Autodocs Libraries: exec.library AVL_AddNode AVL_FindFirstNode AVL_FindLastNode AVL_FindNextNodeByAddress AVL_FindNextNodeByKey AVL_FindNode AVL_FindPrevNodeByAddress AVL_FindPrevNodeByKey AVL_RemNodeByAddress AVL_RemNodeByKey AbortIO AddDevice AddHead AddIntServer AddLibrary AddMemHandler AddMemList AddPort AddResource AddSemaphore AddTail AddTask Alert AllocAbs AllocEntry AllocMem AllocPooled AllocSignal AllocTrap AllocVec Allocate AttemptSemaphore AttemptSemaphoreShared AvailMem CacheClearE CacheClearU CacheControl CachePostDMA CachePreDMA Cause CheckIO CloseDevice CloseLibrary ColdReboot CopyMem CopyMemQuick CreateIORequest CreateMsgPort CreatePool Deallocate Debug DeleteIORequest DeleteMsgPort DeletePool Disable DoIO Enable Enqueue FindName FindPort FindResident FindSemaphore FindTask Forbid FreeEntry FreeMem FreePooled FreeSignal FreeTrap FreeVec GetCC GetMsg InitCode InitResident InitSemaphore InitStruct Insert MakeFunctions MakeLibrary ObtainQuickVector ObtainSemaphore ObtainSemaphoreList ObtainSemaphoreShared OldOpenLibrary OpenDevice OpenLibrary OpenResource Permit Procure PutMsg RawDoFmt ReleaseSemaphore ReleaseSemaphoreList RemDevice RemHead RemIntServer RemLibrary RemMemHandler RemPort RemResource RemSemaphore RemTail RemTask Remove ReplyMsg SendIO SetExcept SetFunction SetIntVector SetSR SetSignal SetTaskPri Signal StackSwap SumKickData SumLibrary SuperState Supervisor TypeOfMem UserState Vacate Wait WaitIO WaitPort Include GuruMeditation | _SysBase*------ misc ----------------------------------------------------------$1e Supervisor *------ special patchable hooks to internal exec activity ------------ -$24 execPrivate1 -$2a execPrivate2 -$30 execPrivate3 -$36 execPrivate4 -$3c execPrivate5 -$42 execPrivate6 *------ module creation ---------------------------------------------- -$48 InitCode -$4e InitStruct -$54 MakeLibrary -$5a MakeFunctions -$60 FindResident -$66 InitResident *------ diagnostics -------------------------------------------------- -$6c Alert -$72 Debug *------ interrupts --------------------------------------------------- -$78 Disable -$7e Enable -$84 Forbid -$8a Permit -$90 SetSR -$96 SuperState -$9c UserState -$a2 SetIntVector -$a8 AddIntServer -$ae RemIntServer -$b4 Cause *------ memory allocation -------------------------------------------- -$ba Allocate -$c0 Deallocate -$c6 AllocMem -$cc AllocAbs -$d2 FreeMem -$d8 AvailMem -$de AllocEntry -$e4 FreeEntry *------ lists -------------------------------------------------------- -$ea Insert -$f0 AddHead -$f6 AddTail -$fc Remove -$102 RemHead -$108 RemTail -$10e Enqueue -$114 FindName *------ tasks -------------------------------------------------------- -$11a AddTask -$120 RemTask -$126 FindTask -$12c SetTaskPri -$132 SetSignal -$138 SetExcept -$13e Wait -$144 Signal -$14a AllocSignal -$150 FreeSignal -$156 AllocTrap -$15c FreeTrap *------ messages ----------------------------------------------------- -$162 AddPort -$168 RemPort -$16e PutMsg -$174 GetMsg -$17a ReplyMsg -$180 WaitPort -$186 FindPort *------ libraries ---------------------------------------------------- -$18c AddLibrary -$192 RemLibrary -$198 OldOpenLibrary -$19e CloseLibrary -$1a4 SetFunction -$1aa SumLibrary *------ devices ------------------------------------------------------ -$1b0 AddDevice -$1b6 RemDevice -$1bc OpenDevice -$1c2 CloseDevice -$1c8 DoIO -$1ce SendIO -$1d4 CheckIO -$1da WaitIO -$1e0 AbortIO *------ resources ---------------------------------------------------- -$1e6 AddResource -$1ec RemResource -$1f2 OpenResource *------ private diagnostic support ----------------------------------- -$1f8 execPrivate7 -$1fe execPrivate8 -$204 execPrivate9 *------ misc --------------------------------------------------------- -$20a RawDoFmt -$210 GetCC -$216 TypeOfMem -$21c Procure -$222 Vacate -$228 OpenLibrary *--- functions in V33 or higher (Release 1.2) --- *------ signal semaphores (note funny registers)---------------------- -$22e InitSemaphore -$234 ObtainSemaphore -$23a ReleaseSemaphore -$240 AttemptSemaphore -$246 ObtainSemaphoreList -$24c ReleaseSemaphoreList -$252 FindSemaphore -$258 AddSemaphore -$25e RemSemaphore *------ kickmem support ---------------------------------------------- -$264 SumKickData *------ more memory support ------------------------------------------ -$26a AddMemList -$270 CopyMem -$276 CopyMemQuick *------ cache -------------------------------------------------------- *--- functions in V36 or higher (Release 2.0) --- -$27c CacheClearU -$282 CacheClearE -$288 CacheControl *------ misc --------------------------------------------------------- -$28e CreateIORequest -$294 DeleteIORequest -$29a CreateMsgPort -$2a0 DeleteMsgPort -$2a6 ObtainSemaphoreShared *------ even more memory support ------------------------------------- -$2ac AllocVec -$2b2 FreeVec *------ V39 Pool LVOs... -$2b8 CreatePool -$2be DeletePool -$2c4 AllocPooled -$2ca FreePooled *------ misc --------------------------------------------------------- -$2d0 AttemptSemaphoreShared -$2d6 ColdReboot -$2dc StackSwap -$2e2 execPrivate10 -$2e8 execPrivate11 -$2ee execPrivate12 -$2f4 execPrivate13 *------ future expansion --------------------------------------------- -$2fa CachePreDMA -$300 CachePostDMA *------ New, for V39 *--- functions in V39 or higher (Release 3) --- *------ Low memory handler functions -$306 AddMemHandler -$30c RemMemHandler *------ Function to attempt to obtain a Quick Interrupt Vector... -$312 ObtainQuickVector -$318 execPrivate14 -$31e execPrivate15 -$324 execPrivate16 -$32a execPrivate17 -$330 execPrivate18 -$336 execPrivate19 *--- functions in V45 or higher --- *------ Finally the list functions are complete -$33c NewMinList -$342 execPrivate20 -$348 execPrivate21 -$34e execPrivate22 *------ New AVL tree support for V45. Yes, this is intentionally part of Exec! -$354 AVL_AddNode -$35a AVL_RemNodeByAddress -$360 AVL_RemNodeByKey -$366 AVL_FindNode -$36c AVL_FindPrevNodeByAddress -$372 AVL_FindPrevNodeByKey -$378 AVL_FindNextNodeByAddress -$37e AVL_FindNextNodeByKey -$384 AVL_FindFirstNode -$38a AVL_FindLastNode *--- (10 function slots reserved here) --- Comments |
$VER: 1.14 Copyright © 2011-2025 Tobias Geijersson support at d0 dot se |