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Docs » Autodocs » layout.gadget » FlushLayoutDomainCache
FlushLayoutDomainCache -- Flush layout domain cache below a level.
FlushLayoutDomainCache( layout ) a0 void FlushLayoutDomainCache( struct Gadget * )
Layout gadget normally caches GM_DOMAIN results from the child objects to speed up window re-layout. However, on some rare occassions a gadget's minimum or maximum domain might change after creation. For these instances layout gadget provides two methods of controlling the domain cache. You can set a caching on a child-by-child basis, using the CHILD_CacheDomain attribute, so that on each relayout the domain is calculated again. This method might have an extra performance hit, if the domain changes infrequently. It also has to be set for each parent layout level, which makes the amount of extra calculations grow quickly. The other method, for the cases where the application will know when a gadget's domain changes, it can call FlushLayoutDomainCache() with a pointer to the parent layout object. This call will flush the whole hierarchy, so that the next window re-layout will re-calculate child domains.
layout = the layout object to flush. This should be the topmost layout object for the window.
--datasheet-- (CHILD_CacheDomain attribute