Autodocs Include classes clib datatypes devices diskfont dos exec gadgets button.h checkbox.h chooser.h clicktab.h colorwheel.h / .i datebrowser.h fuelgauge.h getfile.h getfont.h getscreenmode.h gradientslider.h / .i integer.h layout.h listbrowser.h page.h palette.h radiobutton.h scroller.h slider.h space.h speedbar.h string.h tapedeck.h / .i texteditor.h virtual.h graphics hardware images intuition libraries pragma pragmas prefs proto reaction resources rexx utility workbench GuruMeditation | #ifndef GADGETS_CHOOSER_H #define GADGETS_CHOOSER_H /* ** $VER: chooser.h 45.1 (10.03.2001) ** Includes Release 45.1 ** ** Definitions for the Chooser BOOPSI class ** ** (C) Copyright 1987-2001 Amiga, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved */ /*****************************************************************************/ #ifndef REACTION_REACTION_H #include <reaction/reaction.h> #endif #ifndef INTUITION_GADGETCLASS_H #include <intuition/gadgetclass.h> #endif /* Predefined Minimum dimensions for safe operation. */ #define CHOOSER_MinWidth 36 #define CHOOSER_MinHeight 10 /*****************************************************************************/ /* Chooser node attributes. */ #define CNA_Dummy (TAG_USER+0x5001500) #define CNA_Text (CNA_Dummy+1) /* (STRPTR) Text for the node. */ #define CNA_Image (CNA_Dummy+2) /* (strcut Image *) normal image for node. */ #define CNA_SelImage (CNA_Dummy+3) /* (strcut Image *) select image for node. */ #define CNA_UserData (CNA_Dummy+4) /* (APRR) user data, use as desired. */ #define CNA_Separator (CNA_Dummy+5) /* (BOOL) Render a separator bar. */ #define CNA_Disabled (CNA_Dummy+6) /* (BOOL) Disabled entry... */ #define CNA_BGPen (CNA_Dummy+7) /* (WORD) Background Pen. (not implemented) */ #define CNA_FGPen (CNA_Dummy+8) /* (WORD) Foreground Pen. (not implemented) */ #define CNA_ReadOnly (CNA_Dummy+9) /* (BOOL) Non-selectable entry... */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* Additional attributes defined by the Chooser class */ #define CHOOSER_Dummy (REACTION_Dummy+0x0001000) #define CHOOSER_PopUp (CHOOSER_Dummy+1) /* (BOOL) Make it a popup menu. Default to TRUE. */ #define CHOOSER_DropDown (CHOOSER_Dummy+2) /* (BOOL) Make it a dropdown menu. Defaults to FALSE. */ #define CHOOSER_Title (CHOOSER_Dummy+3) /* (STRPTR) Title for the DropDown. Defaults to NULL. */ #define CHOOSER_Labels (CHOOSER_Dummy+4) /* (struct List *) Exec List of labels, required. */ #define CHOOSER_Active (CHOOSER_Dummy+5) /* (WORD) Active label in the list. Defaults to 0. */ #define CHOOSER_Selected (CHOOSER_Active) /* A more logical NEW NAME for the above. */ #define CHOOSER_Width (CHOOSER_Dummy+6) /* (WORD) The width of the popup menu. Defaults to the width of the * gadget. */ #define CHOOSER_AutoFit (CHOOSER_Dummy+7) /* (BOOL) Make the menu automatically fit its labels. Defaults to FALSE. */ #define CHOOSER_MaxLabels (CHOOSER_Dummy+9) /* (WORD) Maximum number of labels to be shown in the menu regardless * of how many are in the CHOOSER_Labels list. Defaults to 12.*/ #define CHOOSER_Offset (CHOOSER_Dummy+10) /* (WORD) Add a fixed value offset to the CHOOSE_Selected value * for notification methods. This is useful in connecting a Chooser * with item id's 0 thru 11 to a Calendar's month which is 1 thru 12. * In that situation, a CHOOSER_Offset of 1 would be used to match * the starting offsets of the respective tags. * Defaults to 0. (V41) */ #define CHOOSER_Hidden (CHOOSER_Dummy+11) /* (BOOL) If set, the chooser will not render its main body, and you * may call the Show/HideChooser functions to popup the chooser under * under the mouse pointer. * Defaults to FALSE. (V42 prelease - V41.101 or later) */ #define CHOOSER_LabelArray (CHOOSER_Dummy+12) /* (STRPTR *) A null terminated array of strings to use as labels. Use ~0 as string to add separator bar to the list. New for v45.2 */ #define CHOOSER_Justification (CHOOSER_Dummy+13) /* (WORD) How to align the labels. New for v45.3 */ /* Possible values for CHOOSER_Justification */ #define CHJ_LEFT 0 /* default */ #define CHJ_CENTER 1 #define CHJ_RIGHT 2 #endif /* GADGETS_CHOOSER_H */ Comments |
$VER: 1.14 Copyright © 2011-2024 Tobias Geijersson support at d0 dot se |