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![]() Autodocs Include classes clib datatypes devices diskfont dos exec gadgets graphics hardware images intuition cghooks.i / .h classes.i / .h classusr.i / .h gadgetclass.i / .h icclass.i / .h imageclass.i / .h intuition.i / .h intuitionbase.i / .h iobsolete.i / .h pointerclass.i / .h preferences.i / .h screens.i / .h sghooks.i / .h libraries pragma pragmas prefs proto reaction resources rexx utility workbench GuruMeditation | IFND INTUITION_GADGETCLASS_I INTUITION_GADGETCLASS_I SET 1 ** ** $VER: gadgetclass.i 44.1 (19.10.1999) ** Includes Release 45.1 ** ** Custom and 'boopsi' gadget class interface ** ** (C) Copyright 1989-2001 Amiga, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved ** IFND EXEC_TYPES_I INCLUDE "exec/types.i" ENDC IFND INTUITION_INTUITION_I INCLUDE "intuition/intuition.i" ENDC IFND UTILITY_TAGITEM_I INCLUDE "utility/tagitem.i" ENDC * * NOTE: intuition/iobsolete.i is included at the END of this file! * ; Gadget Class attributes GA_Dummy EQU (TAG_USER+$30000) GA_Left EQU (GA_Dummy+$0001) GA_RelRight EQU (GA_Dummy+$0002) GA_Top EQU (GA_Dummy+$0003) GA_RelBottom EQU (GA_Dummy+$0004) GA_Width EQU (GA_Dummy+$0005) GA_RelWidth EQU (GA_Dummy+$0006) GA_Height EQU (GA_Dummy+$0007) GA_RelHeight EQU (GA_Dummy+$0008) GA_Text EQU (GA_Dummy+$0009) ; ti_Data is (UBYTE *) GA_Image EQU (GA_Dummy+$000A) GA_Border EQU (GA_Dummy+$000B) GA_SelectRender EQU (GA_Dummy+$000C) GA_Highlight EQU (GA_Dummy+$000D) GA_Disabled EQU (GA_Dummy+$000E) GA_GZZGadget EQU (GA_Dummy+$000F) GA_ID EQU (GA_Dummy+$0010) GA_UserData EQU (GA_Dummy+$0011) GA_SpecialInfo EQU (GA_Dummy+$0012) GA_Selected EQU (GA_Dummy+$0013) GA_EndGadget EQU (GA_Dummy+$0014) GA_Immediate EQU (GA_Dummy+$0015) GA_RelVerify EQU (GA_Dummy+$0016) GA_FollowMouse EQU (GA_Dummy+$0017) GA_RightBorder EQU (GA_Dummy+$0018) GA_LeftBorder EQU (GA_Dummy+$0019) GA_TopBorder EQU (GA_Dummy+$001A) GA_BottomBorder EQU (GA_Dummy+$001B) GA_ToggleSelect EQU (GA_Dummy+$001C) * internal use only, until further notice, please GA_SysGadget EQU (GA_Dummy+$001D) * bool, sets GTYP_SYSGADGET field in type GA_SysGType EQU (GA_Dummy+$001E) * e.g., GTYP_WUPFRONT, ... GA_Previous EQU (GA_Dummy+$001F) * previous gadget (or (struct Gadget **)) in linked list * NOTE: This attribute CANNOT be used to link new gadgets * into the gadget list of an open window or requester. * You must use AddGList(). GA_Next EQU (GA_Dummy+$0020) * not implemented GA_DrawInfo EQU (GA_Dummy+$0021) * some fancy gadgets need to see a DrawInfo * when created or for layout * You should use at most ONE of GA_Text, GA_IntuiText, and GA_LabelImage GA_IntuiText EQU (GA_Dummy+$0022) * ti_Data is (struct IntuiText *) GA_LabelImage EQU (GA_Dummy+$0023) * ti_Data is an image (object), used in place of * GadgetText GA_TabCycle EQU (GA_Dummy+$0024) * New for V37: * Boolean indicates that this gadget is to participate in * cycling activation with Tab or Shift-Tab. GA_GadgetHelp EQU (GA_Dummy+$0025) * New for V39: * Boolean indicates that this gadget sends gadget-help GA_Bounds EQU (GA_Dummy+$0026) * New for V39: * ti_Data is a pointer to an IBox structure which is * to be copied into the extended gadget's bounds. GA_RelSpecial EQU (GA_Dummy+$0027) * New for V39: * Boolean indicates that this gadget has the "special relativity" * property, which is useful for certain fancy relativity * operations through the GM_LAYOUT method. GA_TextAttr EQU (GA_Dummy+40) GA_ReadOnly EQU (GA_Dummy+41) GA_Underscore EQU (GA_Dummy+42) GA_ActivateKey EQU (GA_Dummy+43) GA_BackFill EQU (GA_Dummy+44) GA_GadgetHelpText EQU (GA_Dummy+45) GA_UserInput EQU (GA_Dummy+46) * PROPGCLASS attributes PGA_Dummy EQU (TAG_USER+$31000) PGA_Freedom EQU (PGA_Dummy+$0001) * either or both of FREEVERT and FREEHORIZ PGA_Borderless EQU (PGA_Dummy+$0002) PGA_HorizPot EQU (PGA_Dummy+$0003) PGA_HorizBody EQU (PGA_Dummy+$0004) PGA_VertPot EQU (PGA_Dummy+$0005) PGA_VertBody EQU (PGA_Dummy+$0006) PGA_Total EQU (PGA_Dummy+$0007) PGA_Visible EQU (PGA_Dummy+$0008) PGA_Top EQU (PGA_Dummy+$0009) ; New for V37: PGA_NewLook EQU (PGA_Dummy+$000A) * STRGCLASS attributes STRINGA_Dummy EQU (TAG_USER+$32000) STRINGA_MaxChars EQU (STRINGA_Dummy+$0001) * Note: There is a minor problem with Intuition when using boopsi integer * gadgets (which are requested by using STRINGA_LongInt). Such gadgets * must not have a STRINGA_MaxChars to be bigger than 15. Setting * STRINGA_MaxChars for a boopsi integer gadget will cause a mismatched * FreeMem() to occur. STRINGA_Buffer EQU (STRINGA_Dummy+$0002) STRINGA_UndoBuffer EQU (STRINGA_Dummy+$0003) STRINGA_WorkBuffer EQU (STRINGA_Dummy+$0004) STRINGA_BufferPos EQU (STRINGA_Dummy+$0005) STRINGA_DispPos EQU (STRINGA_Dummy+$0006) STRINGA_AltKeyMap EQU (STRINGA_Dummy+$0007) STRINGA_Font EQU (STRINGA_Dummy+$0008) STRINGA_Pens EQU (STRINGA_Dummy+$0009) STRINGA_ActivePens EQU (STRINGA_Dummy+$000A) STRINGA_EditHook EQU (STRINGA_Dummy+$000B) STRINGA_EditModes EQU (STRINGA_Dummy+$000C) * booleans STRINGA_ReplaceMode EQU (STRINGA_Dummy+$000D) STRINGA_FixedFieldMode EQU (STRINGA_Dummy+$000E) STRINGA_NoFilterMode EQU (STRINGA_Dummy+$000F) STRINGA_Justification EQU (STRINGA_Dummy+$0010) * GACT_STRINGCENTER, GACT_STRINGLEFT, GACT_STRINGRIGHT STRINGA_LongVal EQU (STRINGA_Dummy+$0011) STRINGA_TextVal EQU (STRINGA_Dummy+$0012) STRINGA_ExitHelp EQU (STRINGA_Dummy+$0013) * STRINGA_ExitHelp is new for V37, and ignored by V36. * Set this if you want the gadget to exit when Help is * pressed. Look for a code of 0x5F, the rawkey code for Help SG_DEFAULTMAXCHARS EQU (128) * Gadget Layout related attributes LAYOUTA_Dummy EQU (TAG_USER+$38000) LAYOUTA_LayoutObj EQU (LAYOUTA_Dummy+$0001) LAYOUTA_Spacing EQU (LAYOUTA_Dummy+$0002) LAYOUTA_Orientation EQU (LAYOUTA_Dummy+$0003) LAYOUTA_ChildMaxWidth EQU (LAYOUTA_Dummy+$0004) LAYOUTA_ChildMaxHeight EQU (LAYOUTA_Dummy+$0005) * orientation values LORIENT_NONE EQU 0 LORIENT_HORIZ EQU 1 LORIENT_VERT EQU 2 ; Custom gadget hook command ID's ; (gadget class method/message ID's) GM_HITTEST EQU 0 ; return GMR_GADGETHIT if you are clicked ; (whether or not you are disabled) GM_RENDER EQU 1 ; draw yourself, in the appropriate state GM_GOACTIVE EQU 2 ; you are now going to be fed input GM_HANDLEINPUT EQU 3 ; handle that input GM_GOINACTIVE EQU 4 ; whether or not by choice, you are done GM_HELPTEST EQU 5 ; Will you send gadget help if the mouse is ; at the specified coordinates? See below ; for possible GMR_ values. GM_LAYOUT EQU 6 ; re-evaluate your size based on the GadgetInfo ; Domain. Do NOT re-render yourself yet, you ; will be called when it is time... GM_DOMAIN EQU 7 GM_KEYTEST EQU 8 GM_KEYGOACTIVE EQU 9 GM_KEYGOINACTIVE EQU 10 ; Parameter "Messages" passed to gadget class methods ; All parameter structure begin with a MethodID field ; This definition of an abstract generic "message" is ; equivalent to a better one in intuition/classusr.i, but ; it's left here for historic reasons STRUCTURE MsgHeader,0 ULONG MethodID LABEL methodid_SIZEOF ; GM_HITTEST and GM_HELPTEST send this message. ; For GM_HITTEST, gpht_Mouse are coordinates relative to the gadget ; select box. For GM_HELPTEST, the coordinates are relative to ; the gadget bounding box (which defaults to the select box). STRUCTURE gpHitTest,methodid_SIZEOF APTR gpht_GInfo WORD gpht_MouseX WORD gpht_MouseY ; For GM_HITTEST, return GMR_GADGETHIT if you were indeed hit, ; otherwise return zero. ; ; For GM_HELPTEST, return GMR_NOHELPHIT (zero) if you were not hit. ; Typically, return GMR_HELPHIT if you were hit. ; It is possible to pass a UWORD to the application via the Code field ; of the IDCMP_GADGETHELP message. Return GMR_HELPCODE or'd with ; the UWORD-sized result you wish to return. ; ; GMR_HELPHIT yields a Code value of ((UWORD) ~0), which should ; mean "nothing particular" to the application. GMR_GADGETHIT EQU $00000004 ; GM_HITTEST hit GMR_NOHELPHIT EQU $00000000 ; GM_HELPTEST didn't hit GMR_HELPHIT EQU $FFFFFFFF ; GM_HELPTEST hit, return code = ~0 GMR_HELPCODE EQU $00010000 ; GM_HELPTEST hit, return low word as code ; GM_RENDER STRUCTURE gpRender,methodid_SIZEOF APTR gpr_GInfo ; gadget context APTR gpr_RPort ; all ready for use LONG gpr_Redraw ; might be a "highlight pass" ; values of gpr_Redraw GREDRAW_UPDATE EQU 2 ; update for change in attributesvalues GREDRAW_REDRAW EQU 1 ; redraw gadget GREDRAW_TOGGLE EQU 0 ; toggle highlight, if applicable ; GM_GOACTIVE, GM_HANDLEINPUT STRUCTURE gpInput,methodid_SIZEOF APTR gpi_GInfo APTR gpi_IEvent APTR gpi_Termination WORD gpi_MouseX WORD gpi_MouseY ; (V39) Pointer to TabletData structure, if this event originated ; from a tablet which sends IESUBCLASS_NEWTABLET events, or NULL if ; not. ; ; DO NOT ATTEMPT TO READ THIS FIELD UNDER INTUITION PRIOR TO V39! ; IT WILL BE INVALID! APTR gpi_TabletData ; GM_HANDLEINPUT and GM_GOACTIVE return code flags ; return GMR_MEACTIVE (0) alone if you want more input. ; Otherwise, return ONE of GMR_NOREUSE and GMR_REUSE, and optionally ; GMR_VERIFY. ; here are the original constant "equates" GMR_MEACTIVE EQU $0000 ; (bugfix: was $0001 during beta) GMR_NOREUSE EQU $0002 GMR_REUSE EQU $0004 GMR_VERIFY EQU $0008 ; you MUST set gpi_Termination * New for V37: * You can end activation with one of GMR_NEXTACTIVE and GMR_PREVACTIVE, * which instructs Intuition to activate the next or previous gadget * that has GFLG_TABCYCLE set. * GMR_NEXTACTIVE EQU $0010 GMR_PREVACTIVE EQU $0020 ; here are standard bit/flag pairs GMRB_NOREUSE EQU 1 GMRB_REUSE EQU 2 GMRB_VERIFY EQU 3 GMRB_NEXTACTIVE EQU 4 GMRB_PREVACTIVE EQU 5 GMRF_NOREUSE EQU $0002 GMRF_REUSE EQU $0004 GMRF_VERIFY EQU $0008 GMRF_NEXTACTIVE EQU $0010 GMRF_PREVACTIVE EQU $0020 ; GM_GOINACTIVE STRUCTURE gpGoInactive,methodid_SIZEOF APTR gpgi_GInfo * V37 field only! DO NOT attempt to read under V36! ULONG gpgi_Abort ; gpgi_Abort=1 if gadget was aborted ; by Intuition and 0 if gadget went ; inactive at its own request * New for V39: Intuition sends GM_LAYOUT to any GREL_ gadget when * the window opens, or when the gadget is activated, or when the * window is sized. Your gadget can set the GA_RelSpecial property * to get GM_LAYOUT events without Intuition changing the interpretation * of your gadget select box. ; GM_LAYOUT STRUCTURE gpLayout,methodid_SIZEOF APTR gpl_GInfo APTR gpl_Initial ; non-zero if this method was invoked ; during AddGList() or OpenWindow() ; time. zero if this method was invoked ; during window resizing. ; GM_DOMAIN STRUCTURE gpDomain,methodid_SIZEOF APTR gpd_GInfo APTR gpd_RPort LONG gpd_Which STRUCT gpd_Domain,ibox_SIZEOF APTR gpd_Attrs GDOMAIN_MINIMUM EQU 0 GDOMAIN_NOMINAL EQU 1 GDOMAIN_MAXIMUM EQU 2 ; GM_KEYTEST STRUCTURE gpKeyTest,methodid_SIZEOF APTR gpkt_GInfo APTR gpkt_IMsg ULONG gpkt_VanillaKey ; GM_KEYGOACTIVE STRUCTURE gpKeyInput,methodid_SIZEOF APTR gpk_GInfo APTR gpk_IEvent APTR gpk_Termination GMR_KEYACTIVE EQU $0010 GMR_KEYVERIFY EQU $0020 ; GM_KEYGOINACTIVE STRUCTURE gpKeyGoInactive,methodid_SIZEOF APTR gpki_GInfo ULONG gpki_Abort * Include obsolete identifiers: IFND INTUITION_IOBSOLETE_I INCLUDE "intuition/iobsolete.i" ENDC ENDC Comments |
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$VER: d0.se 1.14 Copyright © 2011-2025 Tobias Geijersson support at d0 dot se |
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