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	BuildSysRequest -- Build and display a system requester.


	ReqWindow = BuildSysRequest( Window, BodyText, PosText, NegText, 
D0 A0 A1 A2 A3
IDCMPFlags, Width, Height )
D0 D1 D2
struct Window *BuildSysRequest( struct Window *, struct IntuiText *,
struct IntuiText *, struct IntuiText *, ULONG, WORD, WORD );


	This procedure builds a system requester based on the supplied
information. If all goes well and the requester is constructed,
this procedure returns a pointer to the window in which the requester
appears. That window will have its IDCMP initialized to reflect the
flags found in the IDCMPFlags argument. You may then wait on those
ports to detect the user's response to your requester, which response
may include either selecting one of the gadgets or causing some other
event to be noticed by Intuition (like IDCMP_DISKINSERTED, for
instance). After the requester is satisfied, you should call the
FreeSysRequest() procedure to remove the requester and free up
any allocated memory.
See the autodoc for SysReqHandler() for more information on the
how to handle the IntuiMessages this window will receive.
The requester used by this function has the NOISYREQ flag bit set,
which means that the set of IDCMPFlags that may be used here
In release previous to V36, if the requester could not be built,
this function would try to call DisplayAlert() with the same
information, with more or less favorable results. In V36,
the requesters themselves require less memory (SIMPLEREQ), but
there is no alert attempt.
The function may return TRUE (1) or FALSE if it cannot post
the requester. (V36 will always return FALSE, but be sure to
test for TRUE in case somebody reinstates the fallback alert.)
If the window argument you supply is equal to NULL, a new window will
be created for you in the Workbench screen, or the default
public screen, for V36. If you want the requester
created by this routine to be bound to a particular window (i.e.,
to appear in the same screen as the window), you should
not supply a window argument of NULL.
New for V36: if you pass a NULL window pointer, the system requester
will appear on the default public screen, which is not always
the Workbench.
The text arguments are used to construct the display. Each is a
pointer to an instance of the structure IntuiText.
The BodyText argument should be used to describe the nature of
the requester. As usual with IntuiText data, you may link several
lines of text together, and the text may be placed in various
locations in the requester. This IntuiText pointer will be stored
in the ReqText variable of the new requester.
The PosText argument describes the text that you want associated
with the user choice of "Yes, TRUE, Retry, Good." If the requester
is successfully opened, this text will be rendered in a gadget in
the lower-left of the requester, which gadget will have the
GadgetID field set to TRUE. If the requester cannot be opened and
the DisplayAlert() mechanism is used, this text will be rendered in
the lower-left corner of the alert display with additional text
specifying that the left mouse button will select this choice. This
pointer can be set to NULL, which specifies that there is no TRUE
choice that can be made.
The NegText argument describes the text that you want associated
with the user choice of "No, FALSE, Cancel, Bad." If the requester
is successfully opened, this text will be rendered in a gadget in
the lower-right of the requester, which gadget will have the
GadgetID field set to FALSE. If the requester cannot be opened and
the DisplayAlert() mechanism is used, this text will be rendered in
the lower-right corner of the alert display with additional text
specifying that the right mouse button will select this choice. This
pointer cannot be set to NULL. There must always be a way for the
user to cancel this requester.
The Positive and Negative Gadgets created by this routine have
the following features:
When defining the text for your gadgets, you may find it convenient
to use the special constants used by Intuition for the construction
of the gadgets. These include defines like AUTODRAWMODE, AUTOLEFTEDGE,
AUTOTOPEDGE and AUTOFRONTPEN. You can find these in your local
intuition.h (or intuition.i) file.
These hard-coded constants are not very resolution or font
sensitive, but V36 will override them to provide more modern
New for V36, linked lists of IntuiText are not correctly supported
for gadget labels.
The width and height values describe the size of the requester. All
of your BodyText must fit within the width and height of your
requester. The gadgets will be created to conform to your sizes.
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: for this release of this procedure, a new window
is opened in the same screen as the one containing your window.
Future alternatives may be provided as a function distinct from this
NOTE: This function will pop the screen the requester and its
window appears in to the front of all screens. New for V36,
if the user doesn't perform any other screen arrangement before
finishing with the requester, a popped screen will be pushed
back behind.


	Window = pointer to a Window structure
BodyText = pointer to an IntuiText structure
PosText = pointer to an IntuiText structure
NegText = pointer to an IntuiText structure
IDCMPFlags = the IDCMP flags you want used for the initialization of the
IDCMP of the window containing this requester
Width, Height = the size required to render your requester
NOTE for V36: the width and height you pass are ignored, as
are some of the parameters of your IntuiText, so that Intuition
can make the Requesters real nice for the new look.


	If the requester was successfully created, the value 
returned by this procedure is a pointer to the window in which the
requester is rendered. If the requester could not be created,
this routine might have called DisplayAlert() before returning
(it depends on the version) and will pass back TRUE if the user
pressed the left mouse button and FALSE if the user pressed the
right mouse button. If the version of Intuition doesn't
call DisplayAlert(), or if it does, and there's not enough
memory for the alert, the value of FALSE is returned.


	This procedure currently opens a window in the Screen which 
contains the window which is passed as a parameter, or the
default public screen, if that parameter is NULL. Although
not as originally envisioned, this will probably always be the
behavior of this function.
DisplayAlert() is not called in version V36.
It's almost impossible to make complete, correct account
of different system fonts, window border dimensions, and
screen resolution to get the layout of a System Requester
just right using this routine. For V36, we recommend the
automatic layout implemented in BuildEasyRequestArgs() and


FreeSysRequest(), DisplayAlert(), ModifyIDCMP(), exec.library/Wait(), Request(), AutoRequest(), EasyRequestArgs(), BuildEasyRequestArgs()


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