Autodocs Devices:
Docs » Autodocs » console.device » CMD_WRITE
CMD_WRITE -- Write ANSI text to the console display.
Write a text record to the display. Interpret the ANSI control characters in the data as described below. Note that the RPort of the console window is in use while this write command is pending. IO REQUEST INPUT io_Message mn_ReplyPort set if quick I/O is not possible io_Device preset by the call to OpenDevice io_Unit preset by the call to OpenDevice io_Command CMD_WRITE io_Flags IOF_QUICK if quick I/O possible, else zero io_Length sizeof(*buffer), or -1 if io_Data is null terminated io_Data a pointer to a buffer containing the ANSI text to write to the console device. IO REQUEST RESULTS io_Error the error result (no errors are reported as of V36) io_Actual the number of bytes written from io_Data io_Length zero io_Data original io_Data plus io_Actual ANSI CODES SUPPORTED Codes are specified in the standard fashion for ANSI documents, as the two 4 bit nibbles that comprise the character code, high nibble first, separated by a slash. Thus 01/11 (ESC) is a character with the hex value 1B (or the decimal value 27). A character on the Amiga falls into one of the following four ranges: 00/ 0-01/15 C0: ASCII control characters. See below. 02/ 0-07/15 G0: ASCII graphic characters. These characters have an image that is displayed. Note that the DEL character is displayed by the Console Device: it is not treated as control character here. 08/ 0-09/15 C1: ANSI 3.41 control characters. See below. 10/ 0-15/15 G1: ECMA 94 Latin 1 graphic characters. Independent Control Functions (no introducer) -- Code Name Definition ----- --- ---------------------------------------------- 00/ 7 BEL BELL: actually an Intuition DisplayBeep() 00/ 8 BS BACKSPACE 00/ 9 HT HORIZONTAL TAB 00/10 LF LINE FEED 00/11 VT VERTICAL TAB 00/12 FF FORM FEED 00/13 CR CARRIAGE RETURN 00/14 SO SHIFT OUT: causes all subsequent G0 (ASCII) characters to be shifted to G1 (ECMA 94/1) characters. 00/15 SI SHIFT IN: cancels the effect of SHIFT OUT. 01/11 ESC ESCAPE Code or Esc Name Definition ----- --- ---- --------------------------------------------- 08/ 4 D IND INDEX: move the active position down one line. 08/ 5 E NEL NEXT LINE 08/ 8 H HTS HORIZONTAL TABULATION SET 08/13 M RI REVERSE INDEX 09/11 [ CSI CONTROL SEQUENCE INTRODUCER: see next list ISO Compatible Escape Sequences (introduced by Esc) -- Esc Name Definition ----- ---- --------------------------------------------------- c RIS RESET TO INITIAL STATE: reset the console display. Control Sequences, with the number of indicated parameters. i.e. <CSI><parameters><control sequence letter(s)>. Note the last entries consist of a space and a letter. CSI is either 9B or Esc[. A minus after the number of parameters (#p) indicates less is valid. Parameters are separated by semicolons, e.g. Esc[14;80H sets the cursor position to row 14, column 80. CSI #p Name Definition --- --- ---- ------------------------------------------------- @ 1- ICH INSERT CHARACTER A 1- CUU CURSOR UP B 1- CUD CURSOR DOWN C 1- CUF CURSOR FORWARD D 1- CUB CURSOR BACKWARD E 1- CNL CURSOR NEXT LINE F 1- CPL CURSOR PRECEDING LINE H 2- CUP CURSOR POSITION I 1- CHT CURSOR HORIZONTAL TABULATION J 1- ED ERASE IN DISPLAY (only to end of display) K 1- EL ERASE IN LINE (only to end of line) L 1- IL INSERT LINE M 1- DL DELETE LINE P 1- DCH DELETE CHARACTER R 2 CPR CURSOR POSITION REPORT (in Read stream only) S 1- SU SCROLL UP T 1- SD SCROLL DOWN W n CTC CURSOR TABULATION CONTROL Z 1- CBT CURSOR BACKWARD TABULATION f 2- HVP HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL POSITION g 1- TBC TABULATION CLEAR h n SM SET MODE: see modes below. l n RM RESET MODE: see modes below. m n SGR SELECT GRAPHIC RENDITION n 1- DSR DEVICE STATUS REPORT t 1- aSLPP SET PAGE LENGTH (private Amiga sequence) u 1- aSLL SET LINE LENGTH (private Amiga sequence) x 1- aSLO SET LEFT OFFSET (private Amiga sequence) y 1- aSTO SET TOP OFFSET (private Amiga sequence) { n aSRE SET RAW EVENTS (private Amiga sequence) | 8 aIER INPUT EVENT REPORT (private Amiga Read sequence) } n aRRE RESET RAW EVENTS (private Amiga sequence) ~ 1 aSKR SPECIAL KEY REPORT (private Amiga Read sequence) p 1- aSCR SET CURSOR RENDITION (private Amiga sequence) q 0 aWSR WINDOW STATUS REQUEST (private Amiga sequence) r 4 aWBR WINDOW BOUNDS REPORT (private Amiga Read sequence) s 0 aSDSS SET DEFAULT SGR SETTINGS (private Amiga sequence-V39) v 1 aRAV RIGHT AMIGA V PRESS (private Amiga Read sequence-V37) Modes, set with <CSI><mode-list>h, and cleared with <CSI><mode-list>l, where the mode-list is one or more of the following parameters, separated by semicolons -- Mode Name Definition ------- ---- ------------------------------------------------- 20 LNM LINEFEED NEWLINE MODE: if a linefeed is a newline >1 ASM AUTO SCROLL MODE: if scroll at bottom of window ?7 AWM AUTO WRAP MODE: if wrap at right edge of window
The console.device recognizes these SGR sequences. Note that some of these are new to V36. SGR (SELECT GRAPHICS RENDITION) Selects colors, and other display characteristics for text. Syntax: <ESC>[graphic-rendition...m Example: <ESC>[1;7m (sets bold, and reversed text) Parameters: 0 - Normal colors, and attributes 1 - Set bold 2 - Set faint (secondary color) 3 - Set italic 4 - Set underscore 7 - Set reversed character/cell colors 8 - Set concealed mode. 22 - Set normal color, not bold (V36) 23 - Italic off (V36) 24 - Underscore off (V36) 27 - Reversed off (V36) 28 - Concealed off (V36) 30-37 - Set character color 39 - Reset to default character color 40-47 - Set character cell color 49 - Reset to default character cell color >0-7 - Set background color (V36) Used to set the background color before any text is written. The numeric parameter is prefixed by ">". This also means that if you issue an SGR command with more than one parameter, you must issue the digit only parameters first, followed by any prefixed parameters. V39 console.device takes advantage of the ability to mask bitplanes for faster scrolling, clearing, and rendering. The actual number of bitplanes scrolled depends on which colors you set via the SGR sequences. For those using the defaults of PEN color 1, and cell color 0, console.device only needs to scroll 1 bitplane. The actual number of bitplanes scrolled is reset when ESCc is sent, and when the console window is entirely cleared (e.g., FF). In general this should cause no compatibility problems, unless you are mixing console rendering with graphic.library calls in the same portions of your window. Console.device considers the number of bitplanes it must scroll, and the screen display depth so that interleaved bitplane scrolling can be taken advantage of in cases where performance is not significantly affected (interleaved scrolling, and masking are mutually exclusive). The determination of how many planes to scroll is undefined, and may change in the future. It has changed with V44. V39 console.device supports a new private sequence (aSDSS) intended for use by users who prefer to change their default SGR settings. When this private Amiga sequence is sent to the console, the current Pen color, Cell color, Text style, and Reverse mode (on or off), are set as defaults. When ESC[0m is issued, the settings are restored to the preferred settings. ESC[39m, and ESC[49m are likewise affected. In general applications should not make use of this private sequence as it is intended for users who would normally include it as part of their shell startup script. The normal defaults are reset when ESCc is issued.
Does not correctly display cursor in SuperBitMap layers for versions prior to V36. Concealed mode should not be used prior to V39 console.device. Prior to V39 concealed mode masked all rastport output, the effect of which varied. As of V39, text output is simply hidden by setting the pen colors. Scrolling, clearing, cursor rendering, etc., are unaffected. For maximum compatibility it is recommended you simply set the colors yourself, and not used concealed mode. V36-V37 character mapped mode console.device windows could crash, or behave erratically if you scroll text DOWN more than a full window's worth of text. This bug has been fixed in V39 console. The only work-around is to avoid sending scroll down, or cursor up commands which exceed the window rows (this is not a problem for unit 0 console windows).
ROM Kernel Manual (Volume 1, <exec/io.h>