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bitmap_ic --datasheet-- BITMAP_GetClass Include GuruMeditation
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bitmap_ic -- Create image object using datatypes
This image class can create an image given the name of a source file. It uses the datatypes system to create a bitmap used for rendering the image. Bitmap supports drawing itself in a selected state, and supports transparent images provided that the datatype supports transparency. Instead of a source file name, a ready-to-use bitmap can be passed with OM_NEW.
OM_NEW -- Create the bitmap image. Passed to superclass, then OM_SET. OM_GET -- Get object attributes. Passed to superclass first. OM_SET -- Set object attributes. Passed to superclass first. OM_UPDATE -- Set object notification attributes. Passed to superclassfirst. IM_DRAW -- Renders the image. Overrides the superclass. All other methods are passed to the superclass, including OM_DISPOSE.
IA_TopEdge (WORD) IA_LeftEdge (WORD) IA_Width (WORD) IA_Height (WORD) Set position and size of the image. If given, these must be greater then or equal to the maximum dimensions of the bitmaps used. If the image size is larger than one of the bitmap sizes, the bitmap will be drawn centered within in the image. The area surrounding the bitmap is NOT erased! Defaults to the maximum of the dimensions of the normal and selected bitmaps. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET) BITMAP_SourceFile (STRPTR) Source file name of the image file to create the bitmap from, using the datatypes system. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_GET) BITMAP_Screen (struct Screen *) Pointer to the screen to use the image on. This attribute MUST be provided when creating an object of this class using the datatypes system. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_GET) BITMAP_Precision (ULONG) Precision to use when obtaining colors. See the PRECISION_ defines in <graphics/view.h> Defaults to PRECISION_ICON. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_GET) BITMAP_Masking (BOOL) If set to TRUE, the image will be drawn using a transparent mask if the image source contains a transparent color. Defaults to FALSE. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_GET) BITMAP_BitMap (struct BitMap *) Instead of letting the class create the bitmap using datatypes, you can create your own bitmap and pass it to the class. If you supply your own bitmap, you MUST set BITMAP_Width and BITMAP_Height too. Either BITMAP_SourceFile or BITMAP_BitMap must be given. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_GET) BITMAP_Width (LONG) BITMAP_Height (LONG) Set the dimensions of your own bitmap passed with BITMAP_BitMap, or get the dimensions of the bitmap created by the datatype. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_GET) BITMAP_MaskPlane (APTR) A mask plane. Only set this if you supply your own bitmap with BITMAP_BitMap. The mask plane will only be used if BITMAP_Masking is TRUE. Defaults to NULL. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_GET) BITMAP_SelectSourceFile (STRPTR) Source file name of the selected state image to create the bitmap from, using the datatypes system. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_GET) BITMAP_SelectBitMap (struct BitMap *) Your own bitmap to use for the selected state. If you supply your own bitmap, you MUST set BITMAP_SelectWidth and BITMAP_SelectHeight too. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_GET) BITMAP_SelectWidth (LONG) BITMAP_SelectHeight (LONG) Set the dimensions of your own selected statebitmap passed with BITMAP_SelectBitMap, or get the dimensions of the selected state bitmap created by the datatype. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_GET) BITMAP_SelectMaskPlane (APTR) A mask plane for the selected state bitmap. Only set this if you supply your own bitmap with BITMAP_SelectBitMap. The mask plane will only be used if BITMAP_Masking is TRUE. Defaults to NULL. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_GET) BITMAP_OffsetX (LONG) BITMAP_OffsetY (LONG) Together with BITMAP_BitMap, BITMAP_Width and BITMAP_Height these attributes determine which part of the bitmap to use for the image. These attributes will be ignored if the bitmap was created by the class using datatypes. Defaults to 0. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_GET) BITMAP_SelectOffsetX (LONG) BITMAP_SelectOffsetY (LONG) Together with BITMAP_SelectBitMap, BITMAP_SelectWidth and BITMAP_SelectHeight these attributes determine which part of the bitmap to use for the selected state image. These attributes will be ignored if the bitmap was created by the class using datatypes. Defaults to 0. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_GET)