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*------ misc ---------------------------------------------------------
-$1e Supervisor
*------ special patchable hooks to internal exec activity ------------
-$24 execPrivate1
-$2a execPrivate2
-$30 execPrivate3
-$36 execPrivate4
-$3c execPrivate5
-$42 execPrivate6
*------ module creation ----------------------------------------------
-$48 InitCode
-$4e InitStruct
-$54 MakeLibrary
-$5a MakeFunctions
-$60 FindResident
-$66 InitResident
*------ diagnostics --------------------------------------------------
-$6c Alert
-$72 Debug
*------ interrupts ---------------------------------------------------
-$78 Disable
-$7e Enable
-$84 Forbid
-$8a Permit
-$90 SetSR
-$96 SuperState
-$9c UserState
-$a2 SetIntVector
-$a8 AddIntServer
-$ae RemIntServer
-$b4 Cause
*------ memory allocation --------------------------------------------
-$ba Allocate
-$c0 Deallocate
-$c6 AllocMem
-$cc AllocAbs
-$d2 FreeMem
-$d8 AvailMem
-$de AllocEntry
-$e4 FreeEntry
*------ lists --------------------------------------------------------
-$ea Insert
-$f0 AddHead
-$f6 AddTail
-$fc Remove
-$102 RemHead
-$108 RemTail
-$10e Enqueue
-$114 FindName
*------ tasks --------------------------------------------------------
-$11a AddTask
-$120 RemTask
-$126 FindTask
-$12c SetTaskPri
-$132 SetSignal
-$138 SetExcept
-$13e Wait
-$144 Signal
-$14a AllocSignal
-$150 FreeSignal
-$156 AllocTrap
-$15c FreeTrap
*------ messages -----------------------------------------------------
-$162 AddPort
-$168 RemPort
-$16e PutMsg
-$174 GetMsg
-$17a ReplyMsg
-$180 WaitPort
-$186 FindPort
*------ libraries ----------------------------------------------------
-$18c AddLibrary
-$192 RemLibrary
-$198 OldOpenLibrary
-$19e CloseLibrary
-$1a4 SetFunction
-$1aa SumLibrary
*------ devices ------------------------------------------------------
-$1b0 AddDevice
-$1b6 RemDevice
-$1bc OpenDevice
-$1c2 CloseDevice
-$1c8 DoIO
-$1ce SendIO
-$1d4 CheckIO
-$1da WaitIO
-$1e0 AbortIO
*------ resources ----------------------------------------------------
-$1e6 AddResource
-$1ec RemResource
-$1f2 OpenResource
*------ private diagnostic support -----------------------------------
-$1f8 execPrivate7
-$1fe execPrivate8
-$204 execPrivate9
*------ misc ---------------------------------------------------------
-$20a RawDoFmt
-$210 GetCC
-$216 TypeOfMem
-$21c Procure
-$222 Vacate
-$228 OpenLibrary
*--- functions in V33 or higher (Release 1.2) ---
*------ signal semaphores (note funny registers)----------------------
-$22e InitSemaphore
-$234 ObtainSemaphore
-$23a ReleaseSemaphore
-$240 AttemptSemaphore
-$246 ObtainSemaphoreList
-$24c ReleaseSemaphoreList
-$252 FindSemaphore
-$258 AddSemaphore
-$25e RemSemaphore
*------ kickmem support ----------------------------------------------
-$264 SumKickData
*------ more memory support ------------------------------------------
-$26a AddMemList
-$270 CopyMem
-$276 CopyMemQuick
*------ cache --------------------------------------------------------
*--- functions in V36 or higher (Release 2.0) ---
-$27c CacheClearU
-$282 CacheClearE
-$288 CacheControl
*------ misc ---------------------------------------------------------
-$28e CreateIORequest
-$294 DeleteIORequest
-$29a CreateMsgPort
-$2a0 DeleteMsgPort
-$2a6 ObtainSemaphoreShared
*------ even more memory support -------------------------------------
-$2ac AllocVec
-$2b2 FreeVec
*------ V39 Pool LVOs...
-$2b8 CreatePool
-$2be DeletePool
-$2c4 AllocPooled
-$2ca FreePooled
*------ misc ---------------------------------------------------------
-$2d0 AttemptSemaphoreShared
-$2d6 ColdReboot
-$2dc StackSwap
-$2e2 execPrivate10
-$2e8 execPrivate11
-$2ee execPrivate12
-$2f4 execPrivate13
*------ future expansion ---------------------------------------------
-$2fa CachePreDMA
-$300 CachePostDMA
*------ New, for V39
*--- functions in V39 or higher (Release 3) ---
*------ Low memory handler functions
-$306 AddMemHandler
-$30c RemMemHandler
*------ Function to attempt to obtain a Quick Interrupt Vector...
-$312 ObtainQuickVector
-$318 execPrivate14
-$31e execPrivate15
-$324 execPrivate16
-$32a execPrivate17
-$330 execPrivate18
-$336 execPrivate19
*--- functions in V45 or higher ---
*------ Finally the list functions are complete
-$33c NewMinList
-$342 execPrivate20
-$348 execPrivate21
-$34e execPrivate22
*------ New AVL tree support for V45. Yes, this is intentionally part of Exec!
-$354 AVL_AddNode
-$35a AVL_RemNodeByAddress
-$360 AVL_RemNodeByKey
-$366 AVL_FindNode
-$36c AVL_FindPrevNodeByAddress
-$372 AVL_FindPrevNodeByKey
-$378 AVL_FindNextNodeByAddress
-$37e AVL_FindNextNodeByKey
-$384 AVL_FindFirstNode
-$38a AVL_FindLastNode
*--- (10 function slots reserved here) ---


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