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       window_cl -- create Intuition Window objects




       layout.gadget, drawlist.image


       This class creates standard Intuition Windows, and intelligently
handles some ReAction house keeping for KeyBoard Control, Defer
Layout processing, etc. Window class properly handles processing
messages using shared window message ports as well as safely
closing intuition windows. Window class will also intialize
your window's parent layout group properly.
All windowclass methods and the callback hooks you provide it are
ran in the context of the task you call windowclass from. Thus if
your application is a process, DOS is safe to use. However,
remember the Intuition rules about DOS and IDCMP VERIFY messages.
Window.class requires layout.gadget.
Usually, when all the graphics in your window are handled by
ReAction, you should not explicitly set the window refresh method
to either smart or simple refresh. This is a user preference
setting, and windowclass will automatically choose it. However,
if your program for some reason requires one or the other refresh
method and can not use the other, set the refresh type in your
window object creation taglist.
Window.class will install the default backfill pattern on any
window for which you do not pass a pointer to a custom backfill
hook. The pattern bitmaps are cached by window.class, minimizing
memory usage.
If your windows have elements that look bad or do not work with
a backfill pattern, install the default NULL backfill to the
layout group(s) containing them.
The backfill installed by window.class is NOT a standard, global
window layer backfill hook. It is in fact passed to each of the
layout groups of the window, which will install it during
refreshes. This approach was chosen because datatypes fail to
render correctly if their background has been backfilled. This
method has the side effect that a gadget that is not aware of
ReAction's method to install a backfill will only have a
backfill during window refresh (GM_RENDER coming through from
the parent layout), not during GM_HANDLEINPUT. To make the
class use the backfill during input handling, it should have
GA_BackFill as a settable attribute, and install that
backfill hook before erasing its imagery.


       OM_NEW -- Passed to superclass first, defaults set, then OM_SET.
OM_SET -- Passed to superclass first, then custom tags set.
OM_GET -- Returns requested setting or passed to superclass
OM_DISPOSE -- Child object disposed then passed to superclass.
WM_OPEN -- Locks default pub screen if needed, domains child layout
group min/max size, opens window, attaches layout to window.
WM_CLOSE -- Closes the intuition window, but does not dispose
the layout group.
WM_ICONIFY -- Create AppIcon, and invokes WM_CLOSE.
WM_HANDLEINPUT -- Handles IDCMP input processing, defer layout
refresh requests, and returns the item ID and Code of
and selected gadget or menu attached to the window.
Transparently handles keyboard control.
WM_NEWPREFS -- Handles update and visual refresh of new
preference settings.
WM_RETHINK -- Re-evaluate layout requirements and adjust
window size if needed in support of dynamicly changing
layout groups.. eg, adding, replacing and removing objects.


       The following standard Intuition Window Tags are supported;
You may set these while the window is NOT open, at NewObject()
time or SetAttrs() - between WM_CLOSE and WM_OPEN for example.
You may set any of these at any time, NewObject() or SetAttrs();
WA_Title (NOTE: Calls SetWindowTitles() if the window is open)
WA_IDCMP (NOTE: Calls ModifyIDCMP() if needed)
WA_BusyPointer (NOTE: Creates/Removes a NULL requester)
You may GetAttr() these at any time;
Note well, WA_InnerHeight, and WA_InnerWidth will be 0
unless previously set until the window has been opened
atleast once. These values are not computed until the
first window open.
These are the Window Class specific attributes.
You may set these while the window is NOT open, at NewObject()
time or SetAttrs() - between WM_CLOSE and WM_OPEN for example.
Set the intial opening position of the window.
See Also, WINDOW_RefWindow.
WPOS_CENTERSCREEN - Center in visible screen clip.
WPOS_CENTERMOUSE - Center under mouse.
WPOS_TOPLEFT - Open Top/Left, just below screen bar.
WPOS_CENTERWINDOW - Center in some other window.
WPOS_FULLSCREEN - Open Top/Left, and fill the screen clip.
If WINDOW_RefWindow is set, WPOS_CENTERSCREEN will center
in the refwindow, not the screen. As of 42.42, WPOS_FULLSCREEN
remains broken, window will open a minimum size.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET)
If TRUE, lock the width of the window, ie, disallow
resizing in this orientation.
Defaults to FALSE.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET)
If TRUE, lock the height of the window, ie, disallow
resizing in this orientation.
Defaults to FALSE.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET)
WINDOW_SharedPort (struct MsgPort *)
Pointer to a custom UserPort this window should share.
Defaults to NULL.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET)
WINDOW_AppPort (struct MsgPort *)
Pointer to a MsgPort this window should use for AppMessages.
By passing this tag the window turns into an AppWindow and
you can use the WM_ICONIFY method. WindowClass must use the
ID field of the AppMessages to identify the window to which
the message was intended. You can use the UserData field
Defaults to NULL.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET)
By providing an AppPort and setting this to TRUE, the window
will be made a Workbench AppWindow. If you don't set this
attribute, the AppPort will only be used to support
Defaults to FALSE.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET)
WINDOW_IconifyGadget (BOOL)
Set to TRUE to add an iconification gadget to the window
titlebar. Please note that currently windowclass detects
the iconify gadget being pressed by using the gadget ID
0xfffe. Do not use this ID in your application.
Defaults to FALSE.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET)
Name for the custom backfill to use instead of global CAPrefs
backfill. If you use this tag, make it a user preference.
Defaults to NULL.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET)
It is legal and safe to set any of these at any time, OM_NEW or
OM_SET regardless of of the window being open or not, if
not applicable, the setting will be ignored.
WA_BusyPointer (BOOL)
Set the window to a busy state. It will set busy pointer
on the window. Setting the busy state will also clear the
DeferLayout state, clearing the busy state restores the
DeferLayout state to its last value.
This is done since, its a logical assumption if the application
is busy enough that a pointer change is waranted, then its
probably busy to respond to defer requests in a timely fashion.
Note, the window put to sleep creating a NULL requester.
In prior versions of window class before V42.40, the layout
group was set to readonly, and menu strip removed.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET)
WINDOW_Layout (Object *)
Pointer to the parent level layout group object which
will be added to the window.
Note the tag has 2 aliased definitions which are now
obsolete but still supported in the include files.
Defaults to NULL.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET)
Cause the window to to be zipped via ZipWindow().
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET)
Changes window depth arrangement via WindowToFront() or
WindowToBack(). Accepted settings;
WT_FRONT - bring window to front.
WT_BACK - put window to back
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET)
Pointer to your user data. Take note, this is *NOT* the
same pointer as the Intuition Window's UserData.
Defaults to NULL.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET)
WINDOW_GadgetUserData (UWORD)
Determines how a gadget's UserData should be interpreted.
If the userdata is non-null, and this setting is not
WGUD_IGNORE, then the (hook) function will be called
when the gadget is selected.
A function gets the hook's "object" argument in a0 and the
"message" argument in a1.
Possible values are;
WGUD_HOOK - UserData is hook pointer (struct Hook *).
WGUD_FUNC - UserData is a pointer to function.
WGUD_IGNORE - Ignore UserData.
Defaults to WGUD_IGNORE.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET)
Like the WINDOW_GadgetUserData tag, but for menus. Using
this implies that WINDOW_MenuStrip has been created with
GadTools or otherwise has a 32 bit UserData field after
each menuitem.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET)
WINDOW_MenuStrip (struct Menu *)
Pointer to a menu to add to window with SetMenuStrip().
Closing the window via CA_CloseWindow, will remove
the menustrip before closing the window. Disposing the
window does NOT free the menu strip.
Defaults to NULL.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET)
WINDOW_Window (struct Window *)
Pointer to the Intuition Window, or NULL when the
window is closed. Take care NOT to do a CloseWindow()
or you will invalidate window.class's internal pointer
and window states.
Applicability is (OM_GET)
Window signal bit mask.
Applicability is (OM_GET)
The title of the icon when the window is iconified.
Defaults to window title.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE)
WINDOW_Icon (struct DiskObject *)
The icon to use when iconifying.
Defaults to ENV:Sys/def_window.info or the default project
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE)
WINDOW_GadgetHelp (BOOL)
Set to TRUE to enabled gadget help processing.
Defaults to FALSE.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_UPDATE)
WINDOW_IDCMPHook (struct Hook *)
Pointer to a Hook that should be called for IDCMP messages.
When the hook is called, the data argument points to the
window object and message argument to the IntuiMessage.
Defaults to NULL.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET)
If WINDOW_IDCMPHook is set, it will be called for IDCMP
messages matching this bit mask.
Defaults to 0L.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET)
WINDOW_AppMsgHook (struct Hook *)
Pointer to a hook that should be called for AppMessages.
When this called, the function data argument will point to
the window object and data argument to the AppMessage.
Defaults to NULL.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET)
WINDOW_RefWindow (struct Window *)
Pointer to an Intuition window whose location will be the
reference used for WINDOW_Position rather than the screen.
Defaults to NULL.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET)
WINDOW_InputEvent (struct InputEvent *)
Pointer to an InputEvent structure which will be valid AFTER
receiving a WHMI_RAWKEY return code from window class.
This is a "fake" event, the structure is filled in based on
the IntuiMessage and other data, and is suitable for calling
MapRawKey(), infact this is how window class handles managing
gadget keyboard control.
Applicability is (OM_GET)
Enable vertical border scroller if true. Even though this tag
already existed in earlier releases of window.class, it didn't
work correctly before v45.12. The border scroller used by
window.class is a propgclass object that understands the
scroller.gadget tags SCROLLER_Top, SCROLLER_Visible,
SCROLLER_Total and SCROLLER_ArrowDelta. To be compatible
with future releases of window.class it is suggested to
only use the scroller tags.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET)
WINDOW_VertObject (Object *)
Get the vertical scroller object pointer. The pointer returned
is NULL when the window has never been opened before!
Applicability is (OM_GET)
Enable horizontal border scroller if true. Even though this tag
already existed in earlier releases of window.class, it didn't
work correctly before v45.12. The border scroller used by
window.class is a propgclass object that understands the
scroller.gadget tags SCROLLER_Top, SCROLLER_Visible,
SCROLLER_Total and SCROLLER_ArrowDelta.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET)
WINDOW_HorizObject (Object *)
Get the horizontal scroller object pointer. The pointer returned
is NULL when the window has never been opened before!
Applicability is (OM_GET)
WINDOW_HintInfo (struct HintInfo *)
Pointer to a gadget HintInfo array. This is similar in concept
to Apple's bubble help or Microsoft's help tips. By providing
this array of helpinfo, and setting WINDOW_GadgetHelp, TRUE,
window class will transparently manage the help hints.
Important: Even though this feature was already implemented
since release v43 of window.class it should NOT be used with
any window.class older than 45.11!
struct HintInfo
WORD hi_GadgetID; /* Gadget ID this hint belongs
* to, -1 indicates end. */
WORD hi_Code; /* Code required for this gadget, or -1
* if it doesn't matter. */
STRPTR hi_Text; /* The text of the hint. */
ULONG hi_Flags; /* Flags, currently unsupported and
* must be set to 0L. */
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET)


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