Autodocs Libraries:
datatypes.library --background-- --rexxhost-- AddDTObject DisposeDTObject DoAsyncLayout DoDTMethodA DrawDTObjectA GetDTAttrsA GetDTMethods GetDTString GetDTTriggerMethods NewDTObjectA ObtainDTDrawInfoA ObtainDataTypeA PrintDTObjectA RefreshDTObjectA ReleaseDTDrawInfo ReleaseDataType RemoveDTObject SetDTAttrsA Include GuruMeditation
Docs » Autodocs » datatypes.library » --rexxhost--
datatypes.library provides an ARexx function host interface that enables ARexx programs to take advantage of the features of data types. The functions provided by the interface are directly related to the functions described herein, with the differences mostly being in the way they are called. The function host library vector is located at offset -30 from the library. This is the value you provide to ARexx in the AddLib() function call.
/* datatypes.rexx */ PARSE ARG fname OPTIONS RESULTS /* Load the datatypes.library as a function host */ IF ~SHOW('L','datatypes.library') THEN CALL ADDLIB('datatypes.library',0,-30) IF fname="" THEN DO SAY "Usage:" SAY " rx datatypes <filename>" EXIT END SAY 'var test' type = ExamineDT(fname,,VAR) SAY type SAY 'stem test' CALL ExamineDT(fname,dtstem.,STEM) SAY ' Disk Key:' dtstem.DiskKey SAY 'Dir Entry Type:' dtstem.DirEntryType SAY ' File Name:' dtstem.FileName SAY ' Protection:' dtstem.Protection SAY ' Entry Type:' dtstem.EntryType SAY ' Size:' dtstem.Size SAY ' Blocks:' dtstem.NumBlocks SAY ' Date:' dtstem.Date SAY ' Comment:' dtstem.Comment SAY ' Type:' dtstem.BaseType SAY ' File Type:' dtstem.DataType SAY ' Base Name:' dtstem.BaseName EXIT