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/*	tester.c	test hdwrench.library for some basic functions.
* $VER: Tester.c 44.3 (29.7.99) © Wizardess Designs and Joanne Dow 1999 All rights reserved
* © Copyright 1999 by Joanne Dow, Wizardess Designs
* All Rights Reserved
* Tester.c can be taken both as a test program and as an example of usage,
* in spite of its cut and paste, overblown and ugly coding style, of usage
* for each of the "hdwrench.library" API entry points.
* Functions:
* Support:
* 1) Open device and close device
* BU baseunit.
* Translations:
* 2) Read RDB from <file>.list and write as mountfile to <file>..list.
* 3) Read RDB from <file>.list and write as RDBs to <file>..rdb.
* 4) Read RDB from <file>.rdb and write as mountfile to <file>..list.
* 5) Read RDB from <file>.rdb and write as RDBs to <file>..rdb.
* 6) Read Mountfile from memory and write as Mountfile to memory.
* (uses 000.list for input and writes to "foo" and screen.)
* 7) Read Mountfile from memory and write as RDB Structs to memory.
* (uses 000.list for input and writes to "foo".)
* 8) Read RDBStructs memory and write as RDB Structs to memory.
* (uses 000..rdb for input and writes to "bar".)
* Basic Disk acccesses:
* 9) Read RDB from disk and write as mountfile to <file>...list.
* 10) Perform SCSI Inquiry and report results up to 40 bytes.
* 11) Perform SCSI ModeSense and report results up to 255 bytes.
* 12) Perform SCSI Read Capacity and report disk size.
* 13) Perform SCSI Test Unit Ready and report device readiness.
* Complex Disk Accesses...
* 14) Find Disk Name returning in string variable.
* 15) Find Controller self-ID returning in ULONG (which Commododo fails!).
* 16) Report last available block on the drive.
* 17) Generate default drive parameters.
* 18) Read and report raw sector 'MS'. (Not really complex but...)
* 19) Find all valid disks on a given controller
* Dangerous disk accesses:
* 20) Raw write to a block of low disk. (Safe write - I hope!)
* 21) Write with checksum to a block of low disk. (Safe write - I hope!)
* 22) Read RDBs from <file.list> and write to disk. (The biggie!)
* 23) Read RDBs from disk and write to RDBStructs to <file>.rdb.
* 24) Read RDBStructs from <file>.rdb and write to <file>...rdb.
* 25) Verify data on disk.
* 26) Read RDBStructs from <file>...rdb and write to Disk.
* 27) Read RDBs from disk and write RDB Structs memory thence to file
* and console as hex.
* 100) Format Drive - VERY DANGEROUS!
* Presumes "scsi.device" else enter "DEVICE devicename".
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <exec/types.h>
#include <exec/ports.h>
#include <exec/libraries.h>
#include <exec/io.h>
#include <exec/nodes.h>
#include <exec/lists.h>
#include <exec/tasks.h>
#include <exec/memory.h>
#include <exec/execbase.h>
#include <devices/trackdisk.h>
#include <libraries/dos.h>
#include <libraries/dosextens.h>
#include <dos/filehandler.h>
#include <devices/hardblocks.h>
#include <devices/scsidisk.h>
#include <intuition/intuition.h>
#include <workbench/workbench.h>
#include <workbench/icon.h>
#include <workbench/startup.h>
#include <dos/rdargs.h>
#include <dos/dostags.h>
#include <proto/dos.h>
#include <proto/exec.h>
#include <pragmas/exec_pragmas.h>
#include <pragmas/disk_pragmas.h>
#include <pragmas/dos_pragmas.h>
#include "HDWrench.h"
#include "HDWrench_pragmas.h"
#include "HDW_CallbackMsgs.h"
struct HDWLibrary *HDWBase = NULL;
#define NUM_ARGS 5
char hexits [] = "0123456789abcdef";
char spaces [] = " ";
LONG ArgArray [ NUM_ARGS ];
char *inmembuffer = NULL;
char *outmembuffer = NULL;
BOOL deviceopen = FALSE;
struct RDArgs *Args = NULL;
BOOL aborted = FALSE;
ULONG testnum;
long __stdargs __saveds __asm CallBack ( register __a0 HDWCallbackMsg *msg );
void usage ( void )
printf ( "tester %s\n", TEMPLATE );
printf ( "Gotta have a test number!\n" );
printf ( "1) Basic Open and Close Device\n" );
printf ( "2) Read RDB from <file>.list and write as mountfile to <file>..list.\n");
printf ( "3) Read RDB from <file>.list and write as RDBs to <file>..rdb.\n" );
printf ( "4) Read RDBs from <file>..rdb and write Mountfile to <file>...list.\n" );
printf ( "5) Read Mountfile from disk and write as mountfile to memory.\n");
printf ( "6) Read Mountfile from memory and write as Mountfile to memory.\n");
printf ( "7) Read Mountfile from memory and write as RDB Structs to memory.\n");
printf ( "8) Read RDBStructs memory and write as RDB Structs to memory.\n");
printf ( "9) Read RDB from disk and write as mountfile to <file>...list.\n");
printf ( "10) Perform SCSI Inquiry and report results up to 40 bytes.\n");
printf ( "11) Perform SCSI ModeSense and report results up to 256 bytes.\n");
printf ( "12) Perform SCSI Read Capacity and report disk size.\n");
printf ( "13) Perform SCSI Test Unit Ready and report device readiness.\n");
printf ( "14) Find Disk Name returning in string variable.\n" );
printf ( "15) Find Controller self-ID returning in ULONG (which Commododo fails!).\n" );
printf ( "16) Report last available block on the drive.\n");
printf ( "17) Generate default drive parameters.\n" );
printf ( "18) Read and report raw sector 'MS'.\n");
printf ( "19) Find all valid disks on a given controller.\n");
printf ( "20) Raw write to a block of low disk. (Safe write - I hope!)\n");
printf ( "21) Write with checksum to a block of low disk. (Safe write - I hope!)\n");
printf ( "22) Read RDBs from <file.list> and write to disk. (The biggie!)\n" );
printf ( "23) Read RDBs from disk and write to file <file>.rdb\n");
printf ( "24) Read RDBStructs from <file>.rdb and write to <file>...rdb.\n");
printf ( "25) Verify data on disk.\n" );
printf ( "26) Read RDBStructs from <file>...rdb and write to Disk.\n");
printf ( "27) Read RDBs from disk. Write RDB Structs to memory thence to file and console as hex.\n\n" );
printf ( "100) Format Drive - VERY DANGEROUS!\n" );
int btrap ( void )
printf ( "\n***BREAK***\n" );
if (( testnum != 25 ) && ( testnum != 100 ))
aborted = TRUE;
return 0;
void gone ( void )
if ( deviceopen )
printf ( "Closing opened device\n" );
deviceopen = FALSE;
if ( outmembuffer )
free ( outmembuffer );
outmembuffer = NULL;
if ( inmembuffer )
free ( inmembuffer );
inmembuffer = NULL;
if ( Args )
FreeArgs ( Args );
if ( HDWBase )
CloseLibrary ( ( struct Library *) HDWBase );
printf ("Aw gone!\n");
void printhex ( BYTE * buf, int size )
int i;
int j;
char c;
for ( i=0, j = 0; i < size; i++)
if (( i & 0x0f ) == 0 )
printf ( "%c%c%c%c: ",
hexits [( i >> 12 ) & 0xf ],
hexits [( i >> 8 ) & 0xf ],
hexits [( i >> 4 ) & 0xf ],
hexits [ i & 0xf ] );
c = buf [ i ];
printf ( "%c%c ", hexits [( c>>4 ) & 0xf], hexits [ c & 0xf ]);
if ( ( i & 0x7 ) == 7 )
if ( ( i & 0xf ) == 15 )
for ( ; j <= i; j++ )
c = buf [ j ];
if ( isalnum ( c ) || c == ' ' )
printf ( "%c ", c );
printf ( ". " );
// if ( ( j & 0x7 ) == 7 )
// printf ( " " );
printf ( "\n" );
// else
// printf ( " " );
if ( j != i )
int k = (( i - 1 ) & 0xf ) + 1;
k = k * 3 + ( k > 8 );
printf ( "%s", &spaces [ k ] );
for ( ; j < i; j++ )
c = buf [ j ];
if ( isalnum ( c ) )
printf ( "%c ", c );
printf ( ". " );
// if ( ( j & 0x7 ) == 7 )
// printf ( " " );
printf ( "\n" );
main ( int argc, char **argv)
char *filename;
char devicename[60];
FILE *workfile;
ULONG baseunit;
ULONG mspage;
ULONG sizeb;
ULONG sizememneeded;
char realfilename[256];
ULONG rsuccess;
USHORT rwsuccess;
ArgArray [ 0 ] =
ArgArray [ 1 ] =
ArgArray [ 2 ] =
ArgArray [ 3 ] =
ArgArray [ 4 ] = 0;
puts( "Tester, the HDWrench test program.\n" );
atexit( gone );
if ( onbreak ( &btrap ))
printf ( "Break trap not installed!" );
exit ( 20 );
Args = ReadArgs( TEMPLATE, ArgArray, NULL );
if ( Args )
testnum = (ULONG) ArgArray [ ARG_TEST ];
baseunit = (ULONG) ArgArray [ ARG_BU ];
filename = (char *) ArgArray [ ARG_FILE ];
mspage = (ULONG) ArgArray [ ARG_MS ];
memset ( devicename, 0, 60 );
if ( ArgArray [ ARG_DEVICE ] != NULL )
strncpy ( devicename, (char *) ArgArray [ ARG_DEVICE ], 59 );
strncpy ( devicename, "scsi.device", 59 );
if ( testnum )
testnum = *(ULONG*) testnum;
testnum = 0;
if ( baseunit)
baseunit = *(ULONG*) baseunit;
baseunit = (ULONG) -1L;
if ( mspage )
mspage = *(ULONG*) mspage;
printf ( "Test Num = %ld\n", testnum );
printf ( "Base Unit = %ld\n", baseunit );
if ( filename )
printf ( "Filename = %s\n", filename );
printf ( "Filename = <none>\n" );
printf ( "MS Page = %ld\n", mspage);
printf ( "Devicename = %s\n\n\n", devicename);
if (( HDWBase = ( struct HDWLibrary *) OpenLibrary ( HDWBaseName, 0)) == NULL )
printf( "Failed to open HDWBase!\n");
exit ( 10 );
switch ( testnum )
case 0: /* No test! */
* 1
case 1: // Basic Open and Close Device
printf ( "1) Basic Open and Close Device\n\n" );
// BOOL __saveds __asm HDWOpenDevice ( register __a0 char *DevName,
// register __d0 ULONG unit );
// void __saveds __asm HDWCloseDevice ( void );
if ( baseunit == (ULONG) -1L )
printf ( "You must enter a BU, Base Unit, number\n");
// Open device here.
printf ( "Attempting to open: %s:%d\n", devicename, baseunit );
deviceopen = HDWOpenDevice ( devicename, baseunit );
if ( deviceopen )
printf ( "Closing opened device\n" );
deviceopen = FALSE;
printf ( "No device was opened!\n");
* 2-4
case 2: // Read RDB from <file>.list and write as mountfile to <file>..list.
// ULONG __saveds __asm
// ReadMountfile ( register __d0 ULONG unit,
// register __a0 char * filename,
// register __a1 char *controller )
/* HDW_ReadMountfile()
* Description:
* Parse a mounfile into internal RDB structures.
* Direct Inputs:
* filename Pointer to mountfile in memory null terminated
* unit Unit number to masquarade as.
* Indirect Inputs:
* Direct Outputs:
* ret error 0 if success else error indication
* Indirect Outputs:
* RDB structures built in memory
* Local Calls:
* parse ()
* OS Calls:
* fclose ()
* fopen ()
* Algorithm:
* If RDBs open then fail
* If file open close it.
* NULL memp
* if filename null then fail
* if Open filename fails then fail
* parse data as it comes until null character.
* return errors encountered in parse
* Code:
* Joanne Dow, Wizardess Designs, Jan 1999
/* HDW_WriteMountfile()
* Description:
* Write to filename given from internal RDB structures in mountfile
* format. Check for matching files if filename entry is present in
* RDB structures and write appropriate FS and DriveInit code files.
* Direct Inputs:
* filename pointer to the name of the file to be written.
* flags Flag what should be written to files.
* ldir L: directory path to use or NULL. (Use "L:" if null.)
* Indirect Inputs:
* Mountfile and any filesystem files or device init files written.
* Direct Outputs:
* ret error 0 if success else error indication
* Indirect Outputs:
* Internal file structures written to disk in mountfile format.
* Local Calls:
* print ()
* OS Calls:
* fclose ()
* fopen ()
* Algorithm:
* If no RDBs stored or file open fails exit with error
* print () mountfile to file.
* return accumulated error
* Code:
* Joanne Dow, Wizardess Designs, Jan 1999
// ULONG __saveds __asm
// WriteMountfile ( register __a0 char *filename,
// register __a1 char *ldir,
// register __d0 ULONG unit )
printf ( "2) Read RDB from <file>.list and write as mountfile to <file>..list.\n\n");
if ( !filename )
printf ( "Need a filename\n" );
if ( strlen( filename ) > 248 )
printf ( "Filename: %s is too long!\n", filename );
if ( baseunit == (ULONG) -1L )
printf ( "Need a base unit for this command.\n" );
sprintf ( realfilename, "%s%s", filename, ".list" );
rsuccess = ReadMountfile ( baseunit, realfilename, devicename );
if ( rsuccess == 0 )
// system( "copy l:fastfilesystem43.19 sys:l/fastfilesystem");
sprintf ( realfilename, "%s%s", filename, "..list" );
rsuccess = WriteMountfile ( realfilename, "jdow:hdwrench", baseunit );
if ( rsuccess == 0 )
printf ( "You should have a new %s waiting.\n", realfilename );
printf ( "Mountfile write failed: %d\n", rsuccess );
// system( "copy l:fastfilesystem_fixed_43.19 sys:l/fastfilesystem");
printf ( "Mountfile read failed: %d\n", rsuccess );
case 3:
// ULONG __saveds __asm
// ReadMountfile ( register __d0 ULONG unit,
// register __a0 char * filename,
// register __a1 char *controller )
/* HDW_WriteRDBStructs()
* Description:
* (Write RDBs to file instead of RDB area of disk.)
* Write the internal RDB structures to disk exactly as in memory.
* Direct Inputs:
* Filename Name of file to write. NB: This will clobber duplicates
* Indirect Inputs:
* RDB structures in memory
* Direct Outputs:
* ret error 0 if success else error indication
* Indirect Outputs:
* File written
* Local Calls:
* OS Calls:
* fclose ()
* fopen ()
* fwrite ()
* Algorithm:
* if no RDBs in memory of file open fails exit with error
* else
* pointer = Basepointer->next
* while pointer
* translate and write block to disk file
* pointer = pointer->next
* endwhile
* endif
* Code:
* Joanne Dow, Wizardess Designs, Jan 1999
// ULONG __saveds __asm
// WriteRDBStructs ( register __a0 char *filename )
printf ( "3) Read RDB from <file>.list and write as RDBs to <file>..rdb.\n\n" );
if ( !filename )
printf ( "Need a filename\n" );
if ( strlen( filename ) > 248 )
printf ( "Filename: %s is too long!\n", filename );
if ( baseunit == (ULONG) -1L )
printf ( "Need a base unit for this command.\n" );
sprintf ( realfilename, "%s%s", filename, ".list" );
rsuccess = ReadMountfile ( baseunit, realfilename, devicename );
if ( rsuccess == 0 )
sprintf ( realfilename, "%s%s", filename, "..rdb" );
rsuccess = WriteRDBStructs ( realfilename );
if ( rsuccess == 0 )
printf ( "You should have a new %s waiting.\n", realfilename );
printf ( "RDBfile write failed: %d\n", rsuccess );
printf ( "Mountfile read failed: %d\n", rsuccess );
case 4:
/* HDW_ReadRDBStructs()
* Description
* (Read RDBs from file instead of RDB area of disk.)
* Read the dumped RDB file structures from the file into internal
* memory. (NB: Only actual declared RDB areas are included in the
* structures as written.)
* NB: The RDB structures read MUST have their relative block numbers
* written correctly. They are used when writing to disk, even if
* changed in writing.
* Direct Inputs:
* filename pointer to the name of the file to be written. This
* file will be unconditionally overwritten if present.
* Indirect Inputs:
* Internal RDB structures as loaded.
* Direct Outputs:
* ret error 0 if success else error indication
* Indirect Outputs:
* Internal RDB structures written to the filename indicated.
* Local Calls:
* ClearBlockList ()
* ScanList ()
* OS Calls:
* fclose ()
* fopen ()
* fread ()
* Algorithm:
* If RDBs in memory or file open fails return error code
* else
* while ( not end of file )
* allocate block
* block read the block from disk file
* switch type
* case RDSK Add to front of list
* case PART Add after RDSK entry and other PART entries
* if any else front of list
* case BADB Add just after RDSK if any.
* case FSHD Add after last PART entries if any
* case LSEG Add to end of list in order encountered
* otherwise Ignore!!!!
* endswitch
* endwhile
* endif
* Code:
* Joanne Dow, Wizardess Designs, Jan 1999
//ULONG __saveds __asm
//HDW_ReadRDBStructs ( register __a0 char *filename, register __d0 unit )
printf ( "4) Read RDBs from <file>..rdb and write Mountfile to <file>...list.\n\n" );
if ( !filename )
printf ( "Need a filename\n" );
if ( strlen( filename ) > 248 )
printf ( "Filename: %s is too long!\n", filename );
if ( baseunit == (ULONG) -1L )
printf ( "Need a base unit for this command.\n" );
sprintf ( realfilename, "%s%s", filename, "..rdb" );
rsuccess = ReadRDBStructs ( realfilename, baseunit );
if ( rsuccess == 0 )
sprintf ( realfilename, "%s%s", filename, "...list" );
rsuccess = WriteMountfile ( realfilename, "jdow:hdwrench", baseunit );
if ( rsuccess == 0 )
printf ( "You should have a new %s waiting.\n", realfilename );
printf ( "MountFile write failed: %d\n", rsuccess );
printf ( "RDB file read failed: %d\n", rsuccess );
* 5-8
case 5:
* HDW_OutMemMountfile()
* Description:
* Write RDBs into a block of memory as null terminated mountfile text.
* If block supplied is too small fail. If memp = NULL return size needed
* but no written data.
* Direct Inputs:
* memp Pointer to block of memory
* sizeb size of block of memory
* sizew Pointer to size written
* Indirect Inputs:
* RDB structures in memory
* Direct Outputs:
* ret error code
* sizew size written
* Indirect Outputs:
* Block of memory written
* Local Calls:
* print ()
* OS Calls:
* fclose ()
* Algorithm:
* if file open then close it.
* if memory open then null it.
* if RDBs not open then fail
* set memp to input vector (NULL is legitimate for returning size)
* Set maximum sze value per passed in value or "huge" of memp == NULL
* Call print() to generate the RDBs into the memory block
* set size written value
* return accumulated errors.
* Code:
* Joanne Dow, Wizardess Designs, Jan 1999
//ULONG __saveds __asm
//HDW_OutMemMountfile ( register __a0 char *mfp,
// register __a1 ULONG *sizew,
// register __d0 ULONG sizeb, // Size of buffer
// register __d1 ULONG unit )
printf ( "5) Read Mountfile from disk and write as mountfile to memory.\n\n");
/* More specifically read Mountfile from disk and write as mountfile to
* printing results to stdout.
if ( !filename )
printf ( "Need a filename\n" );
if ( strlen( filename ) > 248 )
printf ( "Filename: %s is too long!\n", filename );
if ( baseunit == (ULONG) -1L )
printf ( "Need a base unit for this command.\n" );
sprintf ( realfilename, "%s%s", filename, ".list" );
rsuccess = ReadMountfile ( baseunit, realfilename, devicename );
if ( rsuccess == 0 )
rsuccess = OutMemMountfile ( NULL, &sizememneeded, 0, baseunit );
if ( rsuccess == 0 )
printf ( "5) Need %ld bytes of buffer for mountfile.\n", sizememneeded );
outmembuffer = malloc ( sizememneeded + 256 );
if ( outmembuffer )
rsuccess = OutMemMountfile ( outmembuffer, &sizememneeded, sizememneeded + 255, baseunit );
if ( rsuccess == 0 )
FILE *foofile = NULL;
outmembuffer [ sizememneeded + 255 ] = 0;
printf ( "Actual use = %d\n", strlen( outmembuffer ));
printf ( outmembuffer );
foofile = fopen ( "foo", "wb" );
if ( foofile )
fwrite ( outmembuffer, sizememneeded, 1, foofile );
fclose ( foofile );
foofile = NULL;
printf ( "Could not write the file: %d\n", rsuccess );
printf ( "Mountfile size write failed: %d\n", rsuccess );
printf ( "Mountfile read failed: %d\n", rsuccess );
case 6:
/* HDW_InMemMountfile()
* Description:
* Parse a block of memory as if it were a disk file feeding through
* HDW_ReadMountfile().
* Direct Inputs:
* unit unit number of device for which this is intended
* mfdata Pointer to mountfile in memory null terminated
* controller Pointer to "controller ID" information
* Indirect Inputs:
* BootBlocks rdb list
* Direct Outputs:
* ret error 0 if success else error indication
* Indirect Outputs:
* RDB structures built in memory
* Local Calls:
* parse ()
* OS Calls:
* fclose ()
* Algorithm:
* If file open close it.
* NULL memp.
* if data pointer is real use it.
* If RDBs not already open
* parse data as it comes until null character.
* Code:
* Joanne Dow, Wizardess Designs, Jan 1999
//ULONG __saveds __asm
//HDW_InMemMountfile ( register __d0 ULONG unit,
// register __a0 char *mfdata,
// register __a1 char *controller )
printf ( "6) Read Mountfile from memory and write as Mountfile to memory.\n\n");
/* More specifically read Mountfile from disk and write as mountfile to
* printing results to stdout.
if ( !filename )
printf ( "Need a filename\n" );
if ( strlen( filename ) > 248 )
printf ( "Filename: %s is too long!\n", filename );
if ( baseunit == (ULONG) -1L )
printf ( "Need a base unit for this command.\n" );
sprintf ( realfilename, "%s%s", filename, ".list" );
workfile = fopen ( realfilename, "rb" );
if ( !workfile )
printf ( "Failed to open %s\n", realfilename );
goto cleanup;
fseek ( workfile, 0, SEEK_END );
sizeb = ftell ( workfile );
fseek ( workfile, 0, 0 );
inmembuffer = malloc ( sizeb + 1 );
printf ( "Read %d blocks of %d bytes\n", fread ( inmembuffer, sizeb, 1, workfile ), sizeb);
fclose ( workfile );
inmembuffer [ sizeb ] = 0;
printf ( inmembuffer ); // For reference
rsuccess = InMemMountfile ( baseunit, inmembuffer, devicename );
if ( rsuccess == 0 )
rsuccess = OutMemMountfile ( NULL, &sizememneeded, 0, baseunit );
if ( rsuccess == 0 )
printf ( "6) Need %ld bytes of buffer for mountfile.\n", sizememneeded );
outmembuffer = malloc ( sizememneeded + 256 );
if ( outmembuffer )
rsuccess = OutMemMountfile ( outmembuffer, &sizememneeded, sizememneeded + 255, baseunit );
if ( rsuccess == 0 )
FILE *foofile = NULL;
outmembuffer [ sizememneeded + 255 ] = 0;
printf ( "Actual use = %d\n", strlen( outmembuffer ));
printf ( outmembuffer );
foofile = fopen ( "foo", "wb" );
if ( foofile )
fwrite ( outmembuffer, sizememneeded, 1, foofile );
fclose ( foofile );
foofile = NULL;
printf ( "Could not write the file: %d\n", rsuccess );
printf ( "Mountfile size write failed: %d\n", rsuccess );
printf ( "InMemMountfile failed, %ld\n", rsuccess );
case 7:
/* HDW_OutMemRDBStructs()
* Description:
* (Write RDBs to memory area instead of RDB area of disk.)
* Write RDB structs into external memory if large enough as if
* writing to disk. If size = 4L return number of bytes required in
* *memp.
* Direct Inputs:
* memp Pointer to block of memory to be written
* sizeb Size of each block to be written
* sizew pointer to returned number of BLOCKS written
* Indirect Inputs:
* Direct Outputs:
* ret error 0 if success else error indication
* sizew zeroed then incremented by one for each block written
* Indirect Outputs:
* RDBs written to memory as if to disk
* Local Calls:
* none
* OS Calls:
* fclose ()
* memcpy ()
* Algorithm:
* if file open then close it.
* NULL memp.
* if RDBs not loaded then fail
* Figure out block size from existing RDB structures.
* Walk the list to determine total size needed using "sizew" variable.
* if rdbp entered is NULL then
* do not write anything and return size calculated.
* Walk the list again writing RDBs to memory using memcpy.
* return 0;
* Code:
* Joanne Dow, Wizardess Designs, Jan 1999
//ULONG __saveds __asm
//HDW_OutMemRDBStructs ( register __a0 char *rdbp,
// register __a1 LONG *sizew, // Size written
// register __d0 LONG sizeb ) // Size of buffer
printf ( "7) Read Mountfile from memory and write as RDB Structs to memory.\n\n");
/* More specifically read Mountfile from disk and write from memory
* to "foo" as one block of RDB Structs.
if ( !filename )
printf ( "Need a filename\n" );
if ( strlen( filename ) > 248 )
printf ( "Filename: %s is too long!\n", filename );
if ( baseunit == (ULONG) -1L )
printf ( "Need a base unit for this command.\n" );
sprintf ( realfilename, "%s%s", filename, ".list" );
workfile = fopen ( realfilename, "rb" );
if ( !workfile )
printf ( "Failed to open %s\n", realfilename );
goto cleanup;
fseek ( workfile, 0, SEEK_END );
sizeb = ftell ( workfile );
fseek ( workfile, 0, 0 );
inmembuffer = malloc ( sizeb + 1 );
printf ( "Read %d blocks of %d bytes\n", fread ( inmembuffer, sizeb, 1, workfile ), sizeb);
fclose ( workfile );
inmembuffer [ sizeb ] = 0;
rsuccess = InMemMountfile ( baseunit, inmembuffer, devicename );
if ( rsuccess == 0 )
sizememneeded = 0;
rsuccess = OutMemRDBStructs ( NULL, &sizememneeded, 0 );
if ( rsuccess == 0 )
printf ( "7) Need %ld bytes of buffer for mountfile.\n", sizememneeded );
outmembuffer = malloc ( sizememneeded + 256 );
if ( outmembuffer )
// int i;
// for ( i = sizememneeded; i < sizememneeded + 256; i++)
// outmembuffer[i] = 'A';
rsuccess = OutMemRDBStructs ( outmembuffer, &sizememneeded, sizememneeded + 255 );
if ( rsuccess == 0 )
FILE *foofile = NULL;
outmembuffer [ sizememneeded + 255 ] = 0;
printhex ( &outmembuffer[sizememneeded-16], 256 );
foofile = fopen ( "foo", "wb" );
if ( foofile )
fwrite ( outmembuffer, sizememneeded, 1, foofile );
fclose ( foofile );
foofile = NULL;
printf ( "Could not write the file: %d\n", rsuccess );
printf ( "Mountfile size write failed: %d\n", rsuccess );
printf ( "InMemMountfile failed, %ld\n", rsuccess );
case 8:
/* HDW_InMemRDBStructs()
* Description:
* (Read RDBs from memory instead of RDB area of disk.)
* Read the dumped RDB structure format into internal memory as if from
* disk from an external memory block.
* Direct Inputs:
* rdbp Pointer to RDBs in memory
* sizeb Block size
* startb start block number
* endp end memory pointer
* Indirect Inputs:
* Direct Outputs:
* ret error 0 if success else error indication
* Indirect Outputs:
* BootBlock list filled
* Local Calls:
* none
* OS Calls:
* fclose ()
* memcpy ()
* Algorithm:
* if RDBs already open then fail
* if file open then close it
* If memory pointer open then close it.
* if pointer not valid then fail
* set memory base to memory pointer
* Set memory end pointer to memory pointer plus input size.
* If fails simple consitency checks then fail
* // Note - RDSK block *MUST* be first
* Determine "blocksize" from first RDB in list as RDSK.
* Set base block number to rdb_RDBBlocksLo
* While ( still in passed memory block )
* if not a legitimate RDB block then fail
* Allocate a block for the list
* Setup overhead data and increment bnum
* Directly copy block data into allocated block
* Increment memory pointer by block size discovered
* return no error
* Code:
* Joanne Dow, Wizardess Designs, Jan 1999
//ULONG __saveds __asm
//HDW_InMemRDBStructs ( register __a0 char *rdbp, // Start of RDB buffer
// register __d0 ULONG sizerdb, // Size of source buffer
// register __d1 ULONG unit ) // Presumed unit
printf ( "8) Read RDBStructs memory and write as RDB Structs to memory.\n\n");
/* More specifically read Mountfile from disk and write from memory
* to "foo" as one block of RDB Structs.
if ( !filename )
printf ( "Need a filename\n" );
if ( strlen( filename ) > 248 )
printf ( "Filename: %s is too long!\n", filename );
if ( baseunit == (ULONG) -1L )
printf ( "Need a base unit for this command.\n" );
sprintf ( realfilename, "%s%s", filename, "..rdb" );
workfile = fopen ( realfilename, "rb" );
if ( !workfile )
printf ( "Failed to open %s\n", realfilename );
goto cleanup;
fseek ( workfile, 0, SEEK_END );
sizeb = ftell ( workfile );
fseek ( workfile, 0, 0 );
inmembuffer = malloc ( sizeb + 1 );
printf ( "Read %d blocks of %d bytes\n", fread ( inmembuffer, sizeb, 1, workfile ), sizeb);
fclose ( workfile );
rsuccess = InMemRDBStructs ( inmembuffer, // Start of RDB buffer
sizeb, // Size of source buffer
baseunit ); // Presumed unit
if ( rsuccess == 0 )
sizememneeded = 0;
rsuccess = OutMemRDBStructs ( NULL, &sizememneeded, 0 );
if ( rsuccess == 0 )
printf ( "8) Need %ld bytes of buffer for mountfile.\n", sizememneeded );
outmembuffer = malloc ( sizememneeded + 256 );
if ( outmembuffer )
rsuccess = OutMemRDBStructs ( outmembuffer, &sizememneeded, sizememneeded + 255 );
if ( rsuccess == 0 )
FILE *foofile = NULL;
outmembuffer [ sizememneeded + 255 ] = 0;
foofile = fopen ( "bar", "wb" );
if ( foofile )
fwrite ( outmembuffer, sizememneeded, 1, foofile );
fclose ( foofile );
foofile = NULL;
printf ( "Could not write the file: %d\n", rsuccess );
printf ( "Mountfile size write failed: %d\n", rsuccess );
printf ( "InMemMountfile failed, %ld\n", rsuccess );
* 9
case 9:
/* HDW_ReadRDBs
* Description:
* Read the entire RDB structure into RAM. Pay NO attention to decodes.
* Direct Inputs:
* none
* Indirect Inputs:
* none except in functions called
* Direct Outputs:
* USHORT with the "worst" success or fail value
* Indirect Outputs:
* Completely loaded image of the disk's RDBs in a traceable structure
* Local Calls:
* ClearBlockList ()
* AllocBlock ()
* HDW_RawRead ()
* ScanList ()
* OS Calls:
* none
* Algorithm:
* scan blocks 0 through 16 until we have found an RDSK block.
* mark AllocLimitLo = RDSK block number; ??
* ScanList ( RDSK_block->bb_Longs [ 6 ]); /* BadBlocks */
* ScanList ( RDSK_block->bb_Longs [ 7 ]); /* Partitions */
* ScanList ( RDSK_block->bb_Longs [ 8 ]); /* FileSystems */
* ScanList ( RDSK_block->bb_Longs [ 9 ]); /* DriveInits */
* Then can scanlist for any others that may appear from 6 reserved.
* Code:
* Joanne Dow, Wizardess Designs, Jan 1999
//USHORT __saveds __asm
//HDW_ReadRDBs ( void )
printf ( "9) Read RDB from disk and write as mountfile to <file>...list.\n\n");
if ( !filename )
printf ( "Need a filename\n" );
if ( strlen( filename ) > 248 )
printf ( "Filename: %s is too long!\n", filename );
if ( baseunit == (ULONG) -1L )
printf ( "Need a base unit for this command.\n" );
printf ( "Attempting to open: %s:%d\n", devicename, baseunit );
deviceopen = HDWOpenDevice ( devicename, baseunit );
if ( !deviceopen )
printf ( "No device was opened!\n");
rwsuccess = ReadRDBs ( );
if ( rwsuccess == success )
sprintf ( realfilename, "%s%s", filename, "...list" );
rwsuccess = WriteMountfile ( realfilename, "jdow:hdwrench", baseunit );
if ( rwsuccess == 0 )
printf ( "You should have a new %s waiting.\n", realfilename );
printf ( "Mountfile write failed: %d\n", rwsuccess );
printf ( "RDB read failed: %d\n", rwsuccess );
if ( deviceopen )
printf ( "Closing opened device\n" );
deviceopen = FALSE;
case 10:
/* HDW_QueryInquiry
* Description:
* Issue a SCSI "INQUIRY" command and return results
* Direct Inputs:
* errorcode Pointer to error code storage
* Indirect Inputs:
* none
* Direct Outputs:
* returns result codes lightly massaged
* Indirect Outputs:
* SC data field filled with inquiry data.
* Local Calls:
* none
* OS Calls:
* DoIO ()
* Algorithm:
* Fill out SCMD for an INQUIRY command
* Issue the command
* return lightly massaged results
* Code:
* Joanne Dow, Wizardess Designs, Jan 1999
//BOOL __saveds __asm
//HDW_QueryInquiry ( register __a0 BYTE *inqbuf, register __a1 int *errorcode )
printf ( "10) Perform SCSI Inquiry and report results up to 40 bytes.\n\n");
if ( baseunit == (ULONG) -1L )
printf ( "Need a base unit for this command.\n" );
printf ( "Attempting to open: %s:%d\n", devicename, baseunit );
deviceopen = HDWOpenDevice ( devicename, baseunit );
if ( !deviceopen )
printf ( "No device was opened!\n");
int errorcode;
memset ( inqbuf, 0xff, INQBUFSIZE );
if ( QueryInquiry ( inqbuf, &errorcode ))
printf ( "SCSI inquiry returns:\n" );
printhex ( inqbuf, INQBUFSIZE );
printf ( "SCSI inquiry failed: %d\n", errorcode );
if ( deviceopen )
printf ( "Closing opened device\n" );
deviceopen = FALSE;
case 11:
/* HDW_QueryModeSense ()
* Description:
* Direct Inputs:
* page mode sense page requested
* Indirect Inputs:
* Direct Outputs:
* Indirect Outputs:
* Local Calls:
* OS Calls:
* DoIO ()
* Algorithm:
* Code:
* Joanne Dow, Wizardess Designs, Jan 1999
//BOOL __saveds __asm
//HDW_QueryModeSense ( register __d0 int page,
// register __d1 int msbsize,
// register __a0 BYTE *msbuf,
// register __a1 int *errorcode )
printf ( "11) Perform SCSI ModeSense and report results up to 256 bytes.\n\n");
if ( baseunit == (ULONG) -1L )
printf ( "Need a base unit for this command.\n" );
printf ( "Attempting to open: %s:%d\n", devicename, baseunit );
deviceopen = HDWOpenDevice ( devicename, baseunit );
if ( !deviceopen )
printf ( "No device was opened!\n");
BYTE msbuf [ 256 ];
int errorcode;
memset ( msbuf, 0xff, 256 );
if ( QueryModeSense ( (BYTE) mspage, 256, msbuf, &errorcode )) // All sets page 0
printf ( "SCSI ModeSense returns:\n" );
printhex ( msbuf, 256 );
printf ( "SCSI ModeSense failed: %d\n", errorcode );
if ( deviceopen )
printf ( "Closing opened device\n" );
deviceopen = FALSE;
case 12:
/* HDW_QueryCapacity
* Description:
* Direct Inputs:
* none
* Indirect Inputs:
* Direct Outputs:
* Indirect Outputs:
* Local Calls:
* OS Calls:
* DoIO ()
* Algorithm:
* Code:
* Joanne Dow, Wizardess Designs, Jan 1999
//BOOL __saveds __asm
//HDW_QueryCapacity( register __a0 ULONG *capacity )
printf ( "12) Perform SCSI Read Capacity and report disk size.\n\n");
if ( baseunit == (ULONG) -1L )
printf ( "Need a base unit for this command.\n" );
printf ( "Attempting to open: %s:%d\n", devicename, baseunit );
deviceopen = HDWOpenDevice ( devicename, baseunit );
if ( !deviceopen )
printf ( "No device was opened!\n");
ULONG capacity;
ULONG blocksize;
if ( QueryCapacity ( &capacity, &blocksize )) // All sets page 0
printf ( "SCSI Read Capacity returns: %ld blocks of %ld bytes.\n",
blocksize );
printf ( "SCSI Read Capacity failed\n" );
if ( deviceopen )
printf ( "Closing opened device\n" );
deviceopen = FALSE;
case 13:
/* HDW_QueryReady
* Description:
* Issue a SCSI "TEST UNIT READY" command and return results
* Direct Inputs:
* errorcode pointer to an error code return
* Indirect Inputs:
* Direct Outputs:
* returns TRUE for ready and FALSE for not ready
* Indirect Outputs:
* errorcode contains the (massaged) IO error codes on return
* Local Calls:
* none
* OS Calls:
* DoIO ()
* Algorithm:
* Fill out SCMD for a TEST UNIT READY command
* Issue the command
* fill out errorcode
* return Ready or not ready
* Code:
* Joanne Dow, Wizardess Designs, Jan 1999
//BOOL __saveds __asm
//HDW_QueryReady ( register __a0 int * errorcode )
printf ( "13) Perform SCSI Test Unit Ready and report device readiness.\n\n");
if ( baseunit == (ULONG) -1L )
printf ( "Need a base unit for this command.\n" );
printf ( "Attempting to open: %s:%d\n", devicename, baseunit );
deviceopen = HDWOpenDevice ( devicename, baseunit );
if ( !deviceopen )
printf ( "No device was opened!\n");
int errorcode;
if ( QueryReady ( &errorcode )) // All sets page 0
printf ( "SCSI Test Unit Ready indicates ready.\n" );
printf ( "SCSI Test Unit Ready indicates not ready: %ld\n", errorcode );
if ( deviceopen )
printf ( "Closing opened device\n" );
deviceopen = FALSE;
case 14:
/* HDW_FindDiskName ()
* Description:
* Reads manufacturer data from Inquiry command and installs in supplied
* string space. Should be a valid device.
* Direct Inputs:
* diskname A pointer to a disk name storage array
* Indirect Inputs:
* Already opened device
* Direct Outputs:
* Indirect Outputs:
* Local Calls:
* Calls global QueryInquiry function
* OS Calls:
* Algorithm:
* if device not open or diskname is null return failure
* call HDW_QueryInquiry
* Copy disk name into provided storage for exactly 28 bytes using memcpy.
* Code:
* Joanne Dow, Wizardess Designs, Jan 1999
//BOOL __saveds __asm /* error */
//HDW_FindDiskName ( register __a0 *diskname )
printf ( "14) Find Disk Name returning in string variable.\n\n" );
if ( baseunit == (ULONG) -1L )
printf ( "Need a base unit for this command.\n" );
printf ( "Attempting to open: %s:%d\n", devicename, baseunit );
deviceopen = HDWOpenDevice ( devicename, baseunit );
if ( !deviceopen )
printf ( "No device was opened!\n");
char diskname[32];
memset ( diskname, 0xff, 32 );
if ( FindDiskName ( diskname ))
printhex ( diskname, 32 );
printf ( "FindDiskName failed!\n" );
if ( deviceopen )
printf ( "Closing opened device\n" );
deviceopen = FALSE;
case 15:
/* HDW_FindControllerID()
* Description:
* Test open devices until find SelfID error
* ( Of course, this does not work on Commododo "scsi.device". <bleah!> )
* Direct Inputs:
* ULONG *selfid pointer to selfid result field. Contains a Unit number
* with a valid board number field.
* Indirect Inputs:
* Direct Outputs:
* Unit number for controller's SCSI ID.
* Indirect Outputs:
* Local Calls:
* OS Calls:
* Algorithm:
* Code:
* Joanne Dow, Wizardess Designs, Jan 1999
//BOOL16 Apr 1999 __saveds __asm /* error */
//HDW_FindControllerID ( register __a0 char *devname, register __a1 ULONG *selfid )
printf ( "15) Find Controller self-ID returning in ULONG.\n\n" );
if ( baseunit == (ULONG) -1L )
printf ( "Need a base unit for this command.\n" );
ULONG selfid = baseunit;
if ( FindControllerID ( devicename, &selfid ))
printf ( "Controller ID is %ld.\n", selfid );
printf ( "FindControllerID failed!\n" );
case 16:
/* HDW_FindLastSector() ( Made available chiefly for diagnostic purposes.)
* Description:
* Determine last available sector on disk WITH tests.
* Direct Inputs:
* Indirect Inputs:
* Direct Outputs:
* Last block on the disk numbered 1 through n. (This was done so that
* the TotalBlocks report and the FindLastSector report are congruent.)
* Indirect Outputs:
* Local Calls:
* OS Calls:
* Algorithm:
* HDW_QueryCapacity
* Test what should be last block.
* If ( Read the rated last block is OK )
* if ( Read the block past rated last block is bad )
* return no error and last sector number confirmed.
* else
* Search upwards binary search until find real last bad
* sector. Return error "Last Sector to low" and found top block.
* else
* Step downwards one block then two then four until read one OK.
* Then step upwards binary search for actual top block.
* Return error "Last sector too high" and found top block.
* endif
* exit
* Code:
* Joanne Dow, Wizardess Designs, Jan 1999
//ULONG __saveds __asm /* error */
//HDW_FindLastSector ( void )
printf ( "16) Report last available block on the drive.\n\n");
if ( baseunit == (ULONG) -1L )
printf ( "Need a base unit for this command.\n" );
printf ( "Attempting to open: %s:%d\n", devicename, baseunit );
deviceopen = HDWOpenDevice ( devicename, baseunit );
if ( !deviceopen )
printf ( "No device was opened!\n");
printf ( "Find Last Sector returns: %ld\n", FindLastSector());
if ( deviceopen )
printf ( "Closing opened device\n" );
deviceopen = FALSE;
case 17:
/* HDW_FindDefaults ()
* Description:
* Determine default blocking for device.
* Direct Inputs:
* Optimize A flag array for optimization values
* Return Pointer to a DefaultsArray structure for return values
* Indirect Inputs:
* Opened IO device
* Direct Outputs:
* Error return value passing back informational and fatal errors.
* The DefaultsArray passed in is filled in
* Indirect Outputs:
* Many internal values are filled in which will be overridden when
* reading RDBs or Mountfiles.
* Local Calls:
* HDW_FindLastSector ()
* HDW_QueryInquiry ()
* HDW_QueryModeSense ()
* OS Calls:
* Algorithm:
* HDW_QueryCapacity
* HDW_FindLastBlock () // Test what should be last block.
* Division routines....
* exit
* Code:
* Joanne Dow, Wizardess Designs, Jan 1999
//ULONG __saveds __asm
//HDW_FindDefaults ( register __d0 BOOL Optimize,
// register __a0 struct DefaultsArray Return )
/*struct DefaultsArray
* UWORD BytesPerBlock;
* UWORD BlocksPerSurface;
* UWORD Surfaces;
* UWORD Cylinders; // note: MaxCyl = Cylinders - 1;
printf ( "17) Generate default drive parameters.\n\n" );
if ( baseunit == (ULONG) -1L )
printf ( "Need a base unit for this command.\n" );
printf ( "Attempting to open: %s:%d\n", devicename, baseunit );
deviceopen = HDWOpenDevice ( devicename, baseunit );
if ( !deviceopen )
printf ( "No device was opened!\n");
struct DefaultsArray defaults;
ULONG errorcode;
memset ( &defaults, 0, sizeof ( struct DefaultsArray) );
errorcode = FindDefaults ( 0, &defaults ); // No optimize
if ( errorcode == 0 )
printf ( "TotalBlocks: %d\n", defaults.TotalBlocks );
printf ( "BytesPerBlock: %d\n", defaults.BytesPerBlock );
printf ( "BlocksPerSurface: %d\n", defaults.BlocksPerSurface );
printf ( "Surfaces: %d\n", defaults.Surfaces );
printf ( "Cylinders: %d\n", defaults.Cylinders );
printf ( "Unused Blocks: %d\n", defaults.UnusedBlocks );
printf ( "FindDefaults failed!\n" );
printf ( "\nAttempting Optimized Defaults.\n" );
memset ( &defaults, 0, sizeof ( struct DefaultsArray) );
errorcode = FindDefaults ( DA_OPTIMIZE, &defaults );
if ( errorcode == 0 )
printf ( "TotalBlocks: %d\n", defaults.TotalBlocks );
printf ( "BytesPerBlock: %d\n", defaults.BytesPerBlock );
printf ( "BlocksPerSurface: %d\n", defaults.BlocksPerSurface );
printf ( "Surfaces: %d\n", defaults.Surfaces );
printf ( "Cylinders: %d\n", defaults.Cylinders );
printf ( "Unused Blocks: %d\n", defaults.UnusedBlocks );
printf ( "FindDefaults failed!\n" );
printf ( "\nAttempting HardFrame Defaults.\n" );
memset ( &defaults, 0, sizeof ( struct DefaultsArray) );
errorcode = FindDefaults ( DA_HF_WAY, &defaults );
if ( errorcode == 0 )
printf ( "TotalBlocks: %d\n", defaults.TotalBlocks );
printf ( "BytesPerBlock: %d\n", defaults.BytesPerBlock );
printf ( "BlocksPerSurface: %d\n", defaults.BlocksPerSurface );
printf ( "Surfaces: %d\n", defaults.Surfaces );
printf ( "Cylinders: %d\n", defaults.Cylinders );
printf ( "Unused Blocks: %d\n", defaults.UnusedBlocks );
printf ( "FindDefaults failed!\n" );
// Note this is a "hidden flag" used for debugging.
// It is otherwise pointless to use.
printf ( "\nAttempting 1Meg Cylinder size Defaults.\n" );
memset ( &defaults, 0, sizeof ( struct DefaultsArray) );
errorcode = FindDefaults ( 8, &defaults );
if ( errorcode == 0 )
printf ( "TotalBlocks: %d\n", defaults.TotalBlocks );
printf ( "BytesPerBlock: %d\n", defaults.BytesPerBlock );
printf ( "BlocksPerSurface: %d\n", defaults.BlocksPerSurface );
printf ( "Surfaces: %d\n", defaults.Surfaces );
printf ( "Cylinders: %d\n", defaults.Cylinders );
printf ( "Unused Blocks: %d\n", defaults.UnusedBlocks );
printf ( "FindDefaults failed!\n" );
printf ( "\nAttempting Optimized Defaults with a huge disk.\n" );
memset ( &defaults, 0, sizeof ( struct DefaultsArray) );
errorcode = FindDefaults ( DA_OPTIMIZE | DA_HUGE, &defaults );
if ( errorcode == 0 )
printf ( "TotalBlocks: %d\n", defaults.TotalBlocks );
printf ( "BytesPerBlock: %d\n", defaults.BytesPerBlock );
printf ( "BlocksPerSurface: %d\n", defaults.BlocksPerSurface );
printf ( "Surfaces: %d\n", defaults.Surfaces );
printf ( "Cylinders: %d\n", defaults.Cylinders );
printf ( "Unused Blocks: %d\n", defaults.UnusedBlocks );
printf ( "FindDefaults failed!\n" );
if ( deviceopen )
printf ( "Closing opened device\n" );
deviceopen = FALSE;
case 18:
/* HDW_RawRead
* Description:
* Read a block from the disk into the provided BootBlock structure at
* the block number stored in the BootBlock structure.
* Direct Inputs:
* bb pointer to an array of ULONG of indefinate size.
* blocknum The number of the block to read.
* Indirect Inputs:
* SC Global utility SCSI direct command field
* SCCmd Global utility SCSI command field
* IOR IO Request block for a presumed opened device
* ddBlockBytes Block size as determined from the first (good) disk read
* On first read use 16384. On success this is updated from
* SCSI.actual.
* Direct Output:
* USHORT Success or failure per enum...
* Indirect Output:
* bb filled with data and errorcode from the read.
* ddBlockBytes updated as appropriate for size of actual read.
* Local Calls:
* None
* OS Calls:
* DoIO ()
* Algorithm:
* If block less than 2097152, 2^21, use the 6 byte command sequence,
* else use the 10 byte read command sequence. (This is an arbitrary choice.)
* Ascertain device is open
* allocate temporary read block per size of ddBlockBytes
* Build the command
* issue the command
* If command good
* if ddBlockBytes == 16384 set ddBlockBytes to actual xfersize
* copy actual transfer size bytes into bb
* if blocksize not power of two >= 512L <= 16384L
* errorcode = invalid_block_size
* return error codes as appropriate.
* Code:
* Joanne Dow, Wizardess Designs, Jan 1999
//USHORT __saveds __asm
//HDW_RawRead ( register __a0 BootBlock *bbk, register __d0 USHORT size )
printf ( "18) Read and report raw sector 'MS'.\n\n");
if ( baseunit == (ULONG) -1L )
printf ( "Need a base unit for this command.\n" );
printf ( "Attempting to open: %s:%d\n", devicename, baseunit );
deviceopen = HDWOpenDevice ( devicename, baseunit );
if ( !deviceopen )
printf ( "No device was opened!\n");
BootBlock *bb;
ULONG capacity;
ULONG blocksize;
USHORT ecode;
if ( QueryCapacity ( &capacity, &blocksize )) // All sets page 0
printf ( "SCSI Read Capacity returns: %ld blocks of %ld bytes.\n",
blocksize );
printf ( "SCSI Read Capacity failed\n" );
blocksize = 16384L; // Better use a safe blocksize!
bb = malloc ( sizeof ( BootBlock ) - 512 + blocksize );
if ( bb == NULL )
printf ( "BootBlock allocation failed!\n" );
bb->bb_BlockNum = mspage; // Only value really needed
ecode = RawRead ( bb, blocksize );
if ( ecode == success )
printhex ( bb->bb_Data.bd_Bytes, blocksize );
printf ( "RawRead failed %d!", ecode );
if ( deviceopen )
printf ( "Closing opened device\n" );
deviceopen = FALSE;
case 19:
/* HDW_QueryFindValid
* Description:
* Attempt to determine all valid configureable units on devicename
* according to an acceptable types bitmap supplied on entry. Data is
* filled into a 16 word of 16 bits each bitmap with pointer supplied
* on entry. "BoardNumber" to be tested is supplied by the calling
* routine.
* Direct Inputs:
* ValidIDs Pointer ValidIDstruct
* devicename device name for testing
* board Board ID to test
* types ULONG bitmap of valid device typese
* widescsi BOOLEAN set TRUE if wide scsi used.
* CallBack Pointer to callback handler
* Indirect Inputs:
* Direct Outputs:
* Indirect Outputs:
* Local Calls:
* OS Calls:
* Algorithm:
* Clear the supplied bitmap array
* For all IDs on the SCSI bus
* For all LUNs on each ID
* HW_OpenDevice ( Board, ID, LUN, devicename )
* TestUnitReady()
* Inquiry()
* if in valid types
* Mark as valid
* if LUN 0 fails to open
* break - skipping remaining LUNs
* if self-id for controller
* break - skipping controller
* return completion status
* Code:
* Joanne Dow, Wizardess Designs, Jan 1999
//void __saveds __asm
//HDW_QueryFindValid ( register __a0 ValidIDstruct *ValidIDs,
// register __a1 char * devicename,
// register __d0 int board,
// register __d1 ULONG types,
// register __d2 BOOL wide_scsi,
// register __a2 long ( *__asm CallBack)
// ( register __a0 HDWCallbackMsg msg ));
printf ( "19) Find all valid disks on a given controller.\n\n");
if ( baseunit == (ULONG) -1L )
printf ( "Need a base unit for this command.\n" );
ULONG types;
int board = baseunit;
ValidIDstruct ValidIDs;
printf ( "Trying for hard disks only.\n" );
types = 1; // Only disk drives!
QueryFindValid ( &ValidIDs, devicename, board, types, FALSE, NULL );
printhex ( (BYTE *) ValidIDs.there, 16 * sizeof (USHORT ));
printhex ( (BYTE *) ValidIDs.ready, 16 * sizeof (USHORT ));
printf ( "\nTrying for ALL drive types.\n" );
types = (ULONG) -1L; // All devices!
QueryFindValid ( &ValidIDs, devicename, board, types, FALSE, CallBack );
printf ("\n\n");
printhex ( (BYTE *) ValidIDs.there, 16 * sizeof (USHORT ));
printhex ( (BYTE *) ValidIDs.ready, 16 * sizeof (USHORT ));
case 20:
/* HDW_RawWrite
* Description:
* Write the data section of a BootBlock to the disk at the block number
* stored within the BootBlock structure.
* Direct Inputs:
* bb pointer to a BootBlock structure of indefinate size.
* Note that bb includes the block ID
* Indirect Inputs:
* SC Global utility SCSI direct command field
* SCCmd Global utility SCSI command field
* IOR IO Request block for a presumed opened device
* ddBlockBytes Block size as determined from the first (good) disk read
* On first read use 16384. On success this is updated from
* SCSI.actual.
* Direct Output:
* UHSORT Success or failure per enum...
* Indirect Output:
* bb data field written to disk.
* Local Calls:
* None
* OS Calls:
* DoIO ()
* Algorithm:
* Make sure IOR is legitimately opened
* blocknum = bb->bb_BlockNum
* if blocknum = -1
* find in bitmap first unassigned block and assign it
* repair bb->BlockNum and blocknum to reflect this
* Build the SCSI command
* Issue IO command
* return massaged error code.
* Code:
* Joanne Dow, Wizardess Designs, Jan 1999
//USHORT __saveds __asm
//HDW_RawWrite ( register __a0 BootBlock *bb )
printf ( "20) Raw write to a block of low disk. (Safe write - I hope!)\n\n");
if ( baseunit == (ULONG) -1L )
printf ( "Need a base unit for this command.\n" );
printf ( "Attempting to open: %s:%d\n", devicename, baseunit );
deviceopen = HDWOpenDevice ( devicename, baseunit );
if ( !deviceopen )
printf ( "No device was opened!\n");
BootBlock *bb;
BootBlock *bbt;
BootBlock *bbtr;
ULONG capacity;
ULONG blocksize;
USHORT ecode;
if ( QueryCapacity ( &capacity, &blocksize )) // All sets page 0
printf ( "SCSI Read Capacity returns: %ld blocks of %ld bytes.\n",
blocksize );
printf ( "SCSI Read Capacity failed\n" );
blocksize = 16384L; // Better use a safe blocksize!
bb = malloc ( sizeof ( BootBlock ) - 512 + blocksize );
bbt = malloc ( sizeof ( BootBlock ) - 512 + blocksize );
bbtr = malloc ( sizeof ( BootBlock ) - 512 + blocksize );
if (( bb == NULL ) || ( bbt == NULL ) || ( bbtr == NULL ))
printf ( "BootBlock allocation failed!\n" );
if ( bb )
free ( bb );
if ( bbt )
free ( bbt );
if ( bbtr )
free ( bbtr );
bb->bb_BlockNum = mspage; // Only value really needed
bbt->bb_BlockNum = mspage; // Only value really needed
bbtr->bb_BlockNum = mspage; // Only value really needed
ecode = RawRead ( bb, blocksize );
if ( ecode == success )
printhex ( bb->bb_Data.bd_Bytes, 32 );
printf ( "RawRead failed %d!", ecode );
if ( bb )
free ( bb );
if ( bbt )
free ( bbt );
if ( bbtr )
free ( bbtr );
printf ( "This IS dangerous. Continue? ");
gets ( bbt->bb_Data.bd_Bytes );
if ( bbt->bb_Data.bd_Bytes [ 0 ] != 'Y' )
printf ( "OK, I'm GONE Kemosabe!\n" );
if ( bb )
free ( bb );
if ( bbt )
free ( bbt );
if ( bbtr )
free ( bbtr );
// OK guys - this is the BIG doodoo if we get it wrong!
// Write exactly the same data back....
ecode = RawWrite ( bb );
if ( ecode != success )
printf ( "RawWrite failed, %d\n", ecode );
if ( bb )
free ( bb );
if ( bbt )
free ( bbt );
if ( bbtr )
free ( bbtr );
printf ( "Block written = %d\n", bb->bb_RWErrors.block_written );
// Now fill the data block with OTHER data!
for ( ecode = 0; ecode < blocksize; ecode++ )
bbt->bb_Data.bd_Bytes [ ecode ] = (UBYTE) (ecode & 0xff);
// OK guys - this is the REAL BIG doodoo if we get it wrong!
// Write exactly the same data back....
ecode = RawWrite ( bbt );
if ( ecode != success )
printf ( "RawWrite failed, %d\n", ecode );
if ( bb )
free ( bb );
if ( bbt )
free ( bbt );
if ( bbtr )
free ( bbtr );
printf ( "Block written = %d\n", bbt->bb_RWErrors.block_written );
// Reread it for confirmation it was written
ecode = RawRead ( bbtr, blocksize );
if ( ecode == success )
printhex ( bbtr->bb_Data.bd_Bytes, 32 );
printf ( "RawRead failed %d!", ecode );
if ( bb )
free ( bb );
if ( bbt )
free ( bbt );
if ( bbtr )
free ( bbtr );
// IMMEDIATELY restore the original block!
ecode = RawWrite ( bb );
if ( ecode != success )
printf ( "RawWrite failed, %d\n", ecode );
if ( bb )
free ( bb );
if ( bbt )
free ( bbt );
if ( bbtr )
free ( bbtr );
printf ( "Block written = %d\n", bb->bb_RWErrors.block_written );
for ( ecode = 0; ecode < blocksize; ecode++ )
if ( bbt->bb_Data.bd_Bytes [ ecode ] != bbtr->bb_Data.bd_Bytes [ ecode ] )
printf ( "Compare error at %d: %x vs %x\n",
bbt->bb_Data.bd_Bytes [ ecode ],
bbtr->bb_Data.bd_Bytes [ ecode ] );
if ( ecode == blocksize )
printf ( "Completely successful compare here, too.\n" );
if ( bb )
free ( bb );
if ( bbt )
free ( bbt );
if ( bbtr )
free ( bbtr );
if ( deviceopen )
printf ( "Closing opened device\n" );
deviceopen = FALSE;
case 21:
/* HDW_WriteBlock
* Description:
* Write a BootBlock's data to the disk at the block number stored in the
* structure. Readback to verify the written data. Repeat a few times on
* initial failure.
* Direct Inputs:
* bb pointer to a BootBlock structure of indefinate size.
* Note that bb includes the block ID
* Indirect Inputs:
* SC Global utility SCSI direct command field
* SCCmd Global utility SCSI command field
* IOR IO Request block for a presumed opened device
* ddBlockBytes Block size as determined from the first (good) disk read
* On first read use 16384. On success this is updated from
* SCSI.actual.
* Direct Output:
* USHORT Success or failure per enum...
* Indirect Output:
* bb data field written to disk.
* Local Calls:
* HDW_RawWrite ()
* HDW_RawRead ()
* OS Calls:
* none
* Algorithm:
* Allocate temporary BootBlock structure
* repeat several tries:
* Write block
* Read block 1000 to try to flush disk caches slightly
* Read back written block to a scratchpad
* Compare block to scratchpad
* if error repeat
* Free temporary bootblock structure
* massage error codes.
* return massaged error code.
* Code:
* Joanne Dow, Wizardess Designs, Jan 1999
//USHORT __saveds __asm
//HDW_WriteBlock( register __a0 BootBlock *bb )
printf ( "21) Write with checksum to a block of low disk. (Safe write - I hope!)\n\n");
if ( baseunit == (ULONG) -1L )
printf ( "Need a base unit for this command.\n" );
printf ( "Attempting to open: %s:%d\n", devicename, baseunit );
deviceopen = HDWOpenDevice ( devicename, baseunit );
if ( !deviceopen )
printf ( "No device was opened!\n");
BootBlock *bb;
BootBlock *bbt;
BootBlock *bbtr;
ULONG capacity;
ULONG blocksize;
USHORT ecode;
if ( QueryCapacity ( &capacity, &blocksize )) // All sets page 0
printf ( "SCSI Read Capacity returns: %ld blocks of %ld bytes.\n",
blocksize );
printf ( "SCSI Read Capacity failed\n" );
blocksize = 16384L; // Better use a safe blocksize!
bb = malloc ( sizeof ( BootBlock ) - 512 + blocksize );
bbt = malloc ( sizeof ( BootBlock ) - 512 + blocksize );
bbtr = malloc ( sizeof ( BootBlock ) - 512 + blocksize );
if (( bb == NULL ) || ( bbt == NULL ) || ( bbtr == NULL ))
printf ( "BootBlock allocation failed!\n" );
if ( bb )
free ( bb );
if ( bbt )
free ( bbt );
if ( bbtr )
free ( bbtr );
bb->bb_BlockNum = mspage; // Only value really needed
bbt->bb_BlockNum = mspage; // Only value really needed
bbtr->bb_BlockNum = mspage; // Only value really needed
ecode = RawRead ( bb, blocksize );
if ( ecode == success )
printhex ( bb->bb_Data.bd_Bytes, 32 );
printf ( "RawRead failed %d!", ecode );
if ( bb )
free ( bb );
if ( bbt )
free ( bbt );
if ( bbtr )
free ( bbtr );
printf ( "This IS dangerous. Continue? ");
gets ( bbt->bb_Data.bd_Bytes );
if ( bbt->bb_Data.bd_Bytes [ 0 ] != 'Y' )
printf ( "OK, I'm GONE Kemosabe!\n" );
if ( bb )
free ( bb );
if ( bbt )
free ( bbt );
if ( bbtr )
free ( bbtr );
// Now fill the data block with OTHER data!
for ( ecode = 0; ecode < blocksize; ecode++ )
bbt->bb_Data.bd_Bytes [ ecode ] = (UBYTE) (ecode & 0xff);
bbt->bb_Data.bd_RDB.rdb_SummedLongs = blocksize >> 2;
bbt->bb_Data.bd_RDB.rdb_ID = 0x57495045;
// OK guys - this is the REAL BIG doodoo if we get it wrong!
// Write exactly the same data back....
ecode = WriteBlock ( bbt );
if ( ecode != success )
printf ( "WriteBlock failed, %d\n", ecode );
if ( bb )
free ( bb );
if ( bbt )
free ( bbt );
if ( bbtr )
free ( bbtr );
printf ( "Block written = %d\n", bbt->bb_RWErrors.block_written );
// Reread it for confirmation it was written
ecode = RawRead ( bbtr, blocksize );
if ( ecode == success )
printhex ( bbtr->bb_Data.bd_Bytes, 32 );
printf ( "RawRead failed %d!", ecode );
if ( bb )
free ( bb );
if ( bbt )
free ( bbt );
if ( bbtr )
free ( bbtr );
// IMMEDIATELY restore the original block!
ecode = RawWrite ( bb );
if ( ecode != success )
printf ( "RawWrite failed, %d\n", ecode );
if ( bb )
free ( bb );
if ( bbt )
free ( bbt );
if ( bbtr )
free ( bbtr );
printf ( "Block written = %d\n", bb->bb_RWErrors.block_written );
for ( ecode = 0; ecode < blocksize; ecode++ )
if ( bbt->bb_Data.bd_Bytes [ ecode ] != bbtr->bb_Data.bd_Bytes [ ecode ] )
printf ( "Compare error at %d: %x vs %x\n",
bbt->bb_Data.bd_Bytes [ ecode ],
bbtr->bb_Data.bd_Bytes [ ecode ] );
if ( ecode == blocksize )
printf ( "Completely successful compare here, too.\n" );
if ( bb )
free ( bb );
if ( bbt )
free ( bbt );
if ( bbtr )
free ( bbtr );
if ( deviceopen )
printf ( "Closing opened device\n" );
deviceopen = FALSE;
case 22:
/* HDW_WriteRDBs
* Description:
* Traverse "BootBlocks" RDB structures given.
* Write them to disk in the order the structures exist in the structure
* linked list.
* Direct Inputs:
* none
* Indirect Inputs:
* BlockLists List head for the RDB blocklists to be written
* Direct Outputs:
* Cumulative error code
* Indirect Outputs:
* RDBs written to disk as RDBs.
* Local Calls:
* HDW_BlockWrite ()
* OS Calls:
* None
* Algorithm:
* Trace the blocklist via the .Succ nodes writing the data segment
* of every BootBlock encountered to disk.
* If complete failure
* return
* if error worse than prior errors
* set new return value.
* Code:
* Joanne Dow, Wizardess Designs, Jan 1999
//USHORT __saveds __asm
//HDW_WriteRDBs ( void )
printf ( "22) Read RDBs from <file.list> and write to disk. (The biggie!)\n\n" );
if ( !filename )
printf ( "Need a filename\n" );
if ( strlen( filename ) > 248 )
printf ( "Filename: %s is too long!\n", filename );
if ( baseunit == (ULONG) -1L )
printf ( "Need a base unit for this command.\n" );
sprintf ( realfilename, "%s%s", filename, ".list" );
rsuccess = ReadMountfile ( baseunit, realfilename, devicename );
if ( rsuccess != 0 )
printf ( "Mountfile read failed: %d\n", rsuccess );
printf ( "Attempting to open: %s:%d\n", devicename, baseunit );
deviceopen = HDWOpenDevice ( devicename, baseunit );
if ( !deviceopen )
printf ( "No device was opened!\n");
printf ( "Beginning to write RDBs.\n" );
// system( "copy l:fastfilesystem43.19 sys:l/fastfilesystem");
rwsuccess = WriteRDBs ( );
if ( rwsuccess == 0 )
printf ( "You should have a new RDBs waiting on the disk.\n" );
if ( rwsuccess != 0xffff )
printf ( "DOODOO CITY! RDB Write failed: %d\n", rwsuccess );
printf ( "RDB Write failed because this version does not have it supported.\n" );
// system( "copy l:fastfilesystem_fixed_43.19 sys:l/fastfilesystem");
if ( deviceopen )
printf ( "Closing opened device\n" );
deviceopen = FALSE;
/* HDW_WriteRDBStructs()
* Description:
* (Write RDBs to file instead of RDB area of disk.)
* Write the internal RDB structures to disk exactly as in memory.
* Direct Inputs:
* Filename Name of file to write. NB: This will clobber duplicates
* Indirect Inputs:
* RDB structures in memory
* Direct Outputs:
* ret error 0 if success else error indication
* Indirect Outputs:
* File written
* Local Calls:
* OS Calls:
* fclose ()
* fopen ()
* fwrite ()
* Algorithm:
* if no RDBs in memory of file open fails exit with error
* else
* pointer = Basepointer->next
* while pointer
* translate and write block to disk file
* pointer = pointer->next
* endwhile
* endif
* Code:
* Joanne Dow, Wizardess Designs, Jan 1999
case 23:
printf ( "23) Read RDBs from disk and write RDB Structs to file.\n\n" );
if ( !filename )
printf ( "Need a filename\n" );
if ( strlen( filename ) > 248 )
printf ( "Filename: %s is too long!\n", filename );
if ( baseunit == (ULONG) -1L )
printf ( "Need a base unit for this command.\n" );
printf ( "Attempting to open: %s:%d\n", devicename, baseunit );
deviceopen = HDWOpenDevice ( devicename, baseunit );
if ( !deviceopen )
printf ( "No device was opened!\n");
printf ( "Attempting to read RDBs into library.\n");
rwsuccess = ReadRDBs ( );
if ( rwsuccess == success )
sprintf ( realfilename, "%s%s", filename, ".rdb" );
rwsuccess = WriteRDBStructs ( realfilename );
if ( rwsuccess == 0 )
printf ( "You should have a new %s waiting.\n", realfilename );
printf ( "Mountfile write failed: %d\n", rwsuccess );
printf ( "RDB read failed: %d\n", rwsuccess );
if ( deviceopen )
printf ( "Closing opened device\n" );
deviceopen = FALSE;
case 24:
printf ( "24) Read RDB Structs from file and write RDB Structs to file.\n\n" );
if ( !filename )
printf ( "Need a filename\n" );
if ( strlen( filename ) > 248 )
printf ( "Filename: %s is too long!\n", filename );
if ( baseunit == (ULONG) -1L )
printf ( "Need a base unit for this command.\n" );
sprintf ( realfilename, "%s%s", filename, ".rdb" );
rsuccess = ReadRDBStructs ( realfilename, baseunit );
if ( rsuccess == 0 )
sprintf ( realfilename, "%s%s", filename, "...rdb" );
rwsuccess = WriteRDBStructs ( realfilename );
if ( rwsuccess == 0 )
printf ( "You should have a new %s waiting.\n", realfilename );
printf ( "RDBfile write failed: %d\n", rwsuccess );
printf ( "RDB read failed: %d\n", rwsuccess );
case 25: // Verify Data On Drive
LONG ok;
printf ( "25) Verify data on disk.\n\n" );
if ( baseunit == (ULONG) -1L )
printf ( "You must enter a BU, Base Unit, number\n");
// Open device here.
printf ( "Attempting to open: %s\n", devicename );
deviceopen = HDWOpenDevice ( devicename, baseunit );
if ( !deviceopen )
printf ("%s unit %ld failed to open\n", devicename, baseunit );
ok = VerifyDrive ( CallBack );
printf ( "ok = %d\n", ok );
if ( deviceopen )
printf ( "Closing opened device\n" );
deviceopen = FALSE;
case 26:
printf ( "26) Read RDBStructs from <file>...rdb and write to Disk.\n");
if ( !filename )
printf ( "Need a filename\n" );
if ( strlen( filename ) > 248 )
printf ( "Filename: %s is too long!\n", filename );
if ( baseunit == (ULONG) -1L )
printf ( "Need a base unit for this command.\n" );
sprintf ( realfilename, "%s%s", filename, ".rdb" );
rsuccess = ReadRDBStructs ( realfilename, baseunit );
if ( rsuccess == 0 )
printf ( "Attempting to open: %s:%d\n", devicename, baseunit );
deviceopen = HDWOpenDevice ( devicename, baseunit );
if ( !deviceopen )
printf ( "No device was opened!\n");
printf ( "Beginning to write RDBs.\n" );
// system( "copy l:fastfilesystem43.19 sys:l/fastfilesystem");
rwsuccess = WriteRDBs ( );
if ( rwsuccess == 0 )
printf ( "You should have a new RDBs waiting on the disk.\n" );
if ( rwsuccess != 0xffff )
printf ( "DOODOO CITY! RDB Write failed: %d\n", rwsuccess );
printf ( "RDB Write failed because this version does not have it supported.\n" );
// system( "copy l:fastfilesystem_fixed_43.19 sys:l/fastfilesystem");
if ( deviceopen )
printf ( "Closing opened device\n" );
deviceopen = FALSE;
case 27:
printf ( "27) Read RDBs from disk and write RDB Structs memory thence to file and console as hex.\n\n" );
if ( !filename )
printf ( "Need a filename\n" );
if ( strlen( filename ) > 248 )
printf ( "Filename: %s is too long!\n", filename );
if ( baseunit == (ULONG) -1L )
printf ( "Need a base unit for this command.\n" );
printf ( "Attempting to open: %s:%d\n", devicename, baseunit );
deviceopen = HDWOpenDevice ( devicename, baseunit );
if ( !deviceopen )
printf ( "No device was opened!\n");
printf ( "Attempting to read RDBs into library.\n");
rwsuccess = ReadRDBs ( );
if ( rwsuccess == 0 )
sizememneeded = 0;
rsuccess = OutMemRDBStructs ( NULL, &sizememneeded, 0 );
if ( rsuccess == 0 )
printf ( "7) Need %ld bytes of buffer for mountfile.\n", sizememneeded );
outmembuffer = malloc ( sizememneeded + 256 );
if ( outmembuffer )
// int i;
// for ( i = sizememneeded; i < sizememneeded + 256; i++)
// outmembuffer[i] = 'A';
rsuccess = OutMemRDBStructs ( outmembuffer, &sizememneeded, sizememneeded + 255 );
if ( rsuccess == 0 )
FILE *foofile = NULL;
outmembuffer [ sizememneeded + 255 ] = 0;
printhex ( outmembuffer, sizememneeded );
// printhex ( &outmembuffer[sizememneeded-16], 256 );
foofile = fopen ( filename, "wb" );
if ( foofile )
fwrite ( outmembuffer, sizememneeded, 1, foofile );
fclose ( foofile );
foofile = NULL;
printf ( "Could not write the file: %d\n", rsuccess );
printf ( "Mountfile size write failed: %d\n", rsuccess );
printf ( "InMemMountfile failed, %ld\n", rsuccess );
if ( deviceopen )
printf ( "Closing opened device\n" );
deviceopen = FALSE;
case 28:
#if 0
if ( baseunit == (ULONG) -1L )
printf ( "You must enter a BU, Base Unit, number\n");
// Open device here.
printf ( "Attempting to open: %s\n", devicename );
deviceopen = HDWOpenDevice ( devicename, baseunit );
if ( !deviceopen )
printf ("%s unit %ld failed to open\n", devicename, baseunit );
printf ( "Not implemented yet!\n" );
case 100:
//ULONG __saveds __asm LowlevelFormat ( register __a0 long ( * __asm CallBack)
// ( register __a0 HDWCallbackMsg *msg ))
LONG ok;
printf ( "100) Format Drive - VERY DANGEROUS!\n\n" );
if ( baseunit == (ULONG) -1L )
printf ( "You must enter a BU, Base Unit, number\n");
// Open device here.
printf ( "Attempting to open: %s\n", devicename );
deviceopen = HDWOpenDevice ( devicename, baseunit );
if ( !deviceopen )
printf ("%s unit %ld failed to open\n", devicename, baseunit );
ok = LowlevelFormat ( CallBack );
printf ( "ok = %d\n", ok );
if ( deviceopen )
printf ( "Closing opened device\n" );
deviceopen = FALSE;
usage ();
exit ( 0 );
typedef struct
STRPTR devicename;
LONG board;
LONG address;
LONG lun;
STRPTR messagestring;
LONG extra;
} HDWCallbackMsg;
long __stdargs __saveds __asm CallBack ( register __a0 HDWCallbackMsg *msg )
char str[80];
char och = *msg->messagestring;
char ch = och;
char *string;
if (( ch < MIN_MESSAGE )
|| ( ch > MAX_MESSAGE ))
ch = 'c';
string = callback_messages [ ch - 'A' ];
switch ( msg->extra )
case EXTRA_BEFORE_TEST: // before scan
sprintf ( str,
callback_messages[0], // Always "Scanning: " or equivalent
msg->address );
printf ( "%s[%dD", str, strlen( str ) );
printf ( "[%d%d%d] ", msg->board, msg->lun, msg->address );
case EXTRA_BEFORE_VERIFY: // Validate Drive
// Print messagestring plus other data.
// Perform an ARE YOU SURE function.
printf ( callback_messages[2],
msg->lun, msg->address, msg->board );
str[0] = 0;
while ( 1 )
fgets ( str, 79, stdin);
ch = tolower( str[0] );
if ( ch == 'y' )
if ( ch == 'n' )
return FALSE;
printf ( "Do you wish to continue?" );
case EXTRA_BEFORE_FORMAT: // Format Drive
// Print messagestring plus other data.
// Perform an *BIG* ARE YOU SURE function.
printf ( callback_messages[1],
msg->board );
str[0] = 0;
while ( 1 )
fgets ( str, 79, stdin);
ch = tolower( str[0] );
if ( ch == 'y' )
if ( ch == 'n' )
return FALSE;
printf ( "Are you VERY sure you want to do this?\n" );
while ( 1 )
printf ( "Let's try again, do you really want to destroy all your data?\n" );
fgets ( str, 79, stdin);
ch = str [ 0 ];
if ( ch == 'y' )
if ( ch == 'n' )
return FALSE;
if ( aborted ) // Note we do NOT clear the aborted flag.
return FALSE;
printf ( "LUN %d on drive %d on board %d: ",
msg->lun, msg->address, msg->board );
switch ( ch )
case 'E':
printf ( string, &msg->messagestring [ 2 ] );
case 'O':
printf ( string, msg->param1, msg->param2, msg->param3 );
case 'R':
case 'U':
case 'X':
case 'Y':
case 'Z':
case '[':
case '\\':
case ']':
case '^':
case '_':
case '`':
case 'b':
printf ( string );
case 'S':
case 'T':
case 'V':
case 'a':
printf ( string, msg->param1 );
case 'W':
printf ( string, msg->param1, msg->param2 );
printf ( string, och );
while ( 1 )
printf ( string, msg->param1 );
fgets ( str, 79, stdin);
ch = str [ 0 ];
if ( ch == 'y' )
if ( ch == 'n' )
return FALSE;
printf ( "LUN %d on Drive %d on board %d:\n",
msg->lun, msg->address, msg->board );
switch ( ch )
case 'D':
case 'H':
case 'I':
case 'J':
case 'K':
case 'L':
case 'M':
case 'N':
printf ( string );
case 'F':
printf ( string, &msg->messagestring [ 2 ] );
case 'G':
printf ( string, msg->param1 );
case 'Q':
printf ( string, msg->param1, msg->param2, msg->param3 );
printf ( string, och );
printf ( "OK\n" );
fgets ( str, 79, stdin);
return TRUE;


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$VER: d0.se 1.14 Copyright © 2011-2025 Tobias Geijersson support at d0 dot se