Autodocs Libraries:
layers.library BeginUpdate BehindLayer CreateBehindHookLayer CreateBehindLayer CreateUpfrontHookLayer CreateUpfrontLayer DeleteLayer DisposeLayerInfo DoHookClipRects EndUpdate FattenLayerInfo InitLayers InstallClipRegion InstallLayerHook InstallLayerInfoHook LockLayer LockLayerInfo LockLayers MoveLayer MoveLayerInFrontOf MoveSizeLayer NewLayerInfo ScrollLayer SizeLayer SwapBitsRastPortClipRect ThinLayerInfo UnlockLayer UnlockLayerInfo UnlockLayers UpfrontLayer WhichLayer Include GuruMeditation
Docs » Autodocs » layers.library » CreateBehindHookLayer
NAME (V36) CreateBehindHookLayer -- Create a new layer behind all existing layers, using supplied callback BackFill hook.
result = CreateBehindHookLayer(li,bm,x0,y0,x1,y1,flags,hook,[,bm2]) d0 a0 a1 d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 a3 [ a2 ] struct Layer *CreateBehindHookLayer(struct Layer_Info *, struct BitMap *, LONG, LONG, LONG, LONG, LONG, struct Hook *, ... );
Create a new Layer of position and size (x0,y0)->(x1,y1) Make this layer of type found in flags. Install Layer->BackFill callback Hook. If SuperBitMap, use bm2 as pointer to real SuperBitMap, and copy contents of Superbitmap into display layer. If this layer is a backdrop layer then place it behind all other layers including other backdrop layers. If this is not a backdrop layer then place it behind all nonbackdrop layers. Note: when using SUPERBITMAP, you should also set LAYERSMART flag.
li - pointer to LayerInfo structure bm - pointer to common BitMap used by all Layers x0,y0 - upper left hand corner of layer x1,y1 - lower right hand corner of layer flags - various types of layers supported as bit sets. (for bit definitions, see graphics/layers.h ) hook - Layer->BackFill callback Hook (see InstallLayerHook()) If hook is LAYERS_BACKFILL, the default backfill is used for the layer. (Same as pre-2.0) As of V39: If hook is LAYERS_NOBACKFILL, the layer will not be backfilled (NO-OP). bm2 - pointer to optional Super BitMap
result - pointer to Layer structure if successful NULL if not successful
InstallLayerHook(), DeleteLayer(), <graphics/layers.h>, <graphics/clip.h>, <graphics/gfx.h>, <utility/hooks.h>