Autodocs Include classes arexx.h requester.h window.h clib datatypes devices diskfont dos exec gadgets graphics hardware images intuition libraries pragma pragmas prefs proto reaction resources rexx utility workbench GuruMeditation | #ifndef CLASSES_REQUESTER_H #define CLASSES_REQUESTER_H /* ** $VER: requester.h 44.1 (19.10.1999) ** Includes Release 45.1 ** ** requester.class definitions ** ** (C) Copyright 1987-2001 Amiga, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved */ /*****************************************************************************/ #ifndef REACTION_REACTION_H #include <reaction/reaction.h> #endif /*****************************************************************************/ /* Attributes defined by the requester.gadget class */ #define REQ_Dummy (REACTION_Dummy + 0x45000) #define REQS_Dummy (REQ_Dummy + 0x100) #define REQI_Dummy (REQ_Dummy + 0x200) #define REQP_Dummy (REQ_Dummy + 0x300) #define REQ_Type (REQ_Dummy+1) /* (ULONG) Type of requester. See definitions below. (default: REQTYPE_INFO) (OM_NEW, OM_SET, RM_OPENREQ) */ #define REQ_TitleText (REQ_Dummy+2) /* (UBYTE *) Title text of the requester (default: None) (OM_NEW, OM_SET, RM_OPENREQ) */ #define REQ_BodyText (REQ_Dummy+3) /* (UBYTE *) Body text of the requester (default: None) (OM_NEW, OM_SET, RM_OPENREQ) */ #define REQ_GadgetText (REQ_Dummy+4) /* (UBYTE *) Gadget text(s) for the requester (default: " _Ok | _Cancel ") (OM_NEW, OM_SET, RM_OPENREQ) */ #define REQ_ReturnCode (REQ_Dummy+5) /* (ULONG) Last return code of the requester (default: 0) (OM_GET) */ #define REQ_TabSize (REQ_Dummy+6) /* NOT IMPLEMENTED YET */ /* (ULONG) Tab size to use when formatting the bodytext (default: 8) (OM_NEW, OM_SET, RM_OPENREQ) */ /********************************** * integer request type attributes * **********************************/ #define REQI_Minimum (REQI_Dummy+1) /* (LONG) Minimum allowed value (default: MININT) (OM_NEW, OM_SET, RM_OPENREQ) */ #define REQI_Maximum (REQI_Dummy+2) /* (LONG) Maximum allowed value (default: MAXINT) (OM_NEW, OM_SET, RM_OPENREQ) */ #define REQI_Invisible (REQI_Dummy+3) /* NOT IMPLEMENTED YET */ /* (BOOL) Integer input will be echoed with '.' and not what the user actually types (default: FALSE) (OM_NEW, OM_SET, RM_OPENREQ) */ #define REQI_Number (REQI_Dummy+4) /* (LONG) Number to show in gadget (default: 0) (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET, RM_OPENREQ) */ #define REQI_Arrows (REQI_Dummy+5) /* (BOOL) Show arrows to the right of the integer gadget (default: FALSE) (OM_NEW, OM_SET, RM_OPENREQ) */ #define REQI_MaxChars (REQI_Dummy+6) /* (UWORD) Maximum number of characters for the number (including negative sign). (default: 10) (OM_NEW, OM_SET, RM_OPENREQ) */ /********************************* * string request type attributes * *********************************/ #define REQS_AllowEmpty (REQS_Dummy+1) /* (BOOL) Allow empty string to be accepted. (default: FALSE) (OM_NEW, OM_SET, RM_OPENREQ) */ #define REQS_Invisible (REQI_Invisible) /* NOT IMPLEMENTED YET */ /* (BOOL) String input will be echoed with '.' and not what the user actually types (default: FALSE) (OM_NEW, OM_SET, RM_OPENREQ) */ #define REQS_Buffer (REQS_Dummy+2) /* (UBYTE *) Buffer used in the string gadget. MUST be provided. (OM_NEW, OM_SET, RM_OPENREQ) */ #define REQS_ShowDefault (REQS_Dummy+3) /* (BOOL) Show content of REQS_Buffer in string gadget. (default: TRUE) (OM_NEW, OM_SET, RM_OPENREQ) */ #define REQS_MaxChars (REQS_Dummy+4) /* (ULONG) Maximum number of characters in string gadget. Must not be larger than size of REQS_Buffer - 1. (default: 127) (OM_NEW, OM_SET, RM_OPENREQ) */ #define REQS_ChooserArray (REQS_Dummy+5) /* (UBYTE **) An array of strings that will be added to a chooser gadget to the right of the string gadget. (OM_NEW, OM_SET, RM_OPENREQ) */ #define REQS_ChooserActive (REQS_Dummy+6) /* (ULONG) The current active entry among the strings passed in using REQS_ChooserOptions. (default: 0) (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET, RM_OPENREQ) */ /********************************** * progress window type attributes * **********************************/ #define REQP_Total (REQP_Dummy+1) /* (ULONG) Total number of levels for the progressbar. (default: 100) (OM_NEW, OM_SET, RM_OPENREQ) */ #define REQP_Current (REQP_Dummy+2) /* (ULONG) The current level of the progressbar. (default: 0) (OM_NEW, OM_SET, RM_OPENREQ) */ #define REQP_AbortText REQ_GadgetText /* (UBYTE *) Text to be put into the gadget that will abort the progressbar. If not present, no gadget will be created. (OM_NEW, OM_SET, RM_OPENREQ) */ #define REQP_ProgressText REQ_BodyText /* (UBYTE *) Text to be shown over the progressbar. (OM_NEW, OM_SET, RM_OPENREQ) */ #define REQP_OpenInactive (REQP_Dummy+3) /* (BOOL) Open window inactive if ta_Data is TRUE. (OM_NEW, RM_OPENREQ) */ #define REQP_NoText (REQP_Dummy+4) /* (BOOL) No text-gadget in progressbar if ti_Data is TRUE (OM_NEW, RM_OPENREQ) */ #define REQP_Dynamic (REQP_Dummy+5) /* (BOOL) TRUE if the pb should size automatically when a too long progresstext is set. Default is TRUE. (OM_NEW, OM_SET, RM_OPENREQ) */ #define REQP_CenterWindow (REQP_Dummy+6) /* (struct Window *) The progressbar is centered over this window. (OM_NEW, OM_SET, RM_OPENREQ) */ #define REQP_LastPosition (REQP_Dummy+7) /* (BOOL) Open progressbar on the same place the last was. Default is TRUE. (OM_NEW, OM_SET, RM_OPENREQ) */ #define REQP_Percent (REQP_Dummy+8) /* (BOOL) Render numeric percentage display. (OM_NEW, RM_OPENREQ) */ #define REQP_Ticks (REQP_Dummy+9) /* (WORD) If present, how many tick marks (OM_NEW, RM_OPENREQ) */ #define REQP_ShortTicks (REQP_Dummy+10) /* (BOOL) Enable small intermediate tick marks. (OM_NEW, RM_OPENREQ) */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* * requester.class methods */ #define RM_OPENREQ (0x650001L) /* The RM_OPENREQ method should be called whenever you want to open * a requester. */ struct orRequest { ULONG MethodID; /* RM_OPENREQ */ struct TagItem *or_Attrs; /* List of tag attributes */ struct Window *or_Window; /* Reference window for requester. */ struct Screen *or_Screen; /* Reference screen for requester. REQUIRED if or_Window is */ /* not supplied */ }; /* The REQ_Type must be used to set what type of requester you * want to use. Here are the definitions: */ #define REQTYPE_INFO 0 /* Normal information/query requester like EasyRequest() */ #define REQTYPE_INTEGER 1 /* Get an integer from the user */ #define REQTYPE_STRING 2 /* Get a string from the user */ #define REQTYPE_PROGRESS 3 /* Progressbar window (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) */ /* Useful macros */ #ifndef RequesterObject #define OpenRequester(obj, win) DoMethod(obj, RM_OPENREQ, NULL, win, NULL, TAG_DONE) #define RequesterObject NewObject(REQUESTER_GetClass(), NULL #endif #endif /* CLASSES_REQUESTER_H */ Comments |
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