Autodocs Static lib:
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Docs » Autodocs » reaction.lib » --datasheet--
reaction.lib -- ReAction support functions link library
This library contains the autoinitialization code for the shared library versions of the ReAction BOOPSI classes, thus sparing the programmer from having to OpenLibrary() the classes manually. It also contains stub functions for the node taglist allocation functions of certain classes. These can be used by the DICE compiler, which does not support #pragma tagcall. Autoinitialization works just like normal SAS/C library autoinit. By declaring the class base extern in all source files (easiest done by #including the "proto" header, such as proto/layout.h), the SAS/C linker will take the class base, together with the code to open the class on program startup (and to close it on exit) from this library. The same autoinitialisation code should also work for DICE. The version number to use for OpenLibrary() is contained in the variable long __reactionversion. If you do not set this global variable in your source code, it will be linked from this library, With the release of V41 or greater classes in Release 2.0, it has been considered prudent to requier them, so you should set this value to 41. Note however, that classes NOT part of the ReAction package are not effected by __reactionversion and will open with any version available. If the opening of a class fails, the autoinit code will cause the program to exit with an error message of "Can't open version Y of X". If you wish to continue without using a certain class, you will have to open it manually. SUPPORTED CLASSES Version 1 of reaction.lib supports the following ReAction classes. The version variable of each class is listed after the shared class name. images/bevel.image images/bitmap.image gadgets/button.gadget gadgets/checkbox.gadget gadgets/chooser.gadget gadgets/datebrowser.gadget images/drawlist.image gadgets/fuelgauge.gadget gadgets/getfile.gadget gadgets/getfont.gadget gadgets/getscreenmode.gadget images/glyph.image gadgets/integer.gadget images/label.image gadgets/layout.gadget gadgets/listbrowser.gadget gadgets/radiobutton.gadget gadgets/scroller.gadget gadgets/slider.gadget gadgets/space.gadget gadgets/speedbar.gadget gadgets/string.gadget Additionally, to help programmers, reaction.lib contains autoinitialization for the following shared classes NOT part of the ReAction package. Please remember that these gadgets do not necessarily contain a CLASS_GetClass() type function for getting the base class. Some of them have registered class names, some have a function with another name. Some don't have functions at all, in which case special care must be taken to make sure the autoinit code is loaded (reference the class base variable, for example TapeDeckBase, somewhere within the source). Refer to the documentation of these classes to find out more. gadgets/calendar.gadget gadgets/colorwheel.gadget gadgets/gradientslider.gadget images/led.image gadgets/statusbar.gadget gadgets/tabs.gadget gadgets/tapedeck.gadget gadgets/textfield.gadget
The following program will print out the class base of layout.gadget and the base address of gradientslider.gadget (which doesn't have functions or a proto header) when compiled and linked with reaction.lib: #include <proto/layout.h> #include <proto/dos.h> extern void *GradientSliderBase; long __reactionversion = 37; main() { Printf( "layout.gadget minimum version %ld class base is %lx\n", __layoutversion, LAYOUT_GetClass() ); Printf( "explicit reference to GradientSliderBase will force " "initialization:\n base address is %lx\n", GradientSliderBase ); }