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	OwnCard -- Own credit card registers, and memory


	return = OwnCard( handle )
d0 a1
struct CardHandle *OwnCard( struct CardHandle * );


	This function is used to obtain immediate, or deferred
ownership of a credit-card in the credit-card slot.
Typically an EXEC STYLE DEVICE will be written to interface
between an application, and a credit card in the slot. While
applications, and libraries can attempt to own a credit-card
in the card slot, the rest of this documentation assumes a
device interface will be used.
Because credit-cards can be inserted, or removed by the user at
any time (otherwise known as HOT-INSERTION, and HOT-REMOVAL),
the card.resource provides devices with a protocol which
lets many devices bid for ownership of a newly inserted card.
In general, devices should support HOT-REMOVAL, however there
are legitimate cases where HOT-REMOVAL is not practical. For
these cases this function allows you to own the resource using
the CARDB_RESETREMOVE flag. If the card is removed before your
device calls ReleaseCard(), the machine will RESET.


	handle - pointer to a CardHandle structure.
struct CardHandle {
struct Node cah_CardNode;
struct Interrupt *cah_CardRemoved;
struct Interrupt *cah_CardInserted;
struct Interrupt *cah_CardStatus;
UBYTE cah_CardFlags;
The following fields in the structure must be filled
in by the application before calling OwnCard() -
cah_CardNode.ln_Pri -
See table below. The Node field is used by the resource to
add your handle to a sorted list of CardHandle structures.
This list is used by the resource to notify devices when the
device owns the credit-card.
Your device will only be notified (at most) one time
per card insertion, and perhaps less often if some
higher priority device on the notification list retains
ownership of a card in the slot.
Priority Comments
>= 21 Reserved for future use
10-20 To be used by third party devices (e.g.,
I/O CARD manufacturers) which look for
specific card tuples to identify credit-cards.
01-19 Reserved for future use
00 To be used by general purpose devices which
have loose card specification requirements.
<= -1 Reserved for future use
cah_CardNode.ln_Type -
Must be set to 0 for now. This field may be used in the
future to identify an extended CardHandle structure.
cah_CardNode.ln_Name -
Must be initialized to NULL, or name of device which owns
this structure.
cah_CardRemoved -
Pointer to an initialized interrupt structure. Only the
is_Data, and is_Code fields need to be initialized. This
is the interrupt code which will be called when a credit-card
which your device owns is removed. Once you receive this
interrupt, all credit-card interface control registers are
reset (e.g., programming voltage, access speed, etc.), and
you should stop accessing the card as soon as possible.
Because your code is called on interrupt time, you
should do the least amount possible, and use little
stack space.
This pointer can be NULL if you have asked for reset
on card-removal, and you never turn reset off.
cah_ CardInserted -
Pointer to an initialized interrupt structure. Only the
is_Data, and is_Code fields need to be initialized. This
is the code which will be called when your CardHandle owns
the credit-card in the slot.
Note that your code may be called on the context of
an interrupt, or a task in FORBID, therefore you should
do the least amount possible, and use little stack space.
Note that it is possible to receive a card removed
interrupt immediately before you receive this interrupt if
the card is removed while your CardInserted interrupt
is being called.
Your device owns the credit-card until the card is manually
removed by the user, or you release the card by calling
Your device should examine the card in the slot (e.g., look
for specific tuples), and decide if the card is of a type your
device understands.
If not, release ownership of the card by calling
ReleaseCard() so that other devices will be given a chance to
examine the current card in the credit-card slot.
cah_CardStatus -
Pointer to an initialized interrupt structure. Only the
is_Data, and is_Code fields need to be initialized.
Note that your code will be called on the context of
an interrupt, therefore you should do the least
amount possible, and use little stack space.
Note that it is possible to receive a card removed
interrupt immediately before you receive this interrupt
if the card is removed during this interrupt.
If this pointer is NULL, you will not receive card status
change interrupts.
Your interrupt code will be called with a mask value in
register D0, and a pointer to your data in A1.
The mask value in D0 can be interpreted using the same bit
definitions returned by ReadCardStatus(). Note that more
than one bit may be set, and the mask only tells you what has
changed, not the current state.
Use ReadCardStatus() if you need to determine the current
state of the status bits.
Not all status change interrupts will necessarily be
enabled on all systems. For example, on some systems
BVD2/DA status change interrupts will not be enabled so
that digital audio can occur without generating many
interrupts. Status change interrupts are typically meant
to be used for monitoring BSY/IRQ, WR, and BVD1/SC. Battery
voltage low detection would best be done by a separate
utility which periodically polls BVD1 & BVD2 by using the
ReadCardStatus() function.
Typically the mask value in D0 MUST be returned unchanged
on exit from your code. The return value in D0 is then used
to clear the source(s) of the interrupt.
In the rare case that you need to keep a status change
interrupt active, clear the appropriate bit(s) in D0 before
returning via RTS. Clear no bits other than those defined
as valid bits for ReadCardStatus()!
!!!NEW FOR V39!!!
See definition of CARDB_POSTSTATUS below.
cah_CardFlags -
Optional flags (all other bits must be 0).
- CARDB_RESETREMOVE means you want the machine to
reset if the credit-card in the slot is removed
while you own the credit-card.
- CARDB_IFAVAILABLE means you only want ownership of
the credit-card in the slot if it is immediately
If it is available, your CardHandle structure will be added
to a list so that you can be notified via an interrupt when
the credit-card is removed by the user.
If the credit-card is not immediately available (either
because there is no credit-card in the slot, or because some
other device owns the credit-card), your CardHandle structure
will NOT be added to the notification list.
- CARDB_DELAYOWNERSHIP means you never want a successful
return from OwnCard() even if the credit-card is
available. Rather you will be notified of ownership
via your cah_CardInserted interrupt. If you use this flag,
OwnCard() will always return -1. This flag cannot be used
with the CARDB_IFAVAILABLE flag.
- CARDB_POSTSTATUS is new for V39 card.resource (check
resource base VERSION before using). It is meant to be
used by drivers which want to service the card hardware
AFTER the status change interrupt has been cleared on the
gate array. Previously a PORTS interrupt server had
to be added to do this; this is somewhat more efficient, and
easier to use. Your status change interrupt is first called
with status change bits in register D0. You would examine
these bits, and set a flag(s) for the POST callback. When
you return from the status change interrupt, the interrupt
on the gate array is cleared (based on what you return in
register D0), and your status change interrupt is immediately
called again, but this time with 0 in D0. The value you
return in D0 for the POST callback case is ignored.
ALL other fields are used by the resource, and no fields in the
structure may be modified while the structure is in use by the
resource. If you need to make changes, you must remove your
CardHandle (see ReleaseCard()), make the changes, and then call
OwnCard() again.


	 0  - indicates success, your device owns the credit card.
-1 - indicates that the card cannot be owned (most likely
because there is no card in the credit card slot).
ptr - indicates failure. Returns pointer to the CardHandle
structure which owns the credit card.


	This function should only be called from a task.
CardHandle interrupts are called with a pointer to your data
in A1, and a pointer to your code in A5. With the exception
of status change interrupts, D0-D1, A0-A1, and A5-A6 may be
treated as scratch registers. Status change interrupts are
also called with meaningful data in D0, and expect D0 be
preserved upon RTS from your code. No other registers are
guaranteed to contain initialized data. All other registers
must be preserved.


ReleaseCard(), ReadCardStatus(), "resources/card.i", <resources/card.h>


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