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AslRequest -- get input from user using an ASL requester. (V36) AslRequestTags -- varargs stub for AslRequest(). (V36)
result = AslRequest(requester,tags); D0 A0 A1 BOOL AslRequest(APTR,struct TagItem *); result = AslRequestTags(requester,firstTag,...); BOOL AslRequestTags(APTR,Tag,...);
Prompts the user for input, based on the specific type of requester and modifying tags. The actions and results are specific to the type of requester, but in general the action is to open a requesting window prompting the user for a specific input. If the user cancels or the system aborts the request, FALSE is returned, otherwise the requester's data structure reflects the user input. Note that tag values stay in effect for each use of the requester until they are cleared or modified by passing the same tag with a new value.
requester - requester structure allocated with AllocAslRequest(). If this parameter is NULL, this function will always return FALSE with a dos.library/IoErr() result of ERROR_NO_FREE_STORE. tags - pointer to an optional tag list which may be used to control features of the requester.
Tags for use with the file requester: ASLFR_Window (struct Window *) - Parent window of requester. If no ASLFR_Screen tag is specified, the window structure is used to determine on which screen to open the requesting window. (V36) ASLFR_PubScreenName (STRPTR) - Name of a public screen to open on. This overrides the screen used by ASLFR_Window. (V38) ASLFR_Screen (struct Screen *) - Screen on which to open the requester. This overrides the screen used by ASLFR_Window or by ASLFR_PubScreenName. (V38) ASLFR_PrivateIDCMP (BOOL) - When set to TRUE, this tells ASL to allocate a new IDCMP port for the requesting window. If not specified or set to FALSE, and if ASLFR_Window is provided, the requesting window will share ASLFR_Window's IDCMP port. (V38) ASLFR_IntuiMsgFunc (struct Hook *) - A function to call whenever an unknown Intuition message arrives at the message port being used by the requesting window. The function receives the following parameters: A0 - (struct Hook *) A1 - (struct IntuiMessage *) A2 - (struct FileRequester *) (V38) ASLFR_SleepWindow (BOOL) - When set to TRUE, this tag will cause the window specified by ASLFR_Window to be "put to sleep". That is, a busy pointer will be displayed in the parent window, and no gadget or menu activity will be allowed. This is done by opening an invisible Intuition Requester in the parent window. (V38) ASLFR_UserData (APTR) - A 32-bit value that is simply copied in the fr_UserData field of the requester structure. (V38) ASLFR_TextAttr (struct TextAttr *) - Font to be used for the requesting window's gadgets and menus. If this tag is not provided or its value is NULL, the default font of the screen on which the requesting window opens will be used. This font must already be in memory as ASL calls OpenFont() and not OpenDiskFont(). As of V38, the font used in the file requester's file list must be monospaced. If the font provided with this tag is not monospaced, then the file list will use the current system default font as chosen in preferences. (V38) ASLFR_Locale (struct Locale *) - Locale to use for the requesting window. This determines the language used for the requester's gadgets and menus. If this tag is not provided or its value is NULL, the system's current default locale will be used. As of V38, items such as the date format always uses the system default locale. (V38) ASLFR_TitleText (STRPTR) - Title to use for the requesting window. Default is no title. (V36) ASLFR_PositiveText (STRPTR) - Label of the positive gadget in the requester. English default is "OK". Prior to V38, this string could not be longer than 6 characters. (V36) ASLFR_NegativeText (STRPTR) - Label of the negative gadget in the requester. English default is "Cancel". Prior to V38, this string could not be longer than 6 characters. (V36) ASLFR_InitialLeftEdge (WORD) - Suggested left edge of requesting window. (V36) ASLFR_InitialTopEdge (WORD) - Suggested top edge of requesting window. (V36) ASLFR_InitialWidth (WORD) - Suggested width of requesting window. (V36) ASLFR_InitialHeight (WORD) - Suggested height of requesting window. (V36) ASLFR_InitialFile (STRPTR) - Initial contents of the file requester's File text gadget. Default is empty. (V36) ASLFR_InitialDrawer (STRPTR) - Initial contents of the file requester's Drawer text gadget. Default is empty. (V36) ASLFR_InitialPattern (STRPTR) - Initial contents of the file requester's Pattern text gadget. Default is #?. (V36) ASLFR_InitialShowVolumes (BOOL) - When opening the file requester, read the list of active volumes, do not read the contents of the specified drawer. (V44) ASLFR_Flags1 (ULONG) - Bulk initialization of many of the requester's options. See <libraries/asl.h> for the possible flag values. Default is 0. (V36) ASLFR_Flags2 (ULONG) - Bulk initialization of many of the requester's options. See <libraries/asl.h> for the possible flag values. Default is 0. (V36) ASLFR_DoSaveMode (BOOL) - Set this tag to TRUE when the file requester is being used for saving. Default is FALSE. (V38) ASLFR_DoMultiSelect (BOOL) - Set this tag to TRUE to let the user select multiple files at once. This tag excludes save mode. Default is FALSE. (V38) ASLFR_DoPatterns (BOOL) - Set this tag to TRUE to cause a pattern gadget to be displayed. Default is FALSE. (V38) ASLFR_DrawersOnly (BOOL) - Set this tag to TRUE to cause the requester to only display drawers, and have no File gadget. This is useful to let the user choose a destination directory. Default is FALSE. (V38) ASLFR_FilterFunc (struct Hook *) - A function to call for each file encountered. If the function returns TRUE, the file is included in the file list, otherwise it is rejected and not displayed. The function receives the following parameters: A0 - (struct Hook *) A1 - (struct AnchorPath *) A2 - (struct FileRequester *) (V38) ASLFR_RejectIcons (BOOL) - Set this tag to TRUE to cause the requester not to display Workbench icons. This flag should normally be set. Default is FALSE. (V38) ASLFR_RejectPattern (UBYTE *) - Specifies an AmigaDOS pattern that is used to reject files. That is, any files with names matching this pattern are not included in the file list. Note that the pattern must have been parsed by dos.library/ParsePatternNoCase(). Default is ~(#?) which matches nothing. (V38) ASLFR_AcceptPattern (UBYTE *) - Specifies an AmigaDOS pattern that is used to accept files. That is, only files with names matching this pattern are included in the file list. Note that the pattern must have been parsed by dos.library/ParsePatternNoCase(). Default is #? which matches everything. (V38) ASLFR_FilterDrawers (BOOL) - Set this tag to TRUE if you want the ASLFR_RejectPattern, ASLFR_AcceptPattern, and the Pattern text gadget to also apply to drawer names. Normally, drawers are always displayed. Default is FALSE. (V38) ASLFR_HookFunc (APTR) - A function that is called if the FRF_FILTERFUNC or FRF_INTUIFUNC flags are specified in the ASLFR_Flags1 tag. The function will be called like so, with the arguments on the stack using the standard C pushing order: ULONG function(ULONG mask, APTR object, struct FileRequester *fr) The Mask value is a copy of the specific ASLFR_Flags1 value the callback is for, either FRF_FILTERFUNC or FRF_INTUIFUNC; object is a pointer to a data object (a (struct IntuiMessage *) for FRF_INTUIFUNC, and a (struct AnchorPath *) for FRF_FILTERFUNC). For FRF_FILTERFUNC, the function should return 0 if the file should be added to the list, non-zero if it shouldn't. For FRF_INTUIFUNC, the function should return the original (struct IntuiMessage *) it was passed. ASLFR_SetSortBy (ULONG) -- Criteria for sorting the file list. this must be one of ASLFRSORTBY_Name (sort by name), ASLFRSORTBY_Date (sort by date) or ASLFRSORTBY_Size (sort by size). Default is ASLFRSORTBY_Name. (V44) ASLFR_GetSortBy (ULONG *) -- Before leaving AslRequest(), the file requester will store its current sort criteria (ASLFRSORTBY_Name, ASLFRSORTBY_Date or ASLFRSORTBY_Size) in the ULONG pointed to by this tag. Default is NULL, i.e. no data is stored. (V44) ASLFR_SetSortDrawers (ULONG) -- Determines where drawers are placed in the sorted list; this must be one of ASLFRSORTDRAWERS_First (drawers appear before all other files), ASLFRSORTDRAWERS_Mix (drawers are sorted along with the the other files) or ASLFRSORTDRAWERS_Last (drawers appear after all other files). Default is ASLFRSORTDRAWERS_First. (V44) ASLFR_GetSortDrawers (ULONG *) -- Before leaving AslRequest(), the file requester will store its current drawer list placement (ASLFRSORTDRAWERS_First, ASLFRSORTDRAWERS_Mix or ASLFRSORTDRAWERS_Last) in the ULONG pointed to by this tag. Default is NULL, i.e. no data is stored. (V44) ASLFR_SetSortOrder (ULONG) -- Selects the order in which the list is sorted; this must be one of ASLFRSORTORDER_Ascend (smallest/oldest files first, largest/newest files last) or ASLFRSORTORDER_Descend (largest/newest files first, smallest/oldest files last). Default is ASLFRSORTORDER_Ascend. (V44) ASLFR_GetSortOrder (ULONG *) -- Before leaving AslRequest(), the file requester will store its current sort order (ASLFRSORTORDER_Ascend, ASLFRSORTORDER_Descend) in the ULONG pointed to by this tag. Default is NULL, i.e. no data is stored. (V44) ASLFR_PopToFront (BOOL) -- If set to TRUE, this tells ASL to bring the screen to the front the requester has opened on. The position of the screen will be adjusted, too, to bring the area into view the window has opened in. The screen brought to the front will be pushed into the background again when the requester window closes. Default is TRUE. (V44) ASLFR_Activate (BOOL) -- If set to TRUE, the requester window will open in active state. Default is TRUE. (V45) Tags used for the font requester: ASLFO_Window (struct Window *) - Parent window of requester. If no ASLFO_Screen tag is specified, the window structure is used to determine on which screen to open the requesting window. (V36) ASLFO_PubScreenName (STRPTR) - Name of a public screen to open on. This overrides the screen used by ASLFO_Window. (V38) ASLFO_Screen (struct Screen *) - Screen on which to open the requester. This overrides the screen used by ASLFO_Window or by ASLFO_PubScreenName. (V38) ASLFO_PrivateIDCMP (BOOL) - When set to TRUE, this tells ASL to allocate a new IDCMP port for the requesting window. If not specified or set to FALSE, and if ASLFO_Window is provided, the requesting window will share ASLFO_Window's IDCMP port. (V38) ASLFO_IntuiMsgFunc (struct Hook *) - A function to call whenever an unknown Intuition message arrives at the message port being used by the requesting window. The function receives the following parameters: A0 - (struct Hook *) A1 - (struct IntuiMessage *) A2 - (struct FontRequester *) (V38) ASLFO_SleepWindow (BOOL) - When set to TRUE, this tag will cause the window specified by ASLFO_Window to be "put to sleep". That is, a busy pointer will be displayed in the parent window, and no gadget or menu activity will be allowed. This is done by opening an invisible Intuition Requester in the parent window. (V38) ASLFO_UserData (APTR) - A 32-bit value that is simply copied in the fo_UserData field of the requester structure. (V38) ASLFO_TextAttr (struct TextAttr *) - Font to be used for the requesting window's gadgets and menus. If this tag is not provided or its value is NULL, the default font of the screen on which the requesting window opens will be used. This font must already be in memory as ASL calls OpenFont() and not OpenDiskFont(). (V38) ASLFO_Locale (struct Locale *) - Locale to use for the requesting window. This determines the language used for the requester's gadgets and menus. If this tag is not provided or its value is NULL, the system's current default locale will be used. (V38) ASLFO_TitleText (STRPTR) - Title to use for the requesting window. Default is no title. (V36) ASLFO_PositiveText (STRPTR) - Label of the positive gadget in the requester. English default is "OK". Prior to V38, this string could not be longer than 6 characters. (V36) ASLFO_NegativeText (STRPTR) - Label of the negative gadget in the requester. English default is "Cancel". Prior to V38, this string could not be longer than 6 characters. (V36) ASLFO_InitialLeftEdge (WORD) - Suggested left edge of requesting window. (V36) ASLFO_InitialTopEdge (WORD) - Suggested top edge of requesting window. (V36) ASLFO_InitialWidth (WORD) - Suggested width of requesting window. (V38) ASLFO_InitialHeight (WORD) - Suggested height of requesting window. (V38) ASLFO_InitialName (STRPTR) - Initial contents of the font requester's Name text gadget. Default is none. (V36) ASLFO_InitialSize (UWORD) - Initial contents of the font requester's Size numeric gadget (fo_Attr.ta_YSize). Default is 8. (V36) ASLFO_InitialStyle (UBYTE) - Initial setting of the font requester's Style gadget (fo_Attr.ta_Style). Default is FS_NORMAL. (V36) ASLFO_InitialFlags (UBYTE) - Initial setting of the font requester's fo_Flags field (fo_Attr.ta_Flags). Default is FPF_ROMFONT. (V36) ASLFO_InitialFrontPen (UBYTE) - Initial setting of the font requester's Front Color gadget (fo_FrontPen). This value also determines the color used to render the text in the sample font area. Default is 1. (V36) ASLFO_InitialBackPen (UBYTE) - Initial setting of the font requester's Back Color gadget (fo_BackPen). This value also determines the color used to render the background of the sample font area. Default is 0. (V36) ASLFO_InitialDrawMode (UBYTE) - Initial setting of the font requester's Mode gadget (fo_DrawMode). Default is JAM1. (V38) ASLFO_Flags (ULONG) - Bulk initialization of many of the requester's options. See <libraries/asl.h> for the possible flag values. Default is 0. (V36) ASLFO_DoFrontPen (BOOL) - Set this tag to TRUE to cause the requester to display the Front Color selection gadget. Default is FALSE. (V38) ASLFO_DoBackPen (BOOL) - Set this tag to TRUE to cause the requester to display the Back Color selection gadget. Default is FALSE. (V38) ASLFO_DoStyle (BOOL) - Set this tag to TRUE to cause the requester to display the Style checkboxes. Default is FALSE. (V38) ASLFO_DoDrawMode (BOOL) - Set this tag to TRUE to cause the requester to display the Mode cycle gadget. Default is FALSE. (V38) ASLFO_SampleText (STRPTR) - The sample text to print in the font preview area. This can either be a nul-terminated string which should not be longer than 80 characters, or NULL will tell ASL to use the default sample text. Default is NULL. (V45) ASLFO_FixedWidthOnly (BOOL) - Set this tag to TRUE to cause the requester to only display fixed-width fonts. Default is FALSE. (V38) ASLFO_MinHeight (UWORD) - The minimum font height to let the user select. Default is 5. (V36) ASLFO_MaxHeight (UWORD) - The maximum font height to let the user select. Default is 24. (V36) ASLFO_FilterFunc (struct Hook *) - A function to call for each font encountered. If the function returns TRUE, the font is included in the font list, otherwise it is rejected and not displayed. The function receives the following parameters: A0 - (struct Hook *) A1 - (struct TextAttr *) A2 - (struct FontRequester *) (V38) ASLFO_HookFunc (APTR) - A function that is called if the FOF_FILTERFUNC or FOF_INTUIFUNC flags are specified in the ASLFO_Flags tag. The function will be called like so, with the arguments on the stack using the standard C pushing order: ULONG function(ULONG mask, APTR object, struct FontRequester *fr) The Mask value is a copy of the specific ASLFO_Flags value the callback is for, either FOF_FILTERFUNC or FOF_INTUIFUNC; object is a pointer to a data object (a (struct IntuiMessage *) for FOF_INTUIFUNC, and a (struct TextAttr *) for FOF_FILTERFUNC). For FOF_FILTERFUNC, the function should return 1 if the font should be added to the list, 0 if it shouldn't. For FOF_INTUIFUNC, the function should return the original (struct IntuiMessage *) it was passed. ASLFO_MaxFrontPen (UBYTE) - The maximum number of pens that are offered to the user when the ASLFO_DoFrontPen tag is specified. Default is 255. (V40) ASLFO_MaxBackPen (UBYTE) - The maximum number of pens that are offered to the user when the ASLFO_DoBackPen tag is specified. Default is 255. (V40) ASLFO_ModeList (STRPTR *) - Replacement list of modes to display in Mode cycle gadget. The first string pointer is used as the name of the gadgets, and following strings are used as the different labels of the cycle gadget, until a NULL string pointer which denotes the end of the string pointer array. The first string in this array corresponds to JAM1, the second is JAM2, the third to COMPLEMENT. The array can be early terminated by not providing all entries. English default for the array is "Text" "Text+Field" and "Complement". (V36) ASLFO_FrontPens (UBYTE *) - Pointer to a table of pen numbers indicating which colors should be used and edited by the palette gadget when the ASLFO_DoFrontPen tag is specified. This array must contain as many entries as there are colors displayed in the palette gadget. The Default is NULL, which causes a 1-to-1 mapping of pen numbers. (V40) ASLFO_BackPens (UBYTE *) - Pointer to a table of pen numbers indicating which colors should be used and edited by the palette gadget when the ASLFO_DoBackPen tag is specified. This array must contain as many entries as there are colors displayed in the palette gadget. The Default is NULL, which causes a 1-to-1 mapping of pen numbers. (V40) ASLFO_PopToFront (BOOL) -- If set to TRUE, this tells ASL to bring the screen to the front the requester has opened on. The position of the screen will be adjusted, too, to bring the area into view the window has opened in. The screen brought to the front will be pushed into the background again when the requester window closes. Default is TRUE. (V44) ASLFO_Activate (BOOL) -- If set to TRUE, the requester window will open in active state. Default is TRUE. (V45) Tags used for the screen mode requester (V38): ASLSM_Window (struct Window *) - Parent window of requester. If no ASLSM_Screen tag is specified, the window structure is used to determine on which screen to open the requesting window. (V38) ASLSM_PubScreenName (STRPTR) - Name of a public screen to open on. This overrides the screen used by ASLSM_Window. (V38) ASLSM_Screen (struct Screen *) - Screen on which to open the requester. This overrides the screen used by ASLSM_Window or by ASLSM_PubScreenName. (V38) ASLSM_PrivateIDCMP (BOOL) - When set to TRUE, this tells ASL to allocate a new IDCMP port for the requesting window. If not specified or set to FALSE, and if ASLSM_Window is provided, the requesting window will share ASLSM_Window's IDCMP port. (V38) ASLSM_IntuiMsgFunc (struct Hook *) - A function to call whenever an unknown Intuition message arrives at the message port being used by the requesting window. The function receives the following parameters: A0 - (struct Hook *) A1 - (struct IntuiMessage *) A2 - (struct ScreenModeRequester *) (V38) ASLSM_SleepWindow (BOOL) - When set to TRUE, this tag will cause the window specified by ASLSM_Window to be "put to sleep". That is, a busy pointer will be displayed in the parent window, and no gadget or menu activity will be allowed. This is done by opening an invisible Intuition Requester in the parent window. (V38) ASLSM_UserData (APTR) - A 32-bit value that is simply copied in the sm_UserData field of the requester structure. (V38) ASLSM_TextAttr (struct TextAttr *) - Font to be used for the requesting window's gadgets and menus. If this tag is not provided or its value is NULL, the default font of the screen on which the requesting window opens will be used. This font must already be in memory as ASL calls OpenFont() and not OpenDiskFont(). (V38) ASLSM_Locale (struct Locale *) - Locale to use for the requesting window. This determines the language used for the requester's gadgets and menus. If this tag is not provided or its value is NULL, the system's current default locale will be used. (V38) ASLSM_TitleText (STRPTR) - Title to use for the requesting window. Default is no title. (V38) ASLSM_PositiveText (STRPTR) - Label of the positive gadget in the requester. English default is "OK". Prior to V38, this string could not be longer than 6 characters. (V36) ASLSM_NegativeText (STRPTR) - Label of the negative gadget in the requester. English default is "Cancel". Prior to V38, this string could not be longer than 6 characters. (V36) ASLSM_InitialLeftEdge (WORD) - Suggested left edge of requesting window. (V38) ASLSM_InitialTopEdge (WORD) - Suggested top edge of requesting window. (V38) ASLSM_InitialWidth (WORD) - Suggested width of requesting window. (V38) ASLSM_InitialHeight (WORD) - Suggested height of requesting window. (V38) ASLSM_InitialDisplayID (ULONG) - Initial setting of the Mode list view gadget (sm_DisplayID). Default is 0 (LORES_KEY). (V38) ASLSM_InitialDisplayWidth (ULONG) - Initial setting of the Width gadget (sm_DisplayWidth). Default is 640. (V38) ASLSM_InitialDisplayHeight (ULONG) - Initial setting of the Height gadget (sm_DisplayHeight). Default is 200. (V38) ASLSM_InitialDisplayDepth (UWORD) - Initial setting of the Colors gadget (sm_DisplayDepth). Default is 2. (V38) ASLSM_InitialOverscanType (UWORD) - Initial setting of the Overscan Type cycle gadget (sm_OverscanType). These values are the OSCAN_#? values from <intuition/screens.h>. User-space naming of overscan types is different than programmer-space: Under V38: 0 --> "Regular Size" OSCAN_TEXT --> "Text Size" OSCAN_STANDARD --> "Graphics Size" OSCAN_MAXIMUM --> "Maximum Size" Under V39 and above: OSCAN_TEXT --> "Text Size" OSCAN_STANDARD --> "Graphics Size" OSCAN_MAXIMUM --> "Extreme Size" OSCAN_VIDEO --> "Maximum Size" OSCAN_VIDEO is not supported prior to V39. The value 0 corresponds to "Regular Size" under V38. Since this value isn't supported by Intuition's SA_Overscan tag, it was removed from ASL in V39. Asking for 0 under V39 will yield OSCAN_TEXT. Default is OSCAN_TEXT. (V38) ASLSM_InitialAutoScroll (BOOL) - Initial setting of the AutoScroll cycle gadget (sm_AutoScroll). Default is TRUE. (V38) ASLSM_InitialInfoOpened (BOOL) - Whether to open the property information window automatically. Default is FALSE. (V38) ASLSM_InitialInfoLeftEdge (WORD) - Initial left edge of information window. (V38) ASLSM_InitialInfoTopEdge (WORD) - Initial top edge of information window. (V38) ASLSM_DoWidth (BOOL) - Set this tag to TRUE to cause the requester to display the Width numeric gadget. Default is FALSE. (V38) ASLSM_DoHeight (BOOL) - Set this tag to TRUE to cause the requester to display the Height numeric gadget. Default is FALSE. (V38) ASLSM_DoDepth (BOOL) - Set this tag to TRUE to cause the requester to display the Colors slider gadget. Default is FALSE. (V38) ASLSM_DoOverscanType (BOOL) - Set this tag to TRUE to cause the requester to display the Overscan Type cycle gadget. Default is FALSE. (V38) ASLSM_DoAutoScroll (BOOL) - Set this tag to TRUE to cause the requester to display the AutoScroll checkbox gadget. Default is FALSE. (V38) ASLSM_PropertyFlags (ULONG) - A mode must have these property flags to appear in the list of modes. Only the bits set in ASLSM_PropertyMask are considered. See the description of ASLSM_PropertyMask for more info. Default is DIPF_IS_WB. (V38) ASLSM_PropertyMask (ULONG) - A mask to apply to ASLSM_PropertyFlags to determine which bits to consider. The use of these two values is identical in concept to how Exec uses the two flag paraneters in exec.library/SetSignal(). Default is DIPF_IS_WB. This is how this tag and the ASLSM_PropertyFlags tag interact: if ((displayInfo.PropertyFlags & propertyMask) == (propertyFlags & propertyMask)) { /* Mode accepted */ } else { /* Mode rejected */ } where "displayInfo" is a filled in DisplayInfo structure for a given mode. (V38) ASLSM_MinWidth (ULONG) - The minimum display width to let the user choose. Default is 16. (V38) ASLSM_MaxWidth (ULONG) - The maximum display width to let the user choose. Default is 16368. (V38) ASLSM_MinHeight (ULONG) - The minimum display height to let the user choose. Default is 16. (V38) ASLSM_MaxHeight (ULONG) - The maximum display height to let the user choose. Default is 16384. (V38) ASLSM_MinDepth (UWORD) - The minimum display depth to let the user choose. Default is 1. (V38) ASLSM_MaxDepth (UWORD) - The maximum display depth to let the user choose. Default is 24. (V38) ASLSM_FilterFunc (struct Hook *) - A function to call for each mode encountered. If the function returns TRUE, the mode is included in the file list, otherwise it is rejected and not displayed. The function receives the following parameters: A0 - (struct Hook *) A1 - (ULONG) mode id A2 - (struct ScreenModeRequester *) (V38) ASLSM_CustomSMList (struct List *) - Custom list of modes to let the user choose from. This is a list of DisplayNode nodes, see <libraries/asl.h> for the definition. (V38) ASLSM_PopToFront (BOOL) -- If set to TRUE, this tells ASL to bring the screen to the front the requester has opened on. The position of the screen will be adjusted, too, to bring the area into view the window has opened in. The screen brought to the front will be pushed into the background again when the requester window closes. Default is TRUE. (V44) ASLSM_Activate (BOOL) -- If set to TRUE, the requester window will open in active state. Default is TRUE. (V45)
result - FALSE if the user cancelled the requester or if something prevented the requester from opening. If TRUE, values in the requester structure will be set depending on the particular type of requester. Under V38, If the return value is FALSE, you can look at the result from the dos.library/IoErr() function to determine whether the requester was cancelled or simply failed to open. If dos.library/IoErr() returns 0, then the requester was cancelled, any other value indicates a failure to open. Current possible failure codes are ERROR_NO_FREE_STORE which indicates there was not enough memory, and ERROR_NO_MORE_ENTRIES which indicates no modes were available for display in the screen mode requester (usually because the application filter hook filtered them all away)
All ASL requester data structures are READ-ONLY and can only be modified by using tags! You must not specify requester options by using both pre-V38 tags like ASLFR_Flags1 and V38 tags like ASLFR_DoSaveMode as this can lead to unexpected results. Take care when attaching an ASL requester to a simple refresh window or a window that already shares its IDCMP with other windows. In such cases you must ask for the ASL requester to allocate a private IDCMP (with the ASLFR_PrivateIDCMP, ASLFO_PrivateIDCMP and ASLSM_PrivateIDCMP tags) or your window will lose IDCMP_REFRESHWINDOW events and other messages.
Under V38 and V39, the filtering functions for the file requester were only asked to filter drawer selections if the ASLFR_FilterDrawers tag was set to TRUE. The compatible behavior, reestablished in V40, is to always pass drawers for filtering.
As of V38-V40 the ASL requester uses gadtools.library routines to create and maintain its user interface. Every IntuiMessage the library passes through the functions specified with ASLSM_IntuiMsgFunc and ASLSM_HookFunc will have been filtered through the gadtools.library/GT_GetIMsg() routine.
AllocAslRequest(), FreeAslRequest()