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Docs » Autodocs » narrator.device » CMD_READ
CMD_READ - Query the narrator device for mouth shape or other synchronization events.
Standard device command.
Currently, there are three events which the user can inquire about from the narrator device. These are: mouth shape changes, start of word, and start of syllable. Each read request returns information about any or all of these events as determined by the bits set in the sync field of the read IORequest block. In the case of mouth shape changes, each shape returned is guaranteed to be different from the previously returned shape to allow updating to be done only when necessary. Each read request is associated with a write request by information contained in the IORequest block used to open the device. Since the first field in the read IORequest block is a write IORequest structure, this association is easily made by copying the write IORequest block (after the OpenDevice call) into the voice field of the read IORequest block. If there is no write in progress or in the device input queue with the same pseudo unit number as the read request, the read will be returned to the user with an error. This is also how the user knows that the write request has finished and that s/he should not issue any more reads. Note that in this case the mouth shapes may not be different from previously returned values.
mouth_rb IORequest block with the voice field (a narrator_rb structure) copied from the associated write request with the following fields modified: io_Message - Pointer to message port for read request io_Command - CMD_READ io_Error - Clear before issuing first read width - 0 height - 0
As long as the speech is in progress, each read returns the following information in the mouth_rb IORequest block. If mouth shape changes are requested the following fields are modified: width - Contains mouth width value in arbitrary units height - Contains mouth height value in arbitrary units shape - Compressed form of mouth shapes (internal use only) ****** NEW FOR V37 NARRATOR If word synchronization is requested: sync - Bit NDB_WORDSYNC is set If syllable synchronization is requested: sync - Bit NDB_SYLSYNC is set Note that any or all of the above fields can be set and it is the user's responsibility to check for all possibilities.
CMD_WRITE(), Exec input/output documentation.