Docs » Autodocs » texteditor.gadget » GM_TEXTEDITOR_HandleError
DoMethod(obj, win, req, GM_TEXTEDITOR_InsertText, ULONG errorcode);
This method is not supported by the editorgadget itself. The idea is that you should subclass the gadget and implement your own error handler. The handler should just bring up a requester or write the error in a status line. The different errors are: Error_ClipboardIsEmpty: The clipboard doesn't hold any data. Error_ClipboardIsNotFTXT: The clipboard doesn't hold any text. Error_MacroBufferIsFull: Not yet used. Error_MemoryAllocationFailed: Not yet used. Error_NoAreaMarked: The user has tried to copy or cut, but hasn't marked anything. Error_NoMacroDefined: Not yet used. Error_NothingToRedo: There is nothing more to redo. Error_NothingToUndo: There is nothing more to undo. Error_NotEnoughUndoMem: The user has erased a block that is too big to be saved. This results in a lost undobuffer. Error_StringNotFound: Not yet used.