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datebrowser.gadget --datasheet-- DATEBROWSER_GetClass JulianLeapYear JulianMonthDays JulianWeekDay Include GuruMeditation
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datebrowser.gadget--Monthly calendar gadget
The datebrowser gadget class is used to display a month-based array of days in the visual style of traditional calendarss.
OM_NEW--Create the gadget. Passed to superclass, then OM_SET. OM_SET--Set object attributes. Passed to superclass first. OM_UPDATE--Set object notification attributes. Passed to superclass first. GM_LAYOUT--Calculate relative gadget coordinates. Passed to superclass first. Requires V39 or beyond of Intuition. GM_RENDER--Renders the gadget imagry. Overrides the superclass. GM_HITTEST--Determines if mouse is within the gadget rectangle. Overrides the superclass. GM_GOACTIVE--Handles activation, mutual-exclusion and date-select. Overrides the superclass. GM_HANDLEINPUT--Handles input events once active. Overrides the superclass. GM_GOINACTIVE--Deselects the button. Overrides the superclass. GM_DOMAIN--Obtain the minimum, nominal and maximum size of a datebrowser object. GM_KEYACTIVE--private method for handling keyboard control activation. GM_KEYINACTIVE--private method for handling keyboard control termination. GM_CLIPRECT--method needed to use this gadget in virtual groups. New for v45. All other methods are passed to the superclass, including OM_DISPOSE.
GA_Disabled (BOOL) -- Determines whether the datebrowser is disabled or not. Changing disable state will invoke GM_RENDER. A disabled datebrowser's border and label are all rendered in SHADOWPEN and then dusted in a ghosting pattern that is rendered in SHADOWPEN. Defaults to FALSE. GA_TextAttr (struct TextAttr *) -- Text attribute for the font to use for the labels. GA_ReadOnly (BOOL) -- Indicate whether datebrowser has selectable days or is for display only. Defaults to FALSE (selectable days). DATEBROWSER_Day (UWORD) -- Set the current day of the month. Defaults to 1. Applicability is (OM_NEW,OM_SET,OM_UPDATE,OM_GET). DATEBROWSER_Month (UWORD) -- Set the current month of the year. Defaults to 1. Applicability is (OM_NEW,OM_SET,OM_UPDATE,OM_GET). DATEBROWSER_Year (LONG) -- Calendar year to display. Defaults to 1978. Applicability is (OM_NEW,OM_SET,OM_UPDATE,OM_GET). DATEBROWSER_SelectedDays (ULONG) -- A 32 bit value, each bit represents a day of the month, if set, the corresponding calendar day is selected. This is useful for multi-select mode to find out what days are selected via one packed value. Applicability is (OM_NEW,OM_SET,OM_UPDATE,OM_GET). DATEBROWSER_FirstWDay (LONG) -- Gets the first day of the week. 0 is Sunday. Applicability is (OM_GET). DATEBROWSER_NumDays (UWORD) -- Returns the number of days in the currently set month. A better solution may be using datebrowser's public julian date functions. Applicability is (OM_GET). DATEBROWSER_WeekDay (UWORD) -- Returns the day of the week for the currently selected 'DATEBROWSER_Day'. A better solution may be using datebrowser's public julian date functions. Applicability is (OM_GET). DATEBROWSER_ShowTitle (BOOL) -- Enables display of the week-day title bar. NOTE: If turned on after layout group creation, you must be sure to FlushLayoutDomainCache() and RethinkDisplay(), and potentionally increase the window size to accomodate the possibly larger layout. Simply toggling iconify on/off, or close & open of the window class will archieve similiar results. Applicability is (OM_NEW,OM_SET). DATEBROWSR_MultiSelect (BOOL) -- Enables multi-selection of calendar days. Applicability is (OM_NEW,OM_SET). DATEBROWSER_DayTitles (STRPTR *) -- Pointer to an array of STRPTR containing day titles. Defaults to non-localized internal "Mon", "Tue", etc., if locale.library cannot be opened. Applicability is (OM_NEW,OM_SET,OM_UPDATE,OM_GET).
Relative support requires V39 and beyond of Intuition.