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        listbrowser_gc -- For browsing linked lists in various ways.




        This gadget is very similar to the LISTVIEW_KIND gadget in
gadtools.library, with numerous enhancements. It displays a list in
a scrolling view so that you can browse through it an select items
in various ways.
Advantages that this class provides:
> Allows the user to select multiple items (either by dragging or
shift-key selection).
> Displays items in multiple columns.
> Displays items as a mixture of text and images in different.
> Items can have checkboxes that can be toggled on and off.
> Text items can be edited in place.
> Hierarchical display of items supported.
> Can displays column headers.
> Allows allows horizontal scrolling of the list.
> Supports window relativity.
> Supports OS 3.0 BOOPSI Gadget HelpTest.
> Supports layout.gadget/window.class backfills.


        OM_NEW -- Create the list browser gadget.  Passed to superclass then
calls OM_SET.
OM_SET -- Set object attributes. Passed to superclass first.
OM_DISPOSE -- Frees up the list browser gadget.
OM_UPDATE -- Set object notification attributes. Passed to
superclass first.
GM_RENDER -- Renders the gadget imagery. Overrides the superclass.
GM_GOACTIVE -- Handles activation, and selection of the scrollbars
and arrows. Overrides the superclass.
GM_HANDLEINPUT -- Handles input events once active. Overrides the
GM_GOINACTIVE -- Closes the chooser menu. Overrides the superclass.
LBM_ADDNODE -- Adds a node to the attached list.
LBM_EDITNODE -- Edit an attached nodes attributes.
LBM_REMNODE -- Removes a node from the attached list.
LBM_SORT -- Sort attached list on specified column (V42)
All other methods are passed to the superclass.


        GA_Disabled (BOOL)
Set to TRUE to disable gadget, FALSE otherwise.
Defaults to FALSE.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET)
GA_ReadOnly (BOOL)
Specifies that the list browser be read-only. This means that
no nodes within the list can be selected, the user can just
scroll through and view the list. The frame of the list will be
rendered as recessed as a visual cue that no nodes can be
Defaults to FALSE.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET)
GA_TextAttr (struct TextAttr *)
Font to use for the contents of the list browser.
Defaults to the screen's font.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET)
Sets the node that is to appear at the top of list browser view.
Must be positive. If its beyond the maximum possible value,
the last page in the list will be displayed.
NOTE: Before v45 this tag only worked AFTER rendering the gadget.
A workaround has been added in v45.
Defauts to 0.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET, OM_NOTIFY)
Ensures that the specified is within the view and will scroll
only when necessary (unlike LISTBROWSER_Top which will always
NOTE: Before v45 this tag only worked AFTER rendering the gadget.
A workaround has been added in v45.
Defaults to 0.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET)
LISTBROWSER_Labels (struct List *)
An Exec list. Nodes in this list must be allocated with
A value of ~0 or NULL indicates that the list is "detached".
This must be done before you can modify a list already attached
to a list browser. After detaching, you should carry out your
updates to the list as quickly as possibly and then re-attach.
When a list browser is initially added to a window it MUST have
a list attached to it, ~0 is not valid in this case.
If you are using the LISTBROWSER_AutoFit attribute, the column
sizes will NOT be re-calculated when you change lists, you must
pass LISTBROWSER_AutoFit, TRUE again to adjust the column sizes
to fit your new list.
Note that when changing lists, you may want to reset certain
other attributes, such as LISTBROWSER_Selected, as this value
will be retained even when changing lists.
NOTE: Lists can NOT be shared amongst other list browsers
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET)
If you would like additional spacing between nodes in your
ListBrowser, use this tag to define how many extra pixels you
Defaults to 0.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET)
Sets the node in a single-select list that will be selected.
Any previously selected node(s) will be deselected. Note
that a node can become selected without being visible. A
value of -1 ( (ULONG)~0 ) is used to say that no item is
selected. The results of this tag are undefined in a multi-
select list browser.
This value is returned in the IntuitMessage.Code field.
Defaults to -1.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET, OM_NOTIFY)
LISTBROWSER_SelectedNode (struct Node *)
This is the same as LISTBROWSER_Selected, except that you refer
to a node by its actual node structure.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET)
Puts the list browser into multi-select mode. In multi-select
mode the user can select several items from the list by either
dragging the mouse over items, or holding down the shift key and
click items to add them to the ones selected. Nodes can be
deselected by holding down the shift key and clicking on selected
Selected nodes will have the LBNA_Selected attribute set to
TRUE (see GetListBrowserNodeAttrs()).
Defaults to FALSE.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET)
When the list browser is in multi-select mode, this flag changes
the selection behaviour so that shift does NOT have to be held
down to select multiple nodes
Please be aware that this is distinctly NON-STANDARD behaviour
and therefore should be used with extreme discretion. About
the only time this may be appropriate is when you are dealing
with long lists where users are typically having to select a
large number of nodes. Because there is no simple way to clear
all selections when in this, some method should exist in your
user interface for clearing all selections.
This has no meaning if the list browser is not in multi-select
Defaults to FALSE.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET)
Specifies that you want the selected item in a single-select
list browser to be remain visible after it is selected, until
another item is selected. This tag has undefined results in
a multi-select list browser.
Defaults to TRUE.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET)
The number of items selected in a multi-select list browser.
This contains a meaningless value if your listbrowser is not
Applicability is (OM_GET)
Describes the event that caused the gadget release of the list
browser. Currently defined events are:
LBRE_NORMAL - Normal selection of an item.
LBRE_HIDECHILDREN - The user tried to hide children in a
hierarchical listbrowser.
LBRE_SHOWCHILDREN - The user tried to show children in a
hierarchical listbrowser.
LBRE_EDIT - The contents of a node were edited.
LBRE_DOUBLECLICK - The node was double-clicked on.
Additional return values added with V42;
LBRE_CHECKED - A checkbox node was checked.
LBRE_UNCHECKED_ - A checkbox node was unchecked.
LBRE_TITLECLICK - A column's title was clicked.
LBRE_COLUMNADJUST - A column's separator was clicked/dragged.
Applicability is (OM_GET)
Specifies that bevelled lines be drawn as separators between
each column. Has no effect if the list only has one column.
Defaults to TRUE.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET)
LISTBROWSER_HorizSeparators (BOOL) (V41)
Renders horizontal lines below each node. This is useful if your
listbrowser is very wide, and you want to make it easier for
users to follow the rows of data.
Defaults to FALSE.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_GET, OM_SET)
Create a view without a border. Useful if you wish the list
browser to take up the entire window, and have an attached
scroller in the window border.
Defaults to FALSE.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET)
LISTBROWSER_ColumnInfo (struct ColumnInfo *)
Provides the column layout info for the list browser. This is
an array of struct ColumnInfo. The array must have one entry
per column, plus one terminating entry where the ci_Width field
is -1. Each field in an array entry is filled in as follows:
ci_Width (WORD)
This specifies the percentage of the view width you want the
column to be. If a virtual width is given, this will be a
percentage of that, otherwise it will be a percentage of the
actual gadget width. Since you are specifying a percentage,
the actual size of the column will automatically adjust as the
virtual or actual width of the gadget changes.
ci_Title (STRPTR)
If you have specified LISTBROWSER_ColumnTitles, TRUE then
you MUST fill in the titles you wish to appear for each column
ci_Flags (ULONG)
Flags for the column, suported by V42 and later only.
CIF_WEIGHTED -- weighted width column (default)
CIF_FIXED -- fixed pixel width specided in ci_Width.
CIF_DRAGGABLE -- separator is user draggable.
CIF_NOSEPARATORS -- no separator on this column.
CIF_SORTABLE -- column is sortable.
Passing NULL for the ColumnInfo means that you want a single
column taking up the entire width of the gadget with no title.
NOTES: ColumnInfo can NOT be shared amongst other list browsers
simultaneously. While the ColumInfo is in use by list browser,
you may not modify it. If you wish to make any modifications
to it, then first detach the list, make your modifications then
re-attach the list AND give use LISTBROWSER_ColumnInfo tag
again. List browser may modify the contents of this structure.
Defaults to NULL.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET)
Show titles above each column.
Defaults to FALSE.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET)
Informs the ListBrowser that you want your column widths
calculated automatically for you to best fit the items in the
list attached to it. This will make your gadget a virtual
width gadget, with the virtual width being the width needed to
fit all columns.
For this to work, you must still pass LISTBROWSER_ColumnInfo with
a ColumInfo structure that has entries for each column, as normal.
The only change being that the initial values of the ci_Width
field will be ignored, and instead will be filled in by
If you are using the LISTBROWSER_AutoFit attribute, the column
sizes will NOT be re-calculated when you change lists with
LISTBROWSER_Label, you must pass LISTBROWSER_AutoFit, TRUE again
to adjust the column sizes to fit your new list.
Note for V42, with autofit enabled, wordwrap columns presently
will NOT rewrap. This is an internal chicken and the egg issue.
Defaults to FALSE.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET)
Allows rendering beyond the right edge of the view area in the
Defaults to 0.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET)
The left offset of the view. This is only useful in combination
with either LISTBROWER_VirtualWidth or LISTBROWSER_AutoFit to
reveal horizontal parts of the view that might be hidden. The
offset is specified in terms of pixels.
Defaults to 0.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET)
Creates a vertical scrollbar with arrows for scrolling up and
down through the list.
Defaults to TRUE.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET)
Creates a horizontal scrollbar with arrows for scrolling
sideways across the view. Not useful unless you've used
LISTBROWSER_VirtualWidth or LISTBROWSER_AutoFit since there
would be nothing horizontally hidden.
Defaults to FALSE.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET, OM_GET)
These tags are for getting the status of the two prop gadgets
for the listbrowser. These are read-only and are intended for
linking external prop gadgets to a listbrowser.
Applicability is:
Alters the view position within the listbrowser gadget. See
the include file for possible positions. This tag exists mainly
to make complex keyboard controls simple.
Applicability is (OM_SET)
Returns the co-ordinates of the mouse within the gadgets box
when the mouse button was last released in the gadget.
Applicability is (OM_GET)
When this option is set, ListBrowser will use ScrollRaster() for
extra fast scrolling. This option is safe to use if the gadget
will be in a Smart Refresh or Super Bitmap window.
If the gadget will be in a Simple Refresh window, you should be
aware of an Intuition bug that will cause layer damage to not
be updated properly. This problem only exists under V37 of
Intuition, as ListBrowser sets the GMORE_SCROLLRASTER flag which
causes proper updates in V39 and above. HOWEVER, if you are
using ScrollRaster() in a window that contains a ListBrowser,
you MUST check the version of Intuition and use
ScrollWindowRaster() instead if the version is 39 or higher!
Defaults to TRUE.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_GET, OM_SET)
Puts the ListBrowser into hierarchical mode, where nodes can be
browsed in a hierarchically by "generation", and generations can
be hidden.
See the LBNA_Generation node tag.
Defaults to FALSE.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_GET, OM_SET)
LISTBROWSER_ShowImage (struct Image *)
LISTBROWSER_HideImage (struct Image *)
LISTBROWSER_LeafImage (struct Image *)
You can replace the images for showing a generation, hiding a
generation and the leaf (no children) image with your own. If
you do not provide any of them, default images will be rendered
for you.
Defaults to NULL.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_GET, OM_SET)
If you want to enable in place editing of selected node columns,
you must set this flag to TRUE. Note that
LISTBROWSER_ShowSelected must also be TRUE for node editing to
work properly.
Defaults to FALSE.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_GET, OM_SET)
The number of a node that you want to start editing. You must
also specify the column you want to edit with
LISTBROWSER_EditColumn, and then activate the gadget using
ActivateGadget() (or ActivateLayoutGadget() if the listbrowser
is being used with layout.gadget).
This tag will also make the given node the selected node.
Defaults to -1.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET)
The number of a column that you want to start editing. You must
also specify the node number you want to edit with
LISTBROWSER_EditNode, and then activate the gadget using
ActivateGadget() (or ActivateLayoutGadget() if the listbrowser
is being used with layout.gadget).
Defaults to -1.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET)
LISTBROWSER_EditTags (struct TagList *)
Tags that you want to be passed to the string gadget used when
editing gadget text. Though you could theoretically pass any
tags to the gadget, you should generally not pass tags that
affect the position of the gadget.
Defaults to NULL.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_GET, OM_SET)
The column the mouse was over when the button is released. This
is most useful in a listbrowser with editable nodes in different
columns. By checking both this and LISTBROWSER_RelEvent on
gadget release, you can tell if a node was edited and what column
of that node was edited.
This will not contain valid data if the mouse button was
released over a read-only node or if your listbrowser is in read-
only mode.
Applicability is (OM_GET)
LISTBROWSER_CheckImage (struct Image *) (V41)
Provide a custom image for a checkbox node while that node is
in the checked state. A NULL image means that listbrowser
render some default imagery.
Defaults to NULL.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_GET, OM_SET)
LISTBROWSER_UncheckedImage (struct Image *) (V41)
Provide a custom image for a checkbox node while that node is
in the unchecked state. A NULL image means that listbrowser
render some default imagery.
Defaults to NULL.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_GET, OM_SET)
Return the total number of nodes currently attached to the
Applicability is (OM_GET)
Minimum Node size for MemPool optimization, useful when
coupled with LBNA_NodeSize and using the internal pool.
Applicability is (OM_NEW,OM_SET)
LISTBROWSER_TitleClickable (BOOL) (V42)
Enables column-title bar clicking when TRUE.
Defaults to FALSE.
Applicability is (OM_NEW,OM_SET)
Minimum visible node count. This is a causes the
minimum domain to be large enough to hold the specified number
of nodes using the the estimated average node height.
Note *ESTIMATED* this is not garanteed results. The result may
be slightly less or greater than specified, and potentially
alot greater if other objects within the layout group cause the
listbrowser to layout larger than its minimum domain.
Applicability is (OM_NEW,OM_SET)
LISTBROWSER_PersistSelect (BOOL) (V42)
When set TRUE, SHIFT key is NOT required for multi-select.
Defaults to FALSE.
Applicability is (OM_NEW,OM_SET)
LISTBROWSER_CursorSelect (LOng) (V42)
Keyboard cursor selected node number.
Defaults to 0.
Applicability is (OM_SET, OM_GET)
LISTBROWSER_CursorNode (struct Node *) (V42)
Keyboard cursor selected node pointer.
Defaults to NULL.
Applicability is (OM_GET)
Enables use of mask planes on non-CyberGraphx screens.
Also turns off custom pen support.
The potential performance improvement with deep ECS or
AGA displays can be *HUGE* for complex multi-column lists.
Defaults to FALSE.
Applicability is (OM_NET, OM_SET)
LISTBROWSER_TotalVisibleNodes (LONG) (V42)
Total visible node count (estimated). Note: In a hierarchical browser,
this is the number of nodes not hidden. In a non-hierarchical one this
tag equals LISTBROWSER_TotalNodes.
Defaults to 0.
Applicability is (OM_GET)
Enables word-wrapping of column nodes flagged for word wrap.
Wrapping is delimited by a space, '\n' newline, or '\t' tab.
Defaults to 0.
Applicability is (OM_NEW, OM_SET)


        Versions 41.250 and below do not support LISTBROWSER_PersistSelect.
Versions 41.631 and below do not support LISTBROWSER_FastRender correctly.


graphics.library/ScrollRaster(), intuition.library/ActivateGadget(), intuition.library/ScrollWindowRaster(), layers.library(), layout.gadget/ActivateLayoutGadget()


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