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![]() Autodocs Include classes clib datatypes devices diskfont dos exec ables.i alerts.i / .h avl.h devices.i / .h errors.i / .h exec.i / .h exec_lib.i execbase.i / .h initializers.i / .h interrupts.i / .h io.i / .h libraries.i / .h lists.i / .h macros.i memory.i / .h nodes.i / .h ports.i / .h resident.i / .h semaphores.i / .h strings.i tasks.i / .h types.i / .h gadgets graphics hardware images intuition libraries pragma pragmas prefs proto reaction resources rexx utility workbench GuruMeditation | IFND EXEC_ABLES_I EXEC_ABLES_I SET 1 ** ** $VER: ables.i 39.0 (15.10.1991) ** Includes Release 45.1 ** ** Task switch and interrupt control macros ** ** (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Amiga, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved ** IFND EXEC_TYPES_I INCLUDE "exec/types.i" ENDC ; EXEC_TYPES_I IFND EXEC_EXECBASE_I INCLUDE "exec/execbase.i" ENDC ; EXEC_EXECBASE_I *------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Interrupt Exclusion Macros. Disable all tasks and interrupts. * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT_ABLES MACRO ; externals used by DISABLE and ENABLE XREF _intena ENDM ;Disable interrupts. Avoid use of DISABLE if at all possible. ;Please realize the danger of this macro! Don't disable for long periods! DISABLE MACRO ; [scratchReg],[NOFETCH] or have ExecBase in A6. IFC '\1','' ;Case 1: Assume A6=ExecBase MOVE.W #$04000,_intena ;(NOT IF_SETCLR)+IF_INTEN ADDQ.B #1,IDNestCnt(A6) MEXIT ENDC IFC '\2','NOFETCH' ;Case 2: Assume \1=ExecBase MOVE.W #$04000,_intena ADDQ.B #1,IDNestCnt(\1) MEXIT ENDC IFNC '\1','' ;Case 3: Use \1 as scratch MOVE.L 4,\1 ;Get ExecBase MOVE.W #$04000,_intena ADDQ.B #1,IDNestCnt(\1) MEXIT ENDC ENDM ;Enable interrupts. Please realize the danger of this macro! ENABLE MACRO ; [scratchReg],[NOFETCH] or have ExecBase in A6. IFC '\1','' ;Case 1: Assume A6=ExecBase SUBQ.B #1,IDNestCnt(A6) BGE.S ENABLE\@ MOVE.W #$0C000,_intena ;IF_SETCLR+IF_INTEN ENABLE\@: MEXIT ENDC IFC '\2','NOFETCH' ;Case 2: Assume \1=ExecBase SUBQ.B #1,IDNestCnt(\1) BGE.S ENABLE\@ MOVE.W #$0C000,_intena ENABLE\@: MEXIT ENDC IFNC '\1','' ;Case 3: Use \1 as scratch MOVE.L 4,\1 ;Get ExecBase SUBQ.B #1,IDNestCnt(\1) BGE.S ENABLE\@ MOVE.W #$0C000,_intena ENABLE\@: MEXIT ENDC ENDM *------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Tasking Exclusion Macros. Forbid all other tasks (but not interrupts) * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- TASK_ABLES MACRO ; externals used by FORBID and PERMIT XREF _LVOPermit ENDM ;Prevent task switching (disables reschedule) FORBID MACRO ; [scratchReg],[NOFETCH] or ExecBase in A6! IFC '\1','' ;Case 1: Assume A6=ExecBase ADDQ.B #1,TDNestCnt(A6) MEXIT ENDC IFC '\2','NOFETCH' ;Case 2: Assume \1=ExecBase ADDQ.B #1,TDNestCnt(\1) MEXIT ENDC IFNC '\1','' ;Case 3: Use \1 as scratch MOVE.L 4,\1 ;Get ExecBase ADDQ.B #1,TDNestCnt(\1) MEXIT ENDC ENDM ;Enable task switching PERMIT MACRO ; [saveFlag],[NOFETCH] or ExecBase in A6! IFC '\1','' ;Case 1: Assume A6=ExecBase JSR _LVOPermit(A6) MEXIT ENDC IFC '\2','NOFETCH' ;Case 2: Assume \1=ExecBase EXG.L A6,\1 ;put execbase in A6 JSR _LVOPermit(A6) ;no registers touched. A6=ExecBase EXG.L A6,\1 MEXIT ENDC IFNC '\1','' ;Case 2: save/restore A6 MOVE.L A6,-(SP) MOVE.L 4,A6 JSR _LVOPermit(A6) MOVE.L (SP)+,A6 MEXIT ENDC ENDM ENDC ; EXEC_ABLES_I Comments |
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$VER: d0.se 1.14 Copyright © 2011-2025 Tobias Geijersson support at d0 dot se |
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