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RethinkLayout -- Relayout and render the layout. (V39)
RethinkLayout( layout, window, requester, refresh ); a0 a1 a2 void RethinkLayout( struct Gadget *, struct Window *, struct Requester *, BOOL )
Relayout and refresh the layout page. Call this function after a call SetGadgetAttrs() returns 1 to display the changes in the layout. According to BOOPSI rules, a gadget will return a value of 1 from OM_SET to tell the application to refresh. This is what this function is for. Basically, it will call the GM_LAYOUT and GM_RENDER methods of the layout.
layout = the layout to refresh. Doesn't have to be the topmost object in the hierarchy, if the changes do not affect it. window = the window to which the layout (or its parent) is attached to. requester = the window's requester, or NULL. refresh = whether layout.gadget should also refresh the display.
This function emulates a DoGadgetMethod() on V37 and V38 systems. The refresh flag is provided for several reasons. First, when using LAYOUT_DeferLayout, you should not refresh upon receiving a LAYOUT_RequestLayout notification. Second, datatypes have an asynchronous layout, and should not be attempted to refresh before that is finished. Wait for DTA_Sync, and then RefreshGList( layout, window, requester, 1 ).
intuition.library/RefreshGList(), intuition.library/SetGadgetAttrsA(), intuition.library/DoGadgetMethod