Autodocs Libraries: iffparse.library AllocIFF AllocLocalItem CloseClipboard CloseIFF CollectionChunk CollectionChunks CurrentChunk EntryHandler ExitHandler FindCollection FindLocalItem FindProp FindPropContext FreeIFF FreeLocalItem GoodID GoodType IDtoStr InitIFF InitIFFasClip InitIFFasDOS LocalItemData OpenClipboard OpenIFF ParentChunk ParseIFF PopChunk PropChunk PropChunks PushChunk ReadChunkBytes ReadChunkRecords SetLocalItemPurge StopChunk StopChunks StopOnExit StoreItemInContext StoreLocalItem WriteChunkBytes WriteChunkRecords Include GuruMeditation | NAMEOpenIFF -- prepare an IFFHandle to read or write a new IFF stream. SYNOPSISerror = OpenIFF(iff, rwMode); FUNCTIONInitializes an IFFHandle structure for a new read or write. The INPUTSiff - pointer to IFFHandle structure. Starting with V39, this may be RESULTerror - contains an error code or 0 if successful SEE ALSOCloseIFF(), InitIFF(), <libraries/iffparse.h>Comments |
$VER: 1.14 Copyright © 2011-2025 Tobias Geijersson support at d0 dot se |