deadlocks, but can result in a confused user. Please try
hard to continue to avoid "logical deadlocks".
- IDCMP_NEWSIZE is the flag that tells Intuition to send an IDCMP
message to you after the user has resized your window. At
this point, you could examine the size variables in your
window structure to discover the new size of the window.
- IDCMP_REFRESHWINDOW when set will cause a message to be sent
whenever your window needs refreshing. This flag makes
- IDCMP_MOUSEBUTTONS will get reports about mouse-button up/down
events broadcast to you (Note: only the ones that
don't mean something to Intuition. If the user clicks the
select button over a gadget, Intuition deals with it and you
don't find out about it through here).
- IDCMP_MOUSEMOVE will work only if you've set the
WFLG_REPORTMOUSE flag above, or if one of your gadgets has the
GACT_FOLLOWMOUSE flag set. Then all mouse movements will be
reported here, providing your window is active.
- IDCMP_GADGETDOWN means that when the User "selects" a gadget
you've created with the GACT_IMMEDIATE flag set, the fact
will be broadcast through the IDCMP.
- IDCMP_GADGETUP means that when the user "releases" a gadget that
you've created with the GACT_RELVERIFY flag set, the fact
will be broadcast through the IDCMP. This message is
only generated if the release is "good", such as releasing
the select button over a Boolean gadget, or typing ENTER
in a string gadget.
- IDCMP_MENUPICK selects that menu number data will be sent via
the IDCMP.
through the IDCMP rather than the console.
- IDCMP_RAWKEY selects that all IDCMP_RAWKEY events are
transmitted via the IDCMP. Note that these are absolutely RAW
keycodes, which you will have to translate before using.
Setting this and the MOUSE flags effectively eliminates the need
to open a Console device to get input from the keyboard and
mouse. Of course, in exchange you lose all of the console
features, most notably the "cooking" of input data and
the systematic output of text to your window.
- IDCMP_VANILLAKEY is for developers who don't want the hassle
of IDCMP_RAWKEYS. This flag will return all the keycodes after
translation via the current country-dependent keymap. When
you set this flag, you will get IntuiMessages where the Code
field has a decoded ANSI character code representing the key
struck on the keyboard. Only codes that map to a single
character are returned: you can't read such keys as HELP or
the function keys with IDCMP_VANILLAKEY.
set, Intuition will send an IDCMP_RAWKEY event for those
*downstrokes* which do not map to single-byte characters
("non-vanilla" keys). In this way you can easily detect cursor
keys, function keys, and the Help key without sacrificing the
convenience of IDCMP_VANILLAKEY. NB: A side-effect of having
both IDCMP_RAWKEY and IDCMP_VANILLAKEY set is that you never
hear IDCMP_RAWKEY upstrokes, even for keys that caused
IDCMP_RAWKEY downstrokes.
- IDCMP_INTUITICKS gives you simple timer events from Intuition
when your window is the active one; it may help you avoid
opening and managing the timer device. With this flag set,
you will get only one queued-up INTUITICKS message at a
time. If Intuition notices that you've been sent an
IDCMP_INTUITICKS message and haven't replied to it, another
message will not be sent. Intuition receives timer events and
considers sending you an IDCMP_INTUITICKS message approximately
ten times a second.
- IDCMP_DELTAMOVE gives raw (unscaled) input event delta X/Y
values. This is so you can detect mouse motion regardless of
screen/window/display boundaries. This works a little
strangely: if you set both IDCMP_MOUSEMOVE and IDCMP_DELTAMOVE.
IDCMPFlags, you will get IDCMP_MOUSEMOVE messages with delta
x/y values in the MouseX and MouseY fields of the
- IDCMP_NEWPREFS indicates you wish to be notified when the
system-wide Preferences changes. For V36, there is a new
environment mechanism to replace Preferences, which we
recommend you consider using instead.
when those events happen to your window. Take care not to
confuse this "ACTIVEWINDOW" with the familiar sounding, but
totally different "WINDOWACTIVE" flag. These two flags have
Use the new equivalent terms to avoid confusion.
removable disks are inserted or removed, respectively.
- IDCMP_IDCMPUPDATE is a new class for V36 which is used as
a channel of communication from custom and boopsi gadgets
to your application.
- IDCMP_CHANGEWINDOW is a new class for V36 that will be sent
to your window whenever its dimensions or position are changed
by the user or the functions SizeWindow(), MoveWindow(),
ChangeWindowBox(), or ZipWindow().
- IDCMP_MENUHELP is new for V37. If you specify the WA_MenuHelp
tag when you open your window, then when the user presses the
HELP key on the keyboard during a menu session, Intuition will
terminate the menu session and issue this even in place of an
- NEVER follow the NextSelect link for MENUHELP messages.
- You will be able to hear MENUHELP for ghosted menus.
(This lets you tell the user why the option is ghosted.)
- Be aware that you can receive a MENUHELP message whose code
corresponds to a menu header or an item that has sub-items
(which does not happen for MENUPICK). The code may also be
- LIMITATION: if the user extend-selects some checkmarked
items with the mouse, then presses MENUHELP, your
application will only hear the MENUHELP report. You
must re-examine the state of your checkmarks when you
- Availability of MENUHELP in V36 is not directly
controllable. We apologize...
- IDCMP_GADGETHELP is new for V39. If you turn on
gadget help for your window (using the HelpControl())
function, then Intuition will send IDCMP_GADGETHELP
messages when the mouse passes over certain gadgets or
your window. The IntuiMessage->Code field is normally
~0, but a boopsi gadget can return any word value it wishes.
Ordinarily, gadget help is only processed for the active
window. When Intuition has determined that the mouse is
pointing at a gadget which has the GMORE_GADGETHELP
property, you will be sent an IDCMP_GADGETHELP message
whose IAddress points to the gadget. When the mouse is
over your window but not over any help-aware gadget, you
will be sent a message whose IAddress is the window
itself. When the mouse is not over your window,
Intuition sends a message whose IAddress is zero.
A multi-window application can use the WA_HelpGroup or
WA_HelpGroupWindow tags to indicate that all its windows
belong in a group. (The help group identifier should be
obtained with utility.library/GetUniqueID().) This makes
Intuition test gadget help in all windows of the group
when any one of them is the active one. Inactive windows
whose WA_HelpGroup matches the active window's receive
IDCMP_GADGETHELP messages when the mouse is over that
window or any of its help-aware gadgets. The GADGETHELP
message with an IAddress of zero means the mouse is not
over the active window or any other window of the same
group. It is always sent to the active window (which is
not necessarily the window in your group that last got a
To maximize performance, gadget help is not checked
while the mouse is travelling quickly, or if it has not
moved at all since the last test. As well, if Intuition
discovers that the mouse is still over same gadget and
that gadget does not wish to send a different
IntuiMessage->Code from the last message, no new
IntuiMessage is sent.


	Starting in V37, this function returns NULL if it was unable
to create the necessary message ports. (The possibility of
failure exists in earlier releases, but no return code was offered).
Do not check the return code under V36 or earlier.



OpenWindowTagList(), OpenWindow(), CloseWindow()


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