Autodocs Include classes clib datatypes devices diskfont dos exec ables.i alerts.i / .h avl.h devices.i / .h errors.i / .h exec.i / .h exec_lib.i execbase.i / .h initializers.i / .h interrupts.i / .h io.i / .h libraries.i / .h lists.i / .h macros.i memory.i / .h nodes.i / .h ports.i / .h resident.i / .h semaphores.i / .h strings.i tasks.i / .h types.i / .h gadgets graphics hardware images intuition libraries pragma pragmas prefs proto reaction resources rexx utility workbench GuruMeditation | IFND EXEC_INITIALIZERS_I EXEC_INITIALIZERS_I SET 1 ** ** $VER: initializers.i 39.0 (15.10.1991) ** Includes Release 45.1 ** ** Macros for creating InitStruct() tables ** ** (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Amiga, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved ** INITBYTE MACRO ; &offset,&value IFLE (\1)-255 ;If offset <=255 DC.B $a0,\1 ;use byte offset DC.B \2,0 MEXIT ;exit early ENDC DC.B $e0,0 DC.W \1 DC.B \2,0 ENDM INITWORD MACRO ; &offset,&value IFLE (\1)-255 ;If offset <=255 DC.B $90,\1 ;use byte offset DC.W \2 MEXIT ;exit early ENDC DC.B $d0,0 DC.W \1 DC.W \2 ENDM INITLONG MACRO ; &offset,&value IFLE (\1)-255 ;If offset <=255 DC.B $80,\1 ;use byte offset DC.L \2 MEXIT ;exit early ENDC DC.B $c0,0 DC.W \1 DC.L \2 ENDM ;size=source size 0=long, 1=word, 2=byte, 3=illegal. ;offset=offset from memory base to put data ;value=unused ;count=number of source items to copy, minus one ;follow this macro with the proper sized data (dc.b,dc.w,dc.l,etc.) INITSTRUCT MACRO ; &size,&offset,&value,&count DS.W 0 IFC '\4','' COUNT\@ SET 0 ENDC IFNC '\4','' COUNT\@ SET \4 ENDC CMD\@ SET (((\1)<<4)!COUNT\@) IFLE (\2)-255 ;byte offset large enough? DC.B (CMD\@)!$80 DC.B \2 MEXIT ENDC DC.B CMD\@!$0C0 ;byte too small, use 24-bit offset. DC.B (((\2)>>16)&$0FF) DC.W ((\2)&$0FFFF) ENDM ENDC ; EXEC_INITIALIZERS_I Comments |
$VER: 1.14 Copyright © 2011-2024 Tobias Geijersson support at d0 dot se |