Autodocs Include classes clib datatypes devices diskfont dos exec gadgets graphics hardware images intuition libraries pragma pragmas prefs proto reaction resources rexx utility workbench icon.i / .h startup.i / .h workbench.i / .h GuruMeditation | IFND WORKBENCH_WORKBENCH_I WORKBENCH_WORKBENCH_I EQU 1 ** ** $VER: workbench.i 45.6 (23.11.2000) ** Includes Release 45.1 ** ** workbench.library general definitions ** ** Copyright © 1985-2001 Amiga, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved ** IFND EXEC_TYPES_I INCLUDE "exec/types.i" ENDC IFND EXEC_NODES_I INCLUDE "exec/nodes.i" ENDC IFND EXEC_LISTS_I INCLUDE "exec/lists.i" ENDC IFND EXEC_TASKS_I INCLUDE "exec/tasks.i" ENDC IFND DOS_DOS_I INCLUDE "dos/dos.i" ENDC IFND INTUITION_INTUITION_I INCLUDE "intuition/intuition.i" ENDC ; the Workbench object types WBDISK EQU 1 WBDRAWER EQU 2 WBTOOL EQU 3 WBPROJECT EQU 4 WBGARBAGE EQU 5 WBDEVICE EQU 6 WBKICK EQU 7 WBAPPICON EQU 8 ; the main workbench object structure STRUCTURE DrawerData,0 STRUCT dd_NewWindow,nw_SIZE ; args to open window LONG dd_CurrentX ; current x coordinate of origin LONG dd_CurrentY ; current y coordinate of origin LABEL OldDrawerData_SIZEOF ; pre V36 size ; the amount of OldDrawerData actually written to disk OLDDRAWERDATAFILESIZE EQU (OldDrawerData_SIZEOF) ULONG dd_Flags ; flags for drawer UWORD dd_ViewModes ; view mode for drawer LABEL DrawerData_SIZEOF ; the amount of DrawerData actually written to disk DRAWERDATAFILESIZE EQU (DrawerData_SIZEOF) ; definitions for dd_ViewModes DDVM_BYDEFAULT equ 0 ; default (inherit parent's view mode) DDVM_BYICON equ 1 ; view as icons DDVM_BYNAME equ 2 ; view as text, sorted by name DDVM_BYDATE equ 3 ; view as text, sorted by date DDVM_BYSIZE equ 4 ; view as text, sorted by size DDVM_BYTYPE equ 5 ; view as text, sorted by type ; definitions for dd_Flags DDFLAGS_SHOWDEFAULT equ 0 ; default (show only icons) DDFLAGS_SHOWICONS equ 1 ; show only icons DDFLAGS_SHOWALL equ 2 ; show all files STRUCTURE DiskObject,0 UWORD do_Magic ; a magic num at the start of the file UWORD do_Version ; a version number, so we can change it STRUCT do_Gadget,gg_SIZEOF ; a copy of in core gadget UBYTE do_Type UBYTE do_PAD_BYTE ; Pad it out to the next word boundry APTR do_DefaultTool APTR do_ToolTypes LONG do_CurrentX LONG do_CurrentY APTR do_DrawerData APTR do_ToolWindow ; only applies to tools LONG do_StackSize ; applies to tools and projects LABEL do_SIZEOF WB_DISKMAGIC EQU $e310 ; a magic number, not easily impersonated WB_DISKVERSION EQU 1 ; our current version number WB_DISKREVISION EQU 1 ; out current revision number ; I only use the lower 8 bits of Gadget.UserData for the revision # WB_DISKREVISIONMASK EQU $ff STRUCTURE FreeList,0 WORD fl_NumFree STRUCT fl_MemList,LH_SIZE ; weird name to avoid conflicts with FileLocks LABEL FreeList_SIZEOF ; workbench does different complement modes for its gadgets. ; It supports separate images, complement mode, and backfill mode. ; The first two are identical to intuitions GFLG_GADGIMAGE and GFLG_GADGHCOMP. ; backfill is similar to GFLG_GADGHCOMP, but the region outside of the ; image (which normally would be color three when complemented) ; is flood-filled to color zero. GFLG_GADGBACKFILL EQU $0001 GADGBACKFILL EQU $0001 ; an old synonym ; if an icon does not really live anywhere, set its current position ; to here NO_ICON_POSITION EQU ($80000000) ; workbench now is a library. this is it's name WORKBENCH_NAME MACRO dc.b 'workbench.library',0 ds.w 0 ENDM ; If you find am_Version >= AM_VERSION, you now this structure has ; at least the fields defined in this version of the include file AM_VERSION EQU 1 STRUCTURE AppMessage,0 STRUCT am_Message,MN_SIZE ; standard message structure UWORD am_Type ; message type ULONG am_UserData ; application specific ULONG am_ID ; application definable ID LONG am_NumArgs ; # of elements in arglist APTR am_ArgList ; the arguements themselves UWORD am_Version ; will be AM_VERSION UWORD am_Class ; message class WORD am_MouseX ; mouse x position of event WORD am_MouseY ; mount y position of event ULONG am_Seconds ; current system clock time ULONG am_Micros ; current system clock time STRUCT am_Reserved,8 ; avoid recompilation LABEL AppMessage_SIZEOF ; types of app messages AMTYPE_APPWINDOW EQU 7 ; app window message AMTYPE_APPICON EQU 8 ; app icon message AMTYPE_APPMENUITEM EQU 9 ; app menu item message AMTYPE_APPWINDOWZONE EQU 10 ; app window drop zone message ; Classes of AppIcon messages (V44) AMCLASSICON_Open equ 0 ; The "Open" menu item was invoked, ; the icon got double-clicked or an ; icon got dropped on it. AMCLASSICON_Copy equ 1 ; The "Copy" menu item was invoked AMCLASSICON_Rename equ 2 ; The "Rename" menu item was invoked AMCLASSICON_Information equ 3 ; The "Information" menu item was invoked AMCLASSICON_Snapshot equ 4 ; The "Snapshot" menu item was invoked AMCLASSICON_UnSnapshot equ 5 ; The "UnSnapshot" menu item was invoked AMCLASSICON_LeaveOut equ 6 ; The "Leave Out" menu item was invoked AMCLASSICON_PutAway equ 7 ; The "Put Away" menu item was invoked AMCLASSICON_Delete equ 8 ; The "Delete" menu item was invoked AMCLASSICON_FormatDisk equ 9 ; The "Format Disk" menu item was invoked AMCLASSICON_EmptyTrash equ 10 ; The "Empty Trash" menu item was invoked AMCLASSICON_Selected equ 11 ; The icon is now selected AMCLASSICON_Unselected equ 12 ; The icon is now unselected ; The following structures are private. These are just stub ; structures for code compatibility... STRUCTURE AppWindow,0 STRUCT aw_PRIVATE,0 LABEL AppWindow_SIZEOF STRUCTURE AppWindowDropZone,0 STRUCT awdz_PRIVATE,0 LABEL AppWindowDropZone_SIZEOF STRUCTURE AppIcon,0 STRUCT ai_PRIVATE,0 LABEL AppIcon_SIZEOF STRUCTURE AppMenuItem,0 STRUCT ami_PRIVATE,0 LABEL AppMenuItem_SIZEOF STRUCTURE AppMenu,0 STRUCT am_PRIVATE,0 LABEL AppMenu_SIZEOF ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WBA_Dummy equ (TAG_USER+$A000) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Tags for use with AddAppIconA() ; AppIcon responds to the "Open" menu item (BOOL). WBAPPICONA_SupportsOpen equ (WBA_Dummy+1) ; AppIcon responds to the "Copy" menu item (BOOL). WBAPPICONA_SupportsCopy equ (WBA_Dummy+2) ; AppIcon responds to the "Rename" menu item (BOOL). WBAPPICONA_SupportsRename equ (WBA_Dummy+3) ; AppIcon responds to the "Information" menu item (BOOL). WBAPPICONA_SupportsInformation equ (WBA_Dummy+4) ; AppIcon responds to the "Snapshot" menu item (BOOL). WBAPPICONA_SupportsSnapshot equ (WBA_Dummy+5) ; AppIcon responds to the "UnSnapshot" menu item (BOOL). WBAPPICONA_SupportsUnSnapshot equ (WBA_Dummy+6) ; AppIcon responds to the "LeaveOut" menu item (BOOL). WBAPPICONA_SupportsLeaveOut equ (WBA_Dummy+7) ; AppIcon responds to the "PutAway" menu item (BOOL). WBAPPICONA_SupportsPutAway equ (WBA_Dummy+8) ; AppIcon responds to the "Delete" menu item (BOOL). WBAPPICONA_SupportsDelete equ (WBA_Dummy+9) ; AppIcon responds to the "FormatDisk" menu item (BOOL). WBAPPICONA_SupportsFormatDisk equ (WBA_Dummy+10) ; AppIcon responds to the "EmptyTrash" menu item (BOOL). WBAPPICONA_SupportsEmptyTrash equ (WBA_Dummy+11) ; AppIcon position should be propagated back to original DiskObject (BOOL). WBAPPICONA_PropagatePosition equ (WBA_Dummy+12) ; Callback hook to be invoked when rendering this icon (struct Hook *). WBAPPICONA_RenderHook equ (WBA_Dummy+13) ; AppIcon wants to be notified when its select state changes (BOOL). WBAPPICONA_NotifySelectState equ (WBA_Dummy+14) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Tags for use with AddAppMenuA() ; Command key string for this AppMenu (STRPTR). WBAPPMENUA_CommandKeyString equ (WBA_Dummy+15) ; Item to be added should get sub menu items attached to; make room for it, ; then return the key to use later for attaching the items (ULONG *). WBAPPMENUA_GetKey equ (WBA_Dummy+65) ; This item should be attached to a sub menu; the key provided refers to ; the sub menu it should be attached to (ULONG). WBAPPMENUA_UseKey equ (WBA_Dummy+66) ; Item to be added is in fact a new menu title; make room for it, then ; return the key to use later for attaching the items (ULONG *). WBAPPMENUA_GetTitleKey equ (WBA_Dummy+77) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Tags for use with OpenWorkbenchObjectA() ; Corresponds to the wa_Lock member of a struct WBArg WBOPENA_ArgLock equ (WBA_Dummy+16) ; Corresponds to the wa_Name member of a struct WBArg WBOPENA_ArgName equ (WBA_Dummy+17) ; When opening a drawer, show all files or only icons? ; This must be one out of DDFLAGS_SHOWICONS, ; or DDFLAGS_SHOWALL; (UBYTE); (V45) WBOPENA_Show equ (WBA_Dummy+75) ; When opening a drawer, view the contents by icon, name, ; date, size or type? This must be one out of DDVM_BYICON, ; DDVM_BYNAME, DDVM_BYDATE, DDVM_BYSIZE or DDVM_BYTYPE; ; (UBYTE); (V45) WBOPENA_ViewBy equ (WBA_Dummy+76) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Tags for use with WorkbenchControlA() ; Check if the named drawer is currently open (LONG *). WBCTRLA_IsOpen equ (WBA_Dummy+18) ; Create a duplicate of the Workbench private search path list (BPTR *). WBCTRLA_DuplicateSearchPath equ (WBA_Dummy+19) ; Free the duplicated search path list (BPTR). WBCTRLA_FreeSearchPath equ (WBA_Dummy+20) ; Get the default stack size for launching programs with (ULONG *). WBCTRLA_GetDefaultStackSize equ (WBA_Dummy+21) ; Set the default stack size for launching programs with (ULONG). WBCTRLA_SetDefaultStackSize equ (WBA_Dummy+22) ; Cause an AppIcon to be redrawn (struct AppIcon *). WBCTRLA_RedrawAppIcon equ (WBA_Dummy+23) ; Get a list of currently running Workbench programs (struct List **). WBCTRLA_GetProgramList equ (WBA_Dummy+24) ; Release the list of currently running Workbench programs (struct List *). WBCTRLA_FreeProgramList equ (WBA_Dummy+25) ; Get a list of currently selected icons (struct List **). WBCTRLA_GetSelectedIconList equ (WBA_Dummy+36) ; Release the list of currently selected icons (struct List *). WBCTRLA_FreeSelectedIconList equ (WBA_Dummy+37) ; Get a list of currently open drawers (struct List **). WBCTRLA_GetOpenDrawerList equ (WBA_Dummy+38) ; Release the list of currently open icons (struct List *). WBCTRLA_FreeOpenDrawerList equ (WBA_Dummy+39) ; Get the list of hidden devices (struct List **). WBCTRLA_GetHiddenDeviceList equ (WBA_Dummy+42) ; Release the list of hidden devices (struct List *). WBCTRLA_FreeHiddenDeviceList equ (WBA_Dummy+43) ; Add the name of a device which Workbench should never try to ; read a disk icon from (STRPTR). WBCTRLA_AddHiddenDeviceName equ (WBA_Dummy+44) ; Remove a name from list of hidden devices (STRPTR). WBCTRLA_RemoveHiddenDeviceName equ (WBA_Dummy+45) ; Get the number of seconds that have to pass before typing ; the next character in a drawer window will restart ; with a new file name (ULONG *). WBCTRLA_GetTypeRestartTime equ (WBA_Dummy+47) ; Set the number of seconds that have to pass before typing ; the next character in a drawer window will restart ; with a new file name (ULONG). WBCTRLA_SetTypeRestartTime equ (WBA_Dummy+48) ; Obtain the hook that will be invoked when Workbench starts ; to copy files and data (struct Hook **); (V45) WBCTRLA_GetCopyHook equ (WBA_Dummy+69) ; Install the hook that will be invoked when Workbench starts ; to copy files and data (struct Hook *); (V45) WBCTRLA_SetCopyHook equ (WBA_Dummy+70) ; Obtain the hook that will be invoked when Workbench discards ; files and drawers or empties the trashcan (struct Hook **); ; (V45). WBCTRLA_GetDeleteHook equ (WBA_Dummy+71) ; Install the hook that will be invoked when Workbench discards ; files and drawers or empties the trashcan (struct Hook *); ; (V45). WBCTRLA_SetDeleteHook equ (WBA_Dummy+72) ; Obtain the hook that will be invoked when Workbench requests ; that the user enters text, such as when a file is to be renamed ; or a new drawer is to be created (struct Hook **); (V45) WBCTRLA_GetTextInputHook equ (WBA_Dummy+73) ; Install the hook that will be invoked when Workbench requests ; that the user enters text, such as when a file is to be renamed ; or a new drawer is to be created (struct Hook *); (V45) WBCTRLA_SetTextInputHook equ (WBA_Dummy+74) ; Add a hook that will be invoked when Workbench is about ; to shut down (cleanup), and when Workbench has returned ; to operational state (setup) (struct Hook *); (V45) WBCTRLA_AddSetupCleanupHook equ (WBA_Dummy+78) ; Remove a hook that has been installed with the ; WBCTRLA_AddSetupCleanupHook tag (struct Hook *); (V45) WBCTRLA_RemSetupCleanupHook equ (WBA_Dummy+79) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; The message your setup/cleanup hook gets invoked with. STRUCTURE SetupCleanupHookMsg,0 ULONG schm_Length ; Size of this data structure (in bytes). LONG schm_State ; See below for definitions. LABEL SetupCleanupHookMsg_SIZEOF SCHMSTATE_TryCleanup equ 0 ; Workbench will attempt to shut down now. SCHMSTATE_Cleanup equ 1 ; Workbench will really shut down now. SCHMSTATE_Setup equ 2 ; Workbench is operational again or ; could not be shut down. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Tags for use with AddAppWindowDropZoneA() ; Zone left edge (WORD) WBDZA_Left equ (WBA_Dummy+26) ; Zone left edge, if relative to the right edge of the window (WORD) WBDZA_RelRight equ (WBA_Dummy+27) ; Zone top edge (WORD) WBDZA_Top equ (WBA_Dummy+28) ; Zone top edge, if relative to the bottom edge of the window (WORD) WBDZA_RelBottom equ (WBA_Dummy+29) ; Zone width (WORD) WBDZA_Width equ (WBA_Dummy+30) ; Zone width, if relative to the window width (WORD) WBDZA_RelWidth equ (WBA_Dummy+31) ; Zone height (WORD) WBDZA_Height equ (WBA_Dummy+32) ; Zone height, if relative to the window height (WORD) WBDZA_RelHeight equ (WBA_Dummy+33) ; Zone position and size (struct IBox *). WBDZA_Box equ (WBA_Dummy+34) ; Hook to invoke when the mouse enters or leave a drop zone (struct Hook *). WBDZA_Hook equ (WBA_Dummy+35) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; The message your AppIcon rendering hook gets invoked with. STRUCTURE AppIconRenderMsg,0 APTR arm_RastPort ; RastPort to render into APTR arm_Icon ; The icon to be rendered APTR arm_Label ; The icon label txt APTR arm_Tags ; Further tags to be passed on ; to DrawIconStateA(). WORD arm_Left ; \ Rendering origin, not taking the WORD arm_Top ; / button border into account. WORD arm_Width ; \ Limit your rendering to WORD arm_Height ; / this area. ULONG arm_State ; IDS_SELECTED, IDS_NORMAL, etc. LABEL AppIconRenderMsg_SIZEOF ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The message your drop zone hook gets invoked with. STRUCTURE AppWindowDropZoneMsg,0 APTR adzm_RastPort ; RastPort to render into. STRUCT adzm_DropZoneBox,ibox_SIZEOF ; Limit your rendering to this area. ULONG adzm_ID ; \ These come from straight ULONG adzm_UserData ; / from AddAppWindowDropZoneA(). LONG adzm_Action ; See below for a list of actions. LABEL AppWindowDropZoneMsg_SIZEOF ADZMACTION_Enter equ (0) ADZMACTION_Leave equ (1) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The message your icon selection change hook is invoked with. STRUCTURE IconSelectMsg,0 ULONG ism_Length ; Size of this data structure ; (in bytes). BPTR ism_Drawer ; Lock on the drawer this object ; resides in, NULL for Workbench ; backdrop (devices). APTR ism_Name ; Name of the object in question. UWORD ism_Type ; One of WBDISK, WBDRAWER, WBTOOL, ; WBPROJECT, WBGARBAGE, WBDEVICE, ; WBKICK or WBAPPICON. BOOL ism_Selected ; TRUE if currently selected, ; FALSE otherwise. APTR ism_Tags ; Pointer to the list of tag items ; passed to APTR ism_DrawerWindow ; Pointer to the window attached ; to this icon, if the icon is ; a drawer-like object. APTR ism_ParentWindow ; Pointer to the window the icon ; resides in WORD ism_Left ; Position and size of the icon; WORD ism_Top ; note that the icon may not entirely WORD ism_Width ; visible bounds of the parent window. WORD ism_Height LABEL IconSelectMsg_SIZEOF ; These are the values your hook code can return ISMACTION_Unselect equ (0) ; Unselect the icon ISMACTION_Select equ (1) ; Select the icon ISMACTION_Ignore equ (2) ; Do not change the selection state. ISMACTION_Stop equ (3) ; Do not invoke the hook code again, ; leave the icon as it is. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The messages your copy hook is invoked with. STRUCTURE CopyBeginMsg,0 ULONG cbm_Length ; Size of this data structure in bytes. LONG cbm_Action ; Will be set to CPACTION_Begin (see below). BPTR cbm_SourceDrawer ; A lock on the source drawer. BPTR cbm_DestinationDrawer ; A lock on the destination drawer. LABEL CopyBeginMsg_SIZEOF STRUCTURE CopyDataMsg,0 ULONG cdm_Length ; Size of this data structure in bytes. LONG cdm_Action ; Will be set to CPACTION_Copy (see below). BPTR cdm_SourceLock ; A lock on the parent directory of the ; source file/drawer. APTR cdm_SourceName ; The name of the source file or drawer. BPTR cdm_DestinationLock ; A lock on the parent directory of the ; destination file/drawer. APTR cdm_DestinationName ; The name of the destination file/drawer. ; This may or may not match the name of ; the source file/drawer in case the ; data is to be copied under a different ; name. For example, this is the case ; with the Workbench "Copy" command which ; creates duplicates of file/drawers by ; prefixing the duplicate's name with ; "Copy_XXX_of". LONG cdm_DestinationX ; When the icon corresponding to the ; destination is written to disk, this ; is the position (put into its ; DiskObject->do_CurrentX/DiskObject->do_CurrentY ; fields) it should be placed at. LONG cdm_DestinationY LABEL CopyDataMsg_SIZEOF STRUCTURE CopyEndMsg,0 ULONG cem_Length ; Size of this data structure in bytes. LONG cem_Action ; Will be set to CPACTION_End (see below). LABEL CopyEndMsg_SIZEOF CPACTION_Begin equ (0) ; This message arrives when the copying ; process is started. CPACTION_Copy equ (1) ; This message arrives for each file or ; drawer to be copied. CPACTION_End equ (2) ; This message arrives when all files/drawers ; have been copied. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The messages your delete hook is invoked with. STRUCTURE DeleteBeginMsg,0 ULONG dbm_Length ; Size of this data structure in bytes. LONG dbm_Action ; Will be set to either DLACTION_BeginDiscard ; or DLACTION_BeginEmptyTrash (see below). LABEL DeleteBeginMsg_SIZEOF STRUCTURE DeleteDataMsg,0 ULONG ddm_Length ; Size of this data structure in bytes. LONG ddm_Action ; Will be set to either DLACTION_DeleteContents ; or DLACTION_DeleteObject (see below). BPTR ddm_Lock ; A Lock on the parent directory of the object ; whose contents or which itself should be ; deleted. APTR ddm_Name ; The name of the object whose contents or ; which itself should be deleted. LABEL DeleteDataMsg_SIZEOF STRUCTURE DeleteEndMsg,0 ULONG dem_Length ; Size of this data structure in bytes. LONG dem_Action ; Will be set to DLACTION_End (see below). LABEL DeleteEndMsg_SIZEOF DLACTION_BeginDiscard equ (0) ; This indicates that a number of ; files and drawers should be ; discarded; note that you will ; receive a different kind of message ; if the trashcan is to be emptied ; (see below). DLACTION_BeginEmptyTrash equ (1) ; This indicates that the following ; delete operations are intended to ; empty the trashcan. DLACTION_DeleteContents equ (3) ; This indicates that the object ; described by lock and name refers ; to a drawer; you should empty its ; contents but *DO NOT* delete the ; drawer itself! DLACTION_DeleteObject equ (4) ; This indicates that the object ; described by lock and name should ; be deleted; this could be a file ; or an empty drawer. DLACTION_End equ (5) ; This indicates that the ; deletion process is finished. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The messages your text input hook is invoked with. STRUCTURE TextInputMsg,0 ULONG tim_Length ; Size of this data structure ; in bytes. LONG tim_Action ; One of the TIACTION_... ; values listed below. APTR tim_Prompt ; The Workbench suggested ; result, depending on what ; kind of input is requested ; (as indicated by the ; tim_Action member). LABEL TextInputMsg_SIZEOF TIACTION_Rename equ (0) ; A file or drawer is to be ; renamed. TIACTION_RelabelVolume equ (1) ; A volume is to be relabeled. TIACTION_NewDrawer equ (2) ; A new drawer is to be created. TIACTION_Execute equ (3) ; A program or script is to be ; executed. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Parameters for the UpdateWorkbench() function. UPDATEWB_ObjectRemoved equ (0) ; Object has been deleted. UPDATEWB_ObjectAdded eqz (1) ; Object is new or has changed. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENDC ; WORKBENCH_WORKBENCH_I Comments |
$VER: 1.14 Copyright © 2011-2025 Tobias Geijersson support at d0 dot se |