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Docs » Autodocs » layout.gadget » LayoutLimits
LayoutLimits -- easy way to find out max and min size of layout
LayoutLimits( layout, limits, font, screen ); a0 a1 a2 a3 void LayoutLimits( struct Gadget *, struct LayoutLimits *, struct TextFont *, struct Screen * )
This function is an easy way of getting the minimum and maximum limit of the layout group. Effectively it create a RastPort and execute the GM_DOMAIN method for both minimum and maximum size of the object filling in the LayoutLimits structure with the size values. The font passed to this call will most likely affect the results, so use the font you will use with the window. If you pass a NULL for the font, the system default font (monospaced) will be used. If you pass the optional screen pointer, the gadget will be provided a DrawInfo. This will let the gadget adjust to the aspect ratio of the screen. If you use the resulting size for OpenWindow() or WindowLimits(), remember that the results do not include window borders.
layout = the layout object to get the size on. limits = a pointer to the struct LayoutLimits to fill. font = the TextFont to use on the domain requests. May be NULL for system default font. screen = optional pointer to the screen on which the layout will be used on, or NULL.
This function will invoke the object's GM_DOMAIN method twice, with a NULL GadgetInfo. If you call it providing a screen pointer, the taglist of the message will contain that screen's DrawInfo (GA_DrawInfo) for aspect information.