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penmap_ic --datasheet-- PENMAP_GetClass Include GuruMeditation
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penmap_ic -- create penmap BOOPSI objects
This class will yield color remapped images on any public screen. It also supports bitmap scaling. If used with V39 or or greater of AmigaOS it can take advantage of pen sharing.
OM_NEW -- Create the penmap image. Passed to superclass, then OM_SET. OM_GET -- Get object attributes. Passed to superclass first. OM_SET -- Set object attributes. Passed to superclass first. OM_UPDATE -- Set object notification attributes. Passed to superclass first. IM_DRAW -- Renders the image. Supports IDS_NORMAL and IDS_SELECTED drawing states, and does not require a DrawInfo structure. The graphics.library function BitMapScale () to scale the image if required. IM_DRAWFRAME -- Renders the image scaled to the frame size specified. Supports IDS_NORMAL and IDS_SELECTED drawing states, and does not require a DrawInfo structure. The graphics.library function BitMapScale () to scale the image. IM_HITFRAME -- Asks the object if a point would be inside it if the object was confined (scaled) to the given rectangular bounds. Returns TRUE if the given point would be inside the object, otherwise FALSE. IM_ERASEFRAME -- Erase the object using the rectangular frame size. All other methods are passed to the superclass, including OM_DISPOSE.
IA_Left (WORD) IA_Top (WORD) Set starting position/offset of image. Defaults to 0. (Applicability is OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET) IA_Width (WORD) IA_Height (WORD) Set size of the image, scaling via BitMapScale() if different from the chunky image data size. Defaults to width and height of IA_Data. (Applicability is OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET) IA_BGPen Specify background pen of a normal image. Defaults to BACKGROUNDPEN of the screen passed in PENMAP_Screen. (Applicability is OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET) IA_Pens Sets the pens which the values in the data array represents. (Applicability is OM_NEW, OM_GET) IA_Data Chunky format image data for normal render. The data format is a UBYTE array of chunky pen numbers. Note this data must be WORD aligned, as the first 4 bytes are accessed as two WORDs which specify the width and height of the following chunky image data. Defaults to NULL. (Applicability is OM_NEW, OM_SET) PENMAP_SelectedData Chunky format image data for selected image render. (Applicability is OM_NEW, OM_SET) PENMAP_Palette An array of ULONG describing the palette for the picture. If you are obtaining pens yourself, you should only pass the IA_Pens attribute at object creation time. The format of the array is: ULONG palette[] = { number_triplets, red1, green1, blue1, red2, green2, blue2, ... }; (Applicability is OM_NEW, OM_GET) PENMAP_Screen (struct Screen *) Pointer to the screen to use image on. This attribute MUST be provided when creating an object of this class. Defaults to NULL. (Applicability is OM_NEW, OM_GET) PENMAP_Transparent (BOOL) Remaps chunky pen 0 to the BACKGROUNDPEN. Defaults to FALSE. (Applicability is OM_NEW, OM_SET) PENMAP_Precision Set the precision for ObtainBestPen() when penmap is used under AmigaOS 3.0 or later. See the ObtainBestPen autodoc for more details. Defaults to PRECISION_IMAGE. Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET) PENMAP_ColorMap (struct ColorMap *) Pointer to a colormap to use in obtaining best matching pens. This tag or, PENMAP_Screen must be provided when creating an object of this class. If PENMAP_Screen is passed, penmap will use Screen->ViewPort.ColorMap. Defaults to NULL. (Applicability is OM_NEW, OM_GET) PENMAP_MaskBlit (BOOL) Causes penmap to render on screen using a mask plane. This mask plane is created dynamically by the class. The mask is created by OR'ing the source bitplanes in to a single mask plane using some nifty blitting techniques. This tag should be used if penmap objects are used in a layout group that may contain a user or program specified backfill. This will allow the backfill pattern to flow around the image, making it transparent. Defaults to FALSE. (Applicability is OM_NEW, OM_SET)